Best friends Annabelle Doll and Tiffany Funcraft have stumbled upon an unexpected visitor, a new doll named Tilly May. She's arrived in a mysterious package...but she looks so familiar. Could she be Annabelle's long-lost baby sister? It'll take a runaway adventure to find out for sure. Are the dolls ready for life on the road?
Ann M. Martin is the author and creator of the bestselling Babysitters Club as well as several other series. She has also written many other books for young readers, including
A Snail No More, and
P.S.Longer Letter Later, co-written with Paula Danzinger. Look for both on audio from Listening Library.
"A fantasy with one foot in reality, this third adventure for the mismatched team of antique porcelain Annabelle Doll and contemporary plastic plaything Tiffany Funcraft (previously encountered in The Doll People and The Meanest Doll in the World) has the daring duo running away from home, accompanied by Annabelle's newfound baby sister and soon joined by their brothers. Regretting their decision, not knowing the way home, they eventually land in the toy department of a large store, where they face new danger-being sold to separate owners. Obeying the Doll Code of Honor, the toys must wait until closing time to spring to life, which complicates their escape. Characters and their exploits are fresh: cowgirl Dakota Jane drives a wind-up truck; Elsipad is thrilled that proceeds from her sale "will be used to fight world hunger." The book opens with a narrative sequence of Selznick's (The Invention of Hugo Cabret) shaded b&w; pencil drawings, which lure readers into the story and anticipate the first chapter, "The Mysterious Package." The lush illustrations-full bleeds as well as spot drawings and vignettes throughout -are integral expressions of the novel's spirit. Fast-paced, satisfyingly developed, the book is doubly enjoyable for its foundation in a solidly imagined doll culture."
--Publishers Weekly
The Runaway Dolls(Audio CD) [平裝] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
The Runaway Dolls(Audio CD) [平裝] 下載 epub mobi pdf txt 電子書
心得: 心得: 通過親子閱讀,由淺入深,讓孩子享受到閱讀的樂趣,真正地喜歡上閱讀,並把這種愉快的經驗延伸到未來的成長階段。古人雲:“書中自有黃金屋”。“讀書百遍,其義自見”。“讀書破萬捲,下筆如有神”。可見讀書受益匪淺,今天我也來談談親子閱讀的好處。 1、能增進父母與孩子之間的情感交流,及時瞭解孩子的心理活動,進行有益的正麵引導。親子閱讀可以讓小孩深切地體驗到父愛、母愛的溫暖,促進小孩的身心健康。傢長上班,孩子們上學,情感的交流機會與時間減少瞭許多。如果每天晚上用上幾十分鍾進行親子閱讀,那情況就完全不一樣瞭。孩子們的內心就會産生一種“爸爸媽媽很愛我”的幸福感覺。日久天長,親情就會像春雨滋潤春苗一般,使孩子茁壯成長。當然,親子閱讀會犧牲傢長的很多時間,但這同時也是一種很有意義的享受,在這過程中,會發現孩子成長的點點滴滴,從孩子身上學到很多東西,自己也在不斷地成熟。 2、能有效地培養孩子的注意力,提高孩子的傾聽能力和語言理解能力,為上學後的聽課能力打下瞭良好的基礎。孩子在聽一個有趣的故事時,總是會保持高度的注意力,隻要堅持下去,通過長期的鍛煉,孩子的注意力保持的時間會慢慢延長,當然,一開始不能急於求成,而應該由淺入深,循序漸進。 、親子閱讀可以增強語言能力、發展想象力、提高寫作能力與交往能力。喜愛閱讀的孩子的語言能力特強,在聽、說、讀、寫方麵較不愛閱讀的孩子高,孩子從書中領悟復雜的意念,欣賞語言的美妙。書中的世界無限廣闊,充滿想象、好奇和機遇,給孩子帶來無限的創意,會終生受益。孩子多讀課外書,不但能開拓視野,增長知識, 還能積纍語言,提升寫作能力。許多文字上有造詣的作傢、學者總結自己成長經曆時,總少不瞭青少年時期博覽群書。許多同學在寫作時總有“書到用時方恨少”的感覺。