Who Was Martin Luther King, Jr.? 人權運動領袖馬丁?路德?金(人物傳奇係列) [平裝] [7歲及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Who Was Martin Luther King, Jr.? 人權運動領袖馬丁?路德?金(人物傳奇係列) [平裝] [7歲及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
"Martin Luther King, Jr. profoundly influenced the history of the United States. From the time he was a young boy, Martin knew that he wanted to help black people gain the same rights that white people enjoyed. He believed that to achieve his goals, he needed to be well educated; thus, he went to college and eventually earned his doctorate. He became a minister and began taking part in protests. Soon, his work for equal rights for blacks became a full-time job. He traveled all over the country organizing protests, marches, and sit-ins. He was thrown in jail many times for his work, but he never lost hope as he continued to fight for equal rights in a peaceful manner. One of the unique features of this book is the supplemental information it provides about people and events discussed throughout the book. Because Bonnie Bader wrote the book's chapters to coincide with particular events in King's life, readers can easily read a single chapter individually. Upper elementary children will enjoy the challenge of this chapter book but will not be overwhelmed because it includes pictures every few pages to help children comprehend what the story discusses. "
-- Frances Mann
Who Was Martin Luther King, Jr.? 人權運動領袖馬丁?路德?金(人物傳奇係列) [平裝] [7歲及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Who Was Martin Luther King, Jr.? 人權運動領袖馬丁?路德?金(人物傳奇係列) [平裝] [7歲及以上] 下載 epub mobi pdf txt 電子書Who Was Martin Luther King, Jr.? 人權運動領袖馬丁?路德?金(人物傳奇係列) [平裝] [7歲及以上] mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 下載 2025
Who Was Martin Luther King, Jr.? 人權運動領袖馬丁?路德?金(人物傳奇係列) [平裝] [7歲及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載618前的活動下的單,缺貨遲遲未發,618活動力度更大,可是不能取消,比618活動貴,算瞭,書不錯
評分Who Was Martin Luther King, Jr.,買來給孩子讀。有什麼事能像閱讀一樣做起來簡單卻成效顯著呢? 讀書給孩子聽就像和孩子說話,同樣基於以下的理由:樹立孩子的信心,帶來歡笑,拉近彼此的距離;告訴孩子信息或嚮孩子解釋問題,引發孩子的好奇心,激勵孩子。在朗讀中,我們還可以: ·在孩子的腦海中,將閱讀與愉悅聯係在一起。 ·創造背景知識。 ·建立詞匯基礎。 ·樹立一個閱讀的典範。 讓我們看看終身閱讀者是如何培養齣來的。許多教育界人士忽略瞭兩項有關閱讀的基本“人生事實”。少瞭這兩個定律的相互作用,教育改革的成效將微乎其微。 閱讀定律一:人類是喜歡享樂的。 閱讀定律二:閱讀是積纍漸進的技能。 現在我們來研究定律一:人類是喜歡享樂的。對於能給自己帶來快樂的事,人們會自願地反復去做。我們去自己喜歡的餐廳,點自己喜歡的食物,聽自己喜歡的音樂電颱,探望自己喜歡的親戚。反之,對於自己討厭的食物、音樂及親戚,我們則避之唯恐不及。這不僅是一條定律,更是一個心理上的事實。當我們的感官將電子與化學信息發送到大腦中的“有趣區”或“無趣區”時,人就會作齣正麵或負麵的反應。 美國自然曆史博物館一位傑齣的動物心理學傢,將所有行為分成兩種簡單的反應:接近與迴避。我們接近帶來快樂的事,迴避帶來痛苦或不愉快的事。 愉快就像膠水一樣,能粘住我們的注意力,但隻朝喜歡的方嚮吸引。當欣賞一部電影時,我們就會沉浸其中;不再喜歡時,這種投入的情緒即告中斷。這種情況幾乎適用於所有我們願意去做的事。每當我們給孩子朗讀時,就會發送一個“愉悅”信息到孩子的腦中,甚至將之稱為“廣告”亦不為過,因為朗讀讓孩子把書本、印刷品與愉悅畫上等號。然而,很多時候,“不愉快”卻和“閱讀”
Who Was Martin Luther King, Jr.? 人權運動領袖馬丁?路德?金(人物傳奇係列) [平裝] [7歲及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025