One day in 1882, Thomas Edison flipped a switch that lit up lower Manhattan with incandescent light and changed the way people live ever after. The electric light bulb was only one of thousands of Edison's inventions, which include the phonograph and the kinetoscope, an early precursor to the movie camera. As a boy, observing a robin catch a worm and then take flight, he fed a playmate a mixture of worms and water to see if she could fly! Here's an accessible, appealing biography with 100 black-and-white illustrations.
Born 1943.
1959-60 Bolton College of Art.
1960-62 Liverpool College of Art. (Intermediate in Arts & Craft.)
1962-64 Stoke-on-Trent College of Art. (Art Teachers Diploma. A.T.D. A.T.C.Manc..)
Full member C.P.A..Elected as C.P.A. Council Member 1997.Guest Demonstrator at the International Potters Festival, Aberystwyth 1997.
As a young art student at Bolton College of Art I was eager to work with clay. The enthusiasm and dedication of the pottery lecturer there, L.F. Matthews, gave me an insight into 'the craft of the potter' and set me on a course of learning, research and experiment from which I have never wanted to deviate.
Stoke-on-Trent School of Art under Derek Emms introduced me to working with reduction fired stoneware of the Eastern tradition. At this time I met David and together we started to lay the foundation for the establishment of our workshop which we have had now for thirty five years.
The early years of domestic production throwing were invaluable as a foundation for the work that I do now and I look back with great respect to the struggles that we overcame and the insight that was gained into the nature of clays, glazes and form. As our two boys Daniel and Gregor grew up I was able to develop my own personal work more and explored my deep attachment to reduction porcelain.
Over the last few years much effort and experimentation has gone into the development of my own porcelain body with glazes to fit this low expansion body. The qualities of translucency and lightness sought, demand that it is potted quite finely and it takes time, care and patience. It fractures easily and needs skill in handling.
The smoothness of the porcelain body makes it ideal for carving, which I do particularly on open bowls and jars. These designs are mainly floral- I draw beforehand- but I like to work directly onto the clay without copying as I achieve a greater spontaneity and flow. Every imperfection shows on a pale blue celadon carved piece and the losses can be frustratingly high.Some of my work is heavily decorative achieved with the use of coloured glazes and pigments applied over a white base glaze. I may use wax to paint the initial design or mask out areas for overglazing with poured, painted or trailed glaze. Lately I have been experimenting with copper red glazes with their elusive appeal. They require careful control during the reduction firing as they tend to burn out easily. I am using them in combination with other heavy iron glazes achieving deep shades of purples, oranges and reds all intermingled.
A piece of soft maleable clay (specialist though it may be) nurtured through all its processes, then carefully placed in the fire and coached to orange heat never ceases to amaze at the opening of the kiln. A wonderful transformation into a structure which can last for thousands of years, this is the force, which drives me on!
Who Was Thomas Alva Edison? 传奇发明家托马斯?爱迪生(人物传奇系列) 英文原版 [平装] [7岁及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Who Was Thomas Alva Edison? 传奇发明家托马斯?爱迪生(人物传奇系列) 英文原版 [平装] [7岁及以上] 下载 epub mobi pdf txt 电子书 2025
Who Was Thomas Alva Edison? 传奇发明家托马斯?爱迪生(人物传奇系列) 英文原版 [平装] [7岁及以上] mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 下载 2025
书店看上了这本非常好的书,一直想买可惜但是太贵又不打折,回家决定上京东看看 ,果然是有折扣。毫不犹豫的买下了了,京东速度非常快的,从配货到送货也很具体 ,快递也非常好,很快收到书了。书的包装真的非常好,没有拆开过,非常新,可以 说无论自己阅读家人阅读,收藏还是送人都非常有面子的说,特别精美;各种十分美 好虽然看着书本看着相对简单,但也不遑多让,塑封也都很完整封面和封底的设计、 绘图都十分好画,让我觉得十分细腻而且具有收藏价值。书的封套非常精致推荐大家 购买。 打开书本,书装帧精美,纸张很干净,文字排版看起来也非常舒服非常的惊 喜,让人看得欲罢不能,每每捧起这本书的时候 似乎能够感觉到作者毫无保留的把 作品呈现在我面前。深入浅出的写作手法能让本人犹如身临其境一般,好似一杯美式 咖啡,看似快餐,其实值得回味 无论男女老少,第一印象最重要。”从你留给别人 第一印象中,就可以你让别人看出你是什么样的人。所以多读书可以让人感觉你知书 答礼,颇有风度。多读书,可以让你多增加一些课外的知识。培根先生说过:“知识 就是力量。” 不错,多读书,增长了课外知识,可以让你会感到浑身充满了一股力 量。这种力量
书店看上了这本非常好的书,一直想买可惜但是太贵又不打折,回家决定上京东看看 ,果然是有折扣。毫不犹豫的买下了了,京东速度非常快的,从配货到送货也很具体 ,快递也非常好,很快收到书了。书的包装真的非常好,没有拆开过,非常新,可以 说无论自己阅读家人阅读,收藏还是送人都非常有面子的说,特别精美;各种十分美 好虽然看着书本看着相对简单,但也不遑多让,塑封也都很完整封面和封底的设计、 绘图都十分好画,让我觉得十分细腻而且具有收藏价值。书的封套非常精致推荐大家 购买。 打开书本,书装帧精美,纸张很干净,文字排版看起来也非常舒服非常的惊 喜,让人看得欲罢不能,每每捧起这本书的时候 似乎能够感觉到作者毫无保留的把 作品呈现在我面前。深入浅出的写作手法能让本人犹如身临其境一般,好似一杯美式 咖啡,看似快餐,其实值得回味 无论男女老少,第一印象最重要。”从你留给别人 第一印象中,就可以你让别人看出你是什么样的人。所以多读书可以让人感觉你知书 答礼,颇有风度。多读书,可以让你多增加一些课外的知识。培根先生说过:“知识 就是力量。” 不错,多读书,增长了课外知识,可以让你会感到浑身充满了一股力 量。这种力量
Who Was Thomas Alva Edison? 传奇发明家托马斯?爱迪生(人物传奇系列) 英文原版 [平装] [7岁及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025