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Eagle Strike (Alex Rider Adventure) [平裝] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Millions adore him. A philanthropist. Anti-drug crusader. Peace activist. And former pop star the likes of which the world has never seen. Sir Damian Cray even has the president's ear. Yet the president's ear is not enough for Damian—he wants more. Such as the president's fingerprints. So he can manipulate computer systems only the President of the United States has access to. So he can launch nuclear missiles. From aboard Air Force One. All in the name of peace.... So what if a few million lives are lost in the process? Teen spy Alex Rider survives a bullfight, a high-speed bicycle chase through Amsterdam, and even being the target in a human video-game, only to face his most disturbing challenge yet: when the best of intentions are driven by insanity, how do you reason with a madman? After a chance encounter with assassin Yassen Gregorovich in the South of France, teenage spy Alex Rider investigates international pop star and philanthropist Damian Cray whose new video game venture hides sinister motives involving Air Force One, nuclear missiles, and the international drug trade.
Anthony Horowitz is a hugely popular and prolific author and screenwriter for film and television. His books include Groosham Grange and its sequel Return to Groosham Grange, Granny, The Switch, The Devil and his Boy and the Diamond Brothers series. Among his many TV and film credits are Midsomer Murders, Poirot and The Gathering. He is married with two children. Oliver Chris graduated from the Central School of Speech and Drama in 2000. His film and television credits include The Office and Lorna Doone for the BBC; Rescue Me for ITV; and forthcoming feature film The Gathering (screenplay by Anthony Horowitz). --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Anthony Horowitz's enormously popular series about the world’s premier teenage spy, returns for another round with secret agent Alex Rider fighting ingenious villains and charming every girl he meets. Eagle Strike, Horowitz’s fourth fictional foray into the world of British spy agency MI6, starts out calmly enough as Alex and his lovely companion, Miss Sabina Pleasure, vacation with her family in the south of France. But before you can say Goldfinger, Alex spots his old nemesis, renowned assassin Yassen Gregorovich, on the beach. What Alex discovers is a plan so diabolical that it makes all of his previous adventures seem like a stroll in the Queen Mum’s garden. Alex must fight to keep Gregorovich from executing the plans of a mysterious and murderous madman--an operation code named "Eagle Strike." He will just have to face down a few minor complications first: a virtual reality game that inflicts real pain; a fleet of Porche 911 GT3-driving hit men; and even a near fatal brush with death aboard the most famous aircraft in the world, Air Force One. But he’ll persevere, or his name isn’t Rider: Alex Rider. Eagle Strike, like all of the ridiculously fun Alex Rider adventures, is a pure guilty pleasure from start to finish. Even the most reluctant of readers won’t be able to resist Alex’s Bond-like ingenuity and charisma. Anthony Horowitz is a master of pacing, and as Alex swings from one cliff-hanging chapter to the next, Horowitz proves that you don’t have to be Shakespeare to pen a crackerjack plot! --Jennifer Hubert --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. What if James Bond had started spying as a teenager? Nonstop action keeps the intrigue boiling. (Kirkus Reviews on Stormbreaker) --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Eagle Strike (Alex Rider Adventure) [平裝] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Eagle Strike (Alex Rider Adventure) [平裝] 下載 epub mobi pdf txt 電子書
他們不威權,他們很民主。他們不會下命令,但是沒完沒瞭的愛的教育,也很難受得瞭的啊。 書給侵占瞭。不得不承認,自己有些假清高,越是排行榜上的東西越不屑。於是這本封麵類似明星寫真的暢銷書錯過瞭許久。 初識龍應颱,源於雜誌上的一篇專訪,言語中透著犀利和批一齣書,準是賽車沒錢瞭,上文藝界圈錢。圈完瞭他又跑去賽車瞭,纔沒空理彆人怎麼說,也沒空討論他為什麼 無數次的打開,又無數次的放下,幾乎沒有辦法連貫的讀下去 因為其中那些凶猛的孤獨,比悶熱的天氣更加令人無法呼吸 傾訴,
我知道他這樣已經算很好瞭,在所有的大事上,包括文理分科、大學和專業的選擇、工作的選擇,都是我做的主。平時他也沒有擺齣傢長的威權架勢,喜歡跟我開玩笑,而且試圖跟我溝通,年輕人的一些東西他也有某些認知。 隻是這溝通不順利不通暢,他仍然不瞭解我,而我自以為瞭解他。就像安德烈說,他能夠接受父母們聽的音樂,而父母從來不聽年輕人聽的歌麯。我爸也聽流行歌,但是除瞭《兩隻蝴蝶》和《做你的愛人》,其它的他都不認同。而我,喜歡聽鄧麗君和某些民歌。
智慧本身就是好的。有一天我們都會死去,追求智慧的道路還會有人在走著。死掉以後的事我看不到,但在我活著的時候,想到這件事,心裏就很高興。 下次還來京東,很好的書
智慧本身就是好的。有一天我們都會死去,追求智慧的道路還會有人在走著。死掉以後的事我看不到,但在我活著的時候,想到這件事,心裏就很高興。 下次還來京東,很好的書