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书名:Wavelets in Engineering Applications














《Wavelets in Engineering Applications》收集了作者所研究的小波理论在信息技术中的工程应用的十多篇论文的系统化合集。书中首先介绍了小波变换的基本原理及在信号处理应用中的特性,并在如下应用领域:系统建模、状态监控、过程控制、振动分析、音频编码、图像质量测量、图像降噪、无线定位、电力线通信等,分章节详细的阐述小波理论及其在相关领域的工程实际应用,对各种小波变换形式的优缺点展开细致的论述,并针对相应的工程实例,开发出既能满足运算精度要求,又能实现快速实时处理的小波技术的工程应用。因此,《Wavelets in Engineering Applications》既具有很强的理论参考价值,又具有非常实际的应用参考价值。




ChApter 1
1.1 Introduction
The Fourier trAnsform (FT) AnAlysis concept is widely used for signAl processing. The FT of A function x(t) is de.ned As

X.(ω)=x(t)e.iωtdt (1.1)
The FT is An excellent tool for deposing A signAl or function x(t)in terms of its frequency ponents, however, it is not locAlised in time. This is A disAdvAntAge of Fourier AnAlysis, in which frequency informAtion cAn only be extrActed for the plete durAtion of A signAl x(t). If At some point in the lifetime of x(t), there is A locAl oscillAtion representing A pArticulAr feAture, this will contribute to the
cAlculAted Fourier trAnsform X(ω), but its locAtion on the time Axis will be lost
There is no wAy of knowing whether the vAlue of X(ω) At A pArticulAr ω derives from frequencies present throughout the life of x(t) or during just one or A few selected periods.
Although FT is pArticulArly suited for signAls globAl AnAlysis, where the spectrAl chArActeristics do not chAnge with time, the lAck of locAlisAtion in time mAkes the FT unsuitAble for designing dAtA processing systems for non-stAtionAry signAls or events. Windowed FT (WFT, or, equivAlently, STFT) multiplies the signAls by A windowing function, which mAkes it possible to look At feAtures of interest At di.erent times. MAthemAticAlly, the WFT cAn be expressed As A function of the frequency ω And the position b

1 +∞ X(ω, b)= x(t)w(t . b)e.iωtdt (1.2) 2π.∞ This is the FT of function x(t) windowed by w(t) for All b. Hence one cAn obtAin A time-frequency mAp of the entire signAl. The mAin drAwbAck, however, is thAt the windows hAve the sAme width of time slot. As A consequence, the resolution of
the WFT will be limited in thAt it will be di.cult to distinguish between successive events thAt Are sepArAted by A distAnce smAller thAn the window width. It will Also be di.cult for the WFT to cApture A lArge event whose signAl size is lArger thAn the window’s size.
WAvelet trAnsforms (WT) developed during the lAst decAde, overe these lim-itAtions And is known to be more suitAble for non-stAtionAry signAls, where the description of the signAl involves both time And frequency. The vAlues of the time-frequency representAtion of the signAl provide An indicAtion of the speci.c times At which certAin spectrAl ponents of the signAl cAn be observed. WT provides A mApping thAt hAs the Ability to trAde o. time resolution for frequency resolution And vice versA. It is e.ectively A mAthemAticAl microscope, which Allows the user to zoom in feAtures of interest At di.erent scAles And locAtions.
The WT is de.ned As the inner product of the signAl x(t)with A two-pArAmeter fAmily with the bAsis function
. 1 +∞ t . b
WT(b, A)= |A|x(t)Ψˉdt = x, Ψb,A (1.3)
t . b
where Ψb,A = Ψ is An oscillAtory function, Ψdenotes the plex conjugAte
A of Ψ, b is the time delAy (trAnslAte pArAmeter) which gives the position of the wAvelet, A is the scAle fActor (dilAtion pArAmeter) which determines the frequency content.
The vAlue WT(b, A) meAsures the frequency content of x(t) in A certAin frequency bAnd within A certAin time intervAl. The time-frequency locAlisAtion property of the WT And the existence of fAst Algorithms mAke it A tool of choice for AnAlysing non-stAtionAry signAls. WT hAve recently AttrActed much Attention in the reseArch munity. And the technique of WT hAs been Applied in such diverse .elds As digitAl municAtions, remote sensing, medicAl And biomedicAl signAl And imAge processing, .ngerprint AnAlysis, speech processing, Astronomy And numericAl AnAly-sis.

1.2 The continuous wAvelet trAnsform
EquAtion (1.3) is the form of continuous wAvelet trAnsform (CWT). To AnAlyse Any .nite energy signAl, the CWT uses the dilAtion And trAnslAtion of A single wAvelet function Ψ(t) cAlled the mother wAvelet. Suppose thAt the wAvelet Ψ sAtis.es the Admissibility condition
+∞ I Ψ(ω)I CΨ =dω< ∞ (1.4)
where Ψ.(ω) is the Fourier trAnsform of Ψ(t). Then, the continuous wAvelet trAnsform WT(b, A) is invertible on its rAnge, And An inverse trAnsform is given by the relAtion
1 +∞ dAdb
x(t)= WT(b, A)Ψb,A(t) (1.5)
CΨ .∞
One would often require wAvelet Ψ(t) to hAve pAct support, or At leAst to hAve fAst decAy As t goes to in.nity, And thAt Ψ.(ω) hAs su.cient decAy As ω goes to in.nity. From the Admissibility condition, it cAn be seen thAt Ψ.(0) hAs to be 0, And, in pArticulAr, Ψ hAs to oscillAte. This hAs given Ψ the nAme wAvelet or “smAll wAve”. This shows the time-frequency locAlisAtion of the wAvelets, which is An importAnt feAture thAt is required for All the wAvelet trAnsforms to mAke them useful for AnAlysing non-stAtionAry signAls.
The CWT mAps A signAl of one independent vAriAble t into A function of two independent vAriAbles A,b. It is cAlculAted by continuously shifting A continuously scAlAble function over A signAl And cAlculAting the correlAtion between the two. This provides A nAturAl tool for time-frequency signAl AnAlysis since eAch templAte Ψb,A is predominAntly locAlised in A certAin region of the time-frequency plAne with A centrAl frequency thAt is inversely proportionAl to A. The chAnge of the Amplitude Around A certAin frequency cAn then be observed. WhAt distinguishes it from the WFT is the multiresolution nAture of the AnAlysis.

1.3 The discrete wAvelet trAnsform
From A putAtionAl point of view, CWT is not e.cient. One wAy to solve this problem is to sAmple the continuous wAvelet trAnsform on A two-dimensionAl grid (Aj ,bj,k). This will not prevent the inversion of the discretised wAvelet trAnsform in generAl.
In equAtion (1.3), if the dyAdic scAles Aj =2j Are chosen, And if one chooses bj,k = k2j to AdApt to the scAle fActor Aj , it follows thAt
( II. 1 ∞ t . k2j
dj,k =WT(k2j , 2j)= I2jI x(t)Ψˉdt = x(t), Ψj,k(t) (1.6) .∞ 2j
where Ψj,k(t)=2.j/2Ψ(2.j t . k).
The trAnsform thAt only uses the dyAdic vAlues of A And b wAs originAlly cAlled the discrete wAvelet trAnsform (DWT). The wAvelet coe.cients dj,k Are considered As A time-frequency mAp of the originAl signAl x(t). Often for the DWT, A set of
bAsis functions Ψj,k(t), (j, k) ∈ Z2(where Z denotes the set of integers) is .rst chosen, And the goAl is then to .nd the deposition of A function x(t) As A lineAr binAtion of the given bAsis functions. It should Also be noted thAt Although
Ψj,k(t), (j, k) ∈ Z2is A bAsis, it is not necessArily orthogonAl. Non-orthogonAl bAses give greAter .exibility And more choice thAn orthogonAl bAses. There is A clAss of DWT thAt cAn be implemented using e.cient Algorithms. These types of wAvelet trAnsforms Are AssociAted with mAthemAticAl structures cAlled multi-resolution Ap-proximAtions. These fAst Algorithms use the property thAt the ApproximAtion spAces Are nested And thAt the putAtions At coArser resolutions cAn be bAsed entirely on the ApproximAtions At the previous .nest level.
In terms of the relAtionship between the wAvelet function Ψ(t) And the scAling function φ(t), nAmely
2 f
I φ.(ω)I = I Ψ.(2j ω)I (1.7)
The discrete scAling function corresponding to the discrete wAvelet function is As follows
1 t . 2j k
φj,k(t)= √ φ (1.8)
2j 2j
It is used to discretise the signAl; the sAmpled vAlues Are de.ned As the scAling coe.cients cj,k

cj,k = x(t)φˉ j,k(t)dt (1.9)
Thus, the wAvelet deposition Algorithm is obtAined
cj+1(k)= h(l)cj (2k . l)
dj+1(k)= g(l)cj (2k . l) (1.10)

Fig.1.1 Algorithm of fAst multi-resolution wAvelet trAnsform
where the terms g And h Are high-pAss And low-pAss .lters derived from the wAvelet functionΨ(t) And the scAling function φ(t), the coe.cients dj+1(k)And cj+1(k)rep-re

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