Universal Methods of Design epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Universal Methods of Design epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
貝拉·馬丁(Bella Martin)
專業設計師、獨立的用戶體驗顧問。她為微軟研究院、美國郵政總局、葛蘭素史剋公司(GlaxoSmithKline)和好事達金融公司(Allstate Financial)設計的項目曾多次獲奬。她目前主要為剛踏入以用戶為中心的研究方法領域,並希望在設計過程中傾聽用戶聲音的機構提供谘詢。貝拉在獲得卡內基·梅隆大學通信規劃和信息設計係的設計碩士學位後,一直緻力於視覺化呈現以用戶為中心的研究方法。她現在居住於佐治亞州亞特蘭大市。
布魯斯·漢寜頓(Bruce Hanington)
美國賓夕法尼亞州匹茲堡的卡內基·梅隆大學設計學院副教授、研究生主任、前工業設計項目主任。他在教學和研究中,一直緻力於研究以人為本的設計方法和實踐,重點研究設計實地觀察、參與性設計以及情景中形式的意義。他曾經為通用電氣和強生的設計項目提供谘詢。他的作品曾刊登在Design Issues、The Design Journal以及Interactions上,並在《包含未來的設計以及設計和情感:體驗日常生活》(Designing Inclusive Futures and Design and Emotion: The Experience of Everyday Things)中撰寫幾章的內容。
"Universal Methods of Design is an immensely useful survey of research and design methods used by today's top practitioners, and will serve as a crucial reference for any designer grappling with really big problems. This book has a place on every designer's bookshelf, including yours!" —David Sherwin, Principal Designer at frog and author of Creative Workshop: 80 Challenges to Sharpen Your Design Skills
"Universal Methods of Design is a landmark method book for the field of design. This tidy text compiles and summarizes 100 of the most widely applicable and effective methods of design—research, analysis, and ideation—the methods that every graduate of a design program should know, and every professional designer should employ. Methods are concisely presented, accompanied by information about the origin of the technique, key research supporting the method, and visual examples. Want to know about Card Sorting, or the Elito Method? What about Think-Aloud Protocols? This book has them all and more in readily digestible form. The authors have taken away our excuse for not using the right method for the job, and in so doing have elevated its readers and the field of design. UMOD is an essential resource for designers of all levels and specializations, and should be one of the go-to reference tools found in every designer’s toolbox." —William Lidwell, author of Universal Principles of Design, Lecturer of Industrial Design, University of Houston
This comprehensive reference provides a thorough and critical presentation of 100 research methods, synthesis/analysis techniques, and research deliverables for human centered design, delivered in a concise and accessible format perfect for designers, educators, and students. Whether research is already an integral part of a practice or curriculum, or whether it has been unfortunately avoided due to perceived limitations of time, knowledge, or resources, Universal Methods of Design serves as an invaluable compendium of methods that can be easily referenced and utilized by cross-disciplinary teams in nearly any design project.
This essential guide:
- Dismantles the myth that user research methods are complicated, expensive, and time-consuming
- Creates a shared meaning for cross-disciplinary design teams
- Illustrates methods with compelling visualizations and case studies
- Characterizes each method at a glance
- Indicates when methods are best employed to help prioritize appropriate design research strategies
Universal Methods of Design distills each method down to its most powerful essence, in a format that will help design teams select and implement the most credible research methods best suited to their design culture within the constraints of their projects.
Universal Methods of Design epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Universal Methods of Design 下載 epub mobi pdf txt 電子書Universal Methods of Design mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 下載 2025
Universal Methods of Design epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載##實用,特實用
評分##arsenals as well.
評分 評分##說實話這麼寫筆記我有點不好意思,對不起作者和齣版社瞭,差不多把書裏內容都劇透光瞭,捂錢包的也可以白嫖瞭?但是作者寫得確實比較有用,全麵總結型工具書,有門檻,門檻不高,尤其適閤參與實際工作的設計師學習。常看常新,術語較多,看著拗口,適閤慢慢消化。有些翻譯還...
評分 評分##好多年前在一傢即將倒閉的外文書店幾十塊錢淘迴來的,今天想起來打開讀讀還是挺驚喜的,此書共介紹瞭100種以産品設計為核心的用戶研究方法,我在信息行為課上學到的方法這本書都全部覆蓋並遠遠超齣瞭,每種研究方法都附上瞭參考文獻,而且圖例非常漂亮,值得沒事時順手翻翻。雖說這個時代的信息産品更迭迅速,但經典的用戶研究方法始終還是很有價值。此書適閤作為沒有靈感時的參考百科書,或者互聯網産品相關職業人士開拓視野,但作為教材還是遠遠不夠的,方法的學習需要放在具體研究情境下去消化理解。
Universal Methods of Design epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025