Steps & Skills系列包括阅读、写作、听力、口语等分册,旨在帮助学习者循序渐进地提高英语语言技能。本系列全部为原版引进,作者均为在语言教学与教材编写领域有丰富经验的专家。教材编排新颖,讲解生动,由浅入深,有助于学习者打下扎实的语言基础,同时增强英语思维能力。本系列既可用于课堂教学,也适合自学提高。注重基础,系统性强:介绍提高英语阅读能力的十大技巧,由基础阅读向高级阅读过渡,配有大量练习与测试题。材料丰富,趣味性强:选篇难度适中,内容引人入胜,辅以形式多样的阅读活动,帮助学习者加深理解。锻炼思维,挑战性强:系统的阅读训练与启发性的思考活动有助于学习者提高推理、分析与判断能力。使用方便,实用性强:讲解重点部分配有中文,便于学习者理解和掌握。各章内容安排合理,从讲解、举例、练习到测试,便于教学与评估。
Preface: To the Instructor
1 How to Become a Better Reader and Thinker 如何更好地阅读和思考
2 Reading for Pleasure and Power 为乐趣和力量而阅读
3 Some Quick Study Tips 高效学习的捷径
1 Vocabulary in Context 语境中的词汇
Reading: Night Watch Roy Popkin
Mastery Tests
2 Main Ideas 主题思想
Reading: Heres to Your Health Joan Dunayer
Mastery Tests
3 Supporting Details 支持性细节
Reading: Child-Rearing Styles Diane E. Papalia and Sally Wendkos Olds
Mastery Tests
4 Implied Main Ideas and the Central Point 隐含的主题思想和中心论点
Reading: Rowing the Bus Paul Logan
Mastery Tests
5 Relationships Ⅰ 语句或段落间的关系(一)
Reading: Students in Shock John Kellmayer
Mastery Tests
6 Relationships Ⅱ 语句或段落间的关系(二)
Reading: l Became Her Target Roger Wilkins
Mastery Tests
7 Fact and Opinion 事实和观点
Reading: New Respect for the Nap, a Pause That Refreshes Jane E. Brody
Mastery Tests
8 Inferences 推理
Reading: Gender Inequality in Health Care and in the Workplace
James M. Henslin
Mastery Tests
9 Purpose and Tone 目的和语气
Reading: The Scholarship Jacket Marta Salinas
Mastery Tests
10 Argument 论证
Reading: In Praise of the F Word Mary Sherry
Mastery Tests
1 The Yellow Ribbon Pete Hamill
2 Urban Legends Beth Johnson
3 Sha me Dick Gregory
4 The Bystander Effect DorothyBarkin
5 The Real Story of Flight 93 Karen Breslau, EleanorClift, and Evan Thomas
6 Coping with Nervousness Rudolph F. Verderber
7 Compliance Techniques: Getting People to Say Yes Shelley E. Taylor, Letitia Anne Peplau, and David O. Sears
8 Lizzie Borden James Kirby Martin and others
9 Nonverbal Communication AnthonyF. Grasha
10 Preindustrial Cities Rodney Stark
1 Combined-Skills Tests
2 Propaganda
Mastery Tests
3 More About Argument: Errors in Reasoning
4 Writing Assignments
Reading Performance Chart
Check Your Understanding
Now read the following paragraph and see if you can underline its main idea:
1Tailgating--following too closely behind another vehicle is a common cause of accidents. 2yet tailgating accidents could be avoided if drivers followed some clear-cut guidelines. 3Any car that is less than two seconds behind the one ahead is definitely too close. 4Two car lengths is a safe following distance to maintain in local driving. 5Two-car accidents often become chain-reaction pileups when a number of drivers are all tailgating in a line. 6At freeway speeds, or in snowy, icy or foggy conditions, people should increase following distance well beyond what is normally safe. 7Finally, drivers who are impatient or aggressive need to develop the self-control not to express those feelings through dangerous behaviors like tailgating.
In the preceding paragraph, the main idea is stated in the second sentence. The fists sentence introduces the topic, but it is the idea in the second sentence--tailgating can be avoided by following clear-cut guidelines--that is supported in the rest of the paragraph. So keep in mind that the first sentence may simply introduce or lead into the main idea of a paragraph. Very often, a contrast word like yet, but, or however signals the main idea, as in the paragraph you have just read:
Tailgating--following too closely behind another vehicle--is a common cause of accidents. Yet tailgating accidents could be avoided if drivers followed some clear-cut guidelines.
To the Instructor
We all know that many students entering college today do not have the reading skills needed to do effective work in their courses. A related problem, apparent even in class discussions, is that students often lack the skills required to think in a clear and logical way.
The purpose of Ten Steps to Improving College Reading Skills, Fourth Edition, is to develop effective reading and clear thinking. To do so, Part I presents a sequence of ten reading skills that are widely recognized as essential for basic and advanced comprehension. The first six skills concern the more literal levels of comprehension:
Understanding vocabulary in context
Recognizing main ideas
Identifying supporting details
Recognizing implied main ideas and the central point
Understanding relationships that involve addition and time
Understanding relationships that involve examples, comparison and/or contrast, and cause and effect
The remaining skills cover the more advanced, critical levels of comprehension:
Distinguishing between facts and opinions
Making inferences
Identifying an authors purpose and tone
Evaluating arguments
In every chapter in Part I, the key aspects of a skill are explained and illustrated clearly and simply. Explanations are accompanied by a series of practices, and each chapter ends with four review tests. The last review test consists of a reading selection so that students can apply the skill just learned to real-world reading materials, including newspaper and magazine articles and textbook selections. Together, the ten chapters provide students with the skills needed for both basic and more advanced reading comprehension.
Following each chapter in Part I are at least six mastery tests for the skill in question. The tests progress in difficulty, giving students the additional practice and challenge they may need for the solid learning of each skill. While designed for quick grading, the tests also require students to think carefully before answering each questioin.
英语技能提高丛书:大学英语阅读进阶 [TEN STEPS to Improving College Reading Skills Fourth Edition] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
英语技能提高丛书:大学英语阅读进阶 [TEN STEPS to Improving College Reading Skills Fourth Edition] 下载 epub mobi pdf txt 电子书 2025
英语技能提高丛书:大学英语阅读进阶 [TEN STEPS to Improving College Reading Skills Fourth Edition] mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 下载 2025
英语技能提高丛书:大学英语阅读进阶 [TEN STEPS to Improving College Reading Skills Fourth Edition] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025