《經典巴拿赫空間1和2》延續瞭該係列書的一貫風格,深入但不深沉。材料新穎,許多內容是同類書籍不具備的。對於學習Banach空間結構理論的學者來說,這是一本參考價值極高的書籍;對於學習該科目的讀者,《經典巴拿赫空間1和2》也是同等重要。目次:schauder 基;C0空間和lp空間;對稱基;O rlicz序列空間。
1. Schauder Bases
a. Existence of Bases and Examples
b. Schauder Bases and Duality
c. Unconditional Bases
d. Examples of Spaces Without an Unconditional Basis
e. The Approximation Property
f. Biorthogonal Systems
g. Schauder Decompositions
2. The Spaces co and lp
a. Projections in co and lp and Characterizations of these Spaces
b. Absolutely Summing Operators and Uniqueness of Unconditional Bases
c. Fredholm Operators, Strictly Singular Operators and Complemented Subspaces of lp lr
d. Subspaces of Co and lp and the Approximation Property, Complementably Universal Spaces
e. Banach Spaces Containing Iv or co
f. Extension and Lifting Properties, Automorphisms of loo, co and lx
3. Symmetric Bases
a. Properties of Symmetric Bases, Examples and Special Block Bases
b. Subspaces of Spaces with a Symmetric Basis
4. Orlicz Sequence Spaces
a. Subspaces of Orlicz Sequence Spaces which have a Symmetric Basis
b. Duality and Complemented Subspaces
c. Examples of Orlicz Sequence Spaces.
d. Modular Sequence Spaces and Subspaces of Ip lr
e. Lorentz Sequence Spaces
Subject Index
The appearance of Banachs book [8] in 1932 signified the beginning of a systematic study of normed linear spaces, which have been the subject of continuous research ever since.
In the sixties, and especially in the last decade, the research activity in this area
grew considerably. As a result, Banach space theory gained very much in depth as well as in scope. Most of its well known classical problems were solved, many interesting new directions were developed, and deep connections between Banach space theory and other areas of mathematics were established.
The purpose of this book is to present the main results and current research directions in the geometry of Banach spaces, with an emphasis on the study of the structure of the classical Banach spaces, that is C(K) and Lp() and related spaces.We did not attempt to write a comprehensive survey of Banach space theory, or even only of the theory of classical Banach spaces, since the amount of interesting results on the subject makes such a survey practically impossible.
A part of the subject matter of this book appeared in outline in our lecture notes[96]. In contrast to those notes, most of the results presented here are given with complete proofs. We therefore hope that it will be possible to use the present book both as a text book on Banach space theory and as a reference book for research workers in the area. It contains much material which was not discussed in [96], a large part of which being the result of very recent research work. An indication to the rapid recent progress in Banach space theory is the fact that most of the many problems stated in [96] have been solved by now.
In the present volume we also state some open problems. It is reasonable to expect that many of these will be solved in the not too far future. We feel, however,that most of the topics discussed here have reached a relatively final form, and that their presentation will not be radically affected by the solution of the open problems. Among the topics discussed in detail in this volume, the one which seems to us to be the least well understood and which might change the most in the future, is that of the approximation property.
Springer數學經典教材:經典巴拿赫空間1和2 [Classical Banach Spaces 1 and 2] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Springer數學經典教材:經典巴拿赫空間1和2 [Classical Banach Spaces 1 and 2] 下載 epub mobi pdf txt 電子書
Springer數學經典教材:經典巴拿赫空間1和2 [Classical Banach Spaces 1 and 2] mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 下載 2025
Springer數學經典教材:經典巴拿赫空間1和2 [Classical Banach Spaces 1 and 2] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025