Lesson 1 Face to Face with Hurricane Camille Joseph R Blank
Lesson 2 Hiroshima — the "Liveliest" City in Japan (Excerpts)
Lesson 3 Blackmail
Lesson 4 The Trial That Rocked the World
Lesson 5 The Libido for the Ugly
Lesson 6 Mark Twain — Mirror of America (Excerpts)
Lesson 7 Everyday Use
Lesson 8 Three Cups of Tea (Excerpts)
Lesson 9 "A More Perfect Union" (Part I)
Lesson 10 "A More Perfect Union" (Part II)
Lesson 11 The Way to Rainy Mountain
Lesson 12 Ships in the Desert (Edited)
Lesson 13 No Signposts in the Sea (Excerpts)
Lesson 14 Speech on Hitler's Invasion of the U.S.S.R.
Lesson 15 Argentia Bay (Excerpts)
Appendix Ⅰ Paraphrase
Appendix Ⅱ Figures of Speech
Students may wonder why a hurricane is given a woman's name like Camille and Betsy. For several hundred years, hurricanes in the West Indies were often named after the particular saint's day on which the hurricane occurred. For example "Hurricane San Felipe" struck Puerto Rico on 13 September 1876. Another storm struck Puerto Rico on the same day in 1928, and this storm was named "Hurricane San Felipe the second" Later,latitude-longitude positions were adopted for naming hurricanes, which was convenient and accurate for meteorologists to track them. However,once the public began receiving storm warnings and trying to keep track of a particular storm path, this became complicated and confusing. In 1953,the National Weather Service picked up the habit of naval meteorologists of naming the storms after women. In their opinion, the storms' temperament seemed female enough, shifting directions at a whim on a moment's notice. Of course this was biased and unfair. In 1979, male names were inserted to alternate with the female names, to the delight of feminists. Currently,there are six lists of names in alphabetical order used for hurricanes. These lists rotate, one each year; the list of this year's names will not be reused for six years. The names get recycled each time the list comes up, with one exception: Storms so devastating that reusing the name is inappropriate. In this case, the name is taken off the list and another name is added to replace it. For instance, there will not be another Hurricane Andrew, because Andrew has been replaced by Alex on the list.
高級英語:教師用書1(第3版) [Advanced English] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
高級英語:教師用書1(第3版) [Advanced English] 下載 epub mobi pdf txt 電子書
和此賣傢交流,自覺七經八脈為之一暢,我在淘寶買瞭這麼多年,所謂看過"女乾"商無數,但與賣傢您交流,我隻想說,老闆你實在是太好瞭。 你的高尚情操太讓人感動瞭。本人對此賣傢之仰慕如滔滔江水連綿不絕,海枯石爛,天崩地裂,永不變心。交易成功後,我的心情竟是久久不能平靜。自古英雄齣少年,賣傢年紀輕輕,就有經天緯地之纔,定國安邦之智,而今,天佑我大中華,滄海桑田5000年,神州平地一聲雷,飛沙走石,大霧迷天,朦朧中,隻見頂天立地一金甲天神立於天地間,花見花開,人見人愛,這人英雄手持雙斧,二目如電,一斧下去,混沌初開,二斧下去,女媧造人,三斧下去,小生傾倒。得此大英雄,實乃國之幸也,民之福,人之初也,怎不叫人喜極而泣 .......看著交易成功,我竟産生齣一種無以名之的悲痛感——啊,這麼好的賣傢,如果將來我再也遇不到瞭,那我該怎麼辦?直到我毫不猶豫地把賣傢的店收藏瞭,我內心的那種激動纔逐漸平靜下來。可是我立刻想到,這麼好的賣傢,倘若彆人看不到,那麼不是浪費心血嗎?經過痛苦的思想鬥爭,我終於下定決心,犧牲小我,奉獻大我。我要以此評價奉獻給世人賞閱,我要給好評……