《新航道:新SAT写作高分突破》面向2016年改革后的新SAT考试,由美籍名师团队打造,旨在通过全程导向写作教学法,帮助考生逐步掌握新SAT essay考试的精髓。为了帮助中国学生逐步掌握必要的术语和词汇并达到美国大学对新生在读写方面的要求,本书完全采用美国高中毕业生能读懂的英语写成。全书的内容可分为三部分:第一部分是新SAT写作介绍,分别从“作文命题”、“作文评分”和“实例分析”3个部分细致分析了新SAT essay的设题方向和评分标准。第二部分用6个Chapter全面模拟了SAT essay的写作过程。由读到写,一步步引导学生从阅读、到分析、再到写作,实际体验SAT作文考试的全过程。章节中的每个lesson都配有同步练习,帮助学生复习、巩固所学内容。第三部分收录了6篇精选essay prompt,并提供了高品质范文。范文经资深语言专家打造、润色,逻辑合理,语言地道,是研习SAT essay的途径。
Chunan Chen,美国教育专家、语言学家。东北师范大学英语硕士,美国西东大学教育专家(EdS),持有新泽西州、纽约州及纽约市教师资格证书,先后受聘于美国厄普萨拉大学和乔治赫氏综合学校,并长期兼任某国际专业考试机构英语作文评卷员。在语言学领域造诣颇深,早在1982年获邀加入英国语言学会,后以英国语言学会会员的身份赴柏林出席第14届国际语言学家代表大会。
Chapter 1 Read for Analyzing
Lesson 1 Identify the Author’s Argument 16
Lesson 2 Identify Claims while Reading 30
Lesson 3 Identify Evidence while Reading 41
Lesson 4 Notice Special Features while Reading 55
Chapter 2 Lay a Solid Foundation in Your Introduction
Lesson 1 Find the Focus for Your Analysis 68
Lesson 2 Organize Your Introduction 74
Chapter 3 Build Strong Body Paragraphs
Lesson 1 Make Topic Sentences 79
Lesson 2 Select Supporting Details: Evidence in the Text 85
Lesson 3 Organize a Supporting Paragraph 90
Chapter 4 Impress Your Readers with an Unforgettable Conclusion
Lesson 1 What Makes a Good Conclusion 96
Chapter 5 Use the Strategies You Learned
Lesson 1 Read the Passage for the Purpose of Analyzing 102
Lesson 2 Make a Topic Sentence Outline 115
Lesson 3 Make a Draft Essay from a Topic Sentence Outline 119
Chapter 6 Raise Your Scores Through Final Touches
Lesson 1 Polish Your Topic Sentences 125
Lesson 2 Ensure that Your Introduction Follows the Format 130
Lesson 3 Relate Evidence to Topic Sentences 133
Lesson 4 Check Sentence Structure and Conventions 138
Extra Essay Prompts for Practice 146
Answer Keys 171
Model Essays in Response to Extra Essay Prompts for Practice 193
Chapter 1
Read for Analyzing
Just as all writers write for a purpose, the same concept holds true for readers. Why do people read? Generally speaking, people read to get information, to entertain themselves, to analyze the author’s viewpoint within a text and/or to determine whether or not the means the author used to deliver his argument were effectively conveyed. When you take the New SAT Writing Test, you will be asked to read an argumentative/persuasive essay first. The sole purpose of reading the assigned essay is to make a rhetorical analysis. In other words, your job is not to agree or disagree with the argument, but to analyze the author’s methods. In order to become an analytical reader you must first learn to identify the parts of an argumentative essay. When you have fully mastered the structure and the purpose of the argumentative essay, you will then begin to be able to assess how successfully it was written.
Lesson 1?Identify the Author’s Argument
The author’s argument, also known as the central idea of the essay, is a one or two-sentence declaration of what the author believes. The prompt itself can be a valuable resource: many times it reveals clues regarding the author’s argument. Once it is established, the rest of the text is the author’s attempt to convince the reader that the argument is sound and true. Through a set of claims supported with evidence, the author will use certain rhetorical strategies and persuasive elements to sway the reader’s opinion to his side. We will talk about these terms in greater detail in later chapters.
Why do we need to identify the author’s argument? There are two reasons. One, when you write your analysis, you need to demonstrate that you understand what the assigned passage is all about. Two, when you start to write your response, you need to give a lead, or a little background knowledge about the passage being discussed, and a link to your own thesis statement, which is about how the author effectively uses rhetorical strategies and persuasive elements to make that argument convincing.
Usually the author’s argument can be found in the introductory paragraph of the essay. However, the introduction is not always the first paragraph. Many times an author will include a paragraph or two, known as a “good beginning” and preceding the introductory paragraph, to give the reader some background information about the topic or to hook the reader’s attention to it.
While the author’s argument must be located in the introduction, its position within the paragraph is relatively fluid. Usually, but not always, the author will put his or her argument in the most eye-catching position, the first sentence or the last sentence of the paragraph. Sometimes, the author will pose the argument in the middle. However, a skilled analytical reader, especially helped by clues in the writing prompt or in the title, should be able to identify the author’s argument, regardless of its location.
Let’s take a look at some examples.
2016新SAT改革元年即将来到,想必大家对涉及SAT考试内容的8大变革措施已经有所了解,这些变化包括:在上下文中考词汇、生僻单词的考查大幅减少;掌握证据,在某些题目中找出答案所对应的原文证据;essay 部分改为选考,要求学生分析一篇文章,解释作者所运用的论证策略;数学部分将会集中于三个方面:代数的核心知识、解决问题和分析数据的能力以及高等数学的入门准备知识;阅读与语法考查基于现实情境;加大历史、社会研究与科学等方面的分析能力的考查;阅读选文中加入美国建国文献或者由其引发的重大全球对话;错误答案不再扣分。
其中改变最大的部分非写作莫属,几乎将原来的写作考试完全推翻,彻底重建。SAT写作考试不仅由必考变选考,形式也由原来的选择题加作文变为阅读、分析与作文。内容由原来的写argumentative essay(议论型论文)改为写analytical essay(分析型论文)。“纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。”新的SAT作文考试考查的不只是考生的写作能力,甚至还对考生的精读能力提出了挑战。阅读要重点读什么?文章赏析又从哪里着手?写作时如何避免点评不到位的问题?又如何避免千遍一律的I think句型?要想在写作考试中获得高分,这些问题是考生逃避不开的困局。
为此,我们根据美国College Board 新SAT 指南中有关作文考试的要求和中国学生的实际情况,为有志于参加SAT 考试并取得高分的中国学生量身定做了这本辅导教材。与其他写作教材不同的是,《新SAT 写作高分突破》采用美国流行的Process Approach(过程导向写作教学), 一步一步引导学生从阅读、到分析、再到写作,实际体验SAT作文考试的全过程,“在游泳中学会游泳。”
1. 美籍名师编写,专业学术品质。整个作者团队来自于美国本土,由具有多年教学经验的教育专家组成。为了帮助中国学生逐步掌握那些必要的术语和词汇并达到美国大学对新生在读写方面的要求,本书完全用美国高中毕业生能读懂的英语写成。语言地道、美式思维纯正,既接近美国真实的高中课堂场景,又保证了其专业的学术品质。
2. 编排合理,分类细化。本书的结构是按照新SAT essay的写作过程来设置的,即由读到写, 一步一步引导学生从阅读、到分析、再到写作,实际体验SAT作文考试的全过程。 一方面,它是辅导教材,特别适合SAT 强化训练班的教学。每一篇、每一课,老师一边讲解,一边示范,学生跟着老师练,然后自己练,达到熟能生巧的效果。同时有能力的同学也可以把它作为自学教材,自己制定学习计划,完成阅读和写作训练,最终写出高品质的SAT 作文。
3. 随讲随练,同步练习助提高。书中每个lesson都配有同步练习,帮助考生复习、巩固所学到的分析文章、提炼论点和开篇布局的方法。全书共包含17套练习,覆盖全面,并配有详细的答案解析,考生如果能真正吸收每个lesson的要点,认真完成这些练习,必将获得巨大的进步。
4. 精益求精,高品质范文共分享。书中收录了6篇精选essay prompt,并提供了高品质范文。考生可独立完成写作,之后对比范文,发现自己的闪光点和有待改进之处。范文经资深语言专家打造、润色,逻辑合理,语言地道,是研习SAT essay的绝佳途径。
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