The classic tale of a peddler, some monkeys and their monkey business.
Esphyr Slobodkina (the name is pronounced ess-FEER sloh-BOD-kee-nah) was born in the Siberian town of Chelyabinsk on Sept. 22, 1908.
Esphyr immigrated to the United States on a student visa at the age of 29. She enrolled at the National Academy of Design, NYC, and in the 1930s, she worked painting lamp shades and soon after murals for the WPA. Esphyr was a founding member of the American Abstract Artists, which began amid controversy in 1936.
In 1937 Slobodkina met the children's author Margaret Wise Brown. In an effort to find work as an illustrator, Slobodkina wrote and illustrated a story with collage called Mary And The Poodies to present to Brown. This began a new career for Slobodkina, who illustrated many children's stories for Ms. Brown (including Sleepy ABCs and the Big and Little series) while still continuing her work as an abstract artist.
In her autobiography, (portions available through this web-site) Ms. Slobodkina wrote, "When Margaret died, I was left without a writer, and since she always insisted that she liked the way I told my stories, I took a deep breath and began to send them to my agent." Ms. Slobodkina took her responsibility as a children's book author seriously. In her memoir she wrote: "The verbal patterns and the patterns of behavior we present to children in these lighthearted confections are likely to influence them for the rest of their lives. These aesthetic impressions, just like the moral teachings of early childhood, remain indelible."
Caps for Sale was first published in 1938. Since then it has sold more than two million copies. Today it is considered a children's book classic as generation after generation pass the story along to new readers. In sales it ranks with such classics as Good Night Moon, according to Publisher's Weekly.
Caps for Sale, won a Lewis Carroll Shelf Award in 1958 and is memorialized in a painting by Ms. Slobodkina on permanent exhibition in the West Hartford Library, CT.
Ms. Slobodkina wrote and illustrated numerous other books, including Mary and The Poodies (1937), The Wonderful Feast, (1955), The Clock (1956), The Long Island Ducklings (1961), and Pezzo the Peddler and the Circus Elephant, which was first published in 1967 and was reissued in 2002 as Circus Caps for Sale, to name a few.
At the age of 88, Esphyr's primary focus became overseeing the production of musical storybook cassettes of all twenty of her children's books.
At age 90, Esphyr designed a mini museum in Glen Head, Long Island, NY (through her Slobodkina Foundation) as a place where guests can visit and view more than 200 works of art, her handmade dolls and jewelry, as well as her complete collection of children's storybooks, including some original illustrations.
Famed artist and author Esphyr Slobodkina was a leader of the abstract movement in the United States from the 1930s until her death at age 93 in July 2002.
A Tale of a Peddler, Some Monkeys and Their Monkey Business, this absurd and very simple story has become a classic, selling hundreds of thousands of copies since its first publication in 1940. A peddler walks around selling caps from a tall, tottering pile on his head. Unable to sell a single cap one morning, he walks out into the countryside, sits down under a tree, checks that all the caps are in place, and falls asleep. When he wakes up, the caps are gone--and the tree is full of cap-wearing monkeys. His attempts to get the caps back generate the kind of repetitive rhythm that 3- and 4-year-olds will adore.
--Richard Farr
"From an old folk tale [the author] has fashioned this bright picture book, infusing it with a humor which seems to have sprung from her own hearty enjoyment of the troubles of a peddler with a abnd of monkeys."
--The New York Times
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Caps for Sale卖帽子 英文原版 [平装] [4-8岁] 下载 epub mobi pdf txt 电子书 2024
书籍是人类进步的阶梯”;书籍是人类智慧的结晶; 书籍是传播知识的载体。书海浩瀚无边,里面蕴藏着丰富的知识, 知识是开启理想之门的钥匙;知识是无价的宝贵财富,知识只有靠读书才能获得。 读书的感觉真好。读书是一种享受,无论躺在床上随意浏览,还是在办公室伏案书海畅游; 无论是在公共汽车上翻阅消遣,还是在茶余饭后静坐捧读、托腮沉思,都会使你进入一种兴趣盎然、 不克言状的绝妙境界。当心情愉快的时候读书,它会带给你更加舒畅的惬意; 当心情消极悲观的时候读书,它会唤起你对未来人生的热爱和美好生活的向往; 当你孤独寂寞时读书,它就像佳人乍到,给你送来了清新的问候和舒适的抚慰, 使你心胸顿时豁然开朗,感到世界是那么美好,人间是那么可爱。 读书的感觉真好。 读书可开阔视野,明了天下之大事;读书可陶冶情操,使人心胸更加开阔;读书可醒脑益智, 提高人的综合能力;读书可豪情满怀,使人精神更加振奋;读书可泣人泪下, 它能净化人的心灵。每读到一本好书就像他乡遇故知、久旱遇甘霖一样,另人心旷神怡, 从中获得宝贵的启示并能懂得人生的真谛及生活的意义。 生快事,莫如读书。 它能让我们知天地、晓人生。它能让我们陶冶性情,不以物喜,不以物悲。 书是我们精神的巢穴,生命的源泉。古今中外有成就的人,到与书结下了不解之缘, 并善于从书中汲取营养。从阅读中养成爱好读书的习惯,体会读书的乐趣, 学习和掌握一些读书的方法,这不是人生的第一大快事吗?下面,我就和大家分享读书的各种乐趣吧! 读书的一大乐趣莫过于当你当你正为一个问题绞尽脑汁,百思不得其解的时候, 或对某一个问题似有所闻的时候,打开书一看,你就会发现早已有人对这个问题做了充分的论述, 正好骚到了你的痒处。这种“柳暗花明又一村”的感觉你那么舒服,那么的自在。 读书对于不同的人有不同的乐趣,对于从事体力劳动来说,读书一种休闲;对于从事脑力劳动的人来说, 书可能是一种灵丹妙药,烦闷时,读书可以解闷;愁苦时,读书可以忘忧;兴奋时, 读书可以畅流…… 读书给人恬淡、宁静、心安理得的快乐,是名利、金钱不可取代的, 书就像人类的精神营养剂,缺了它,生活必缺陷。让我们别留下遗憾,拿起书吧! 相信你一定也能从书中懂得人生的真谛! 读书的感觉真好!朋友,多读书吧! 书的质量非常好,封面的图画让人对作品本身也充满好感和期待。 书总给我一种轻便自然的感觉。非常喜欢。
我国自商周(包括春秋战国)至秦汉,重送死、兴厚葬之风在统治阶级中盛行。目前我们看到的商周至秦汉时期的随葬品、帛画和墓室壁画,无不是重送死、兴厚葬之风的体现。与之相伴的就是隆重的祭祀巫祝活动。尽管形式不同,但他们的目的不外两个:其一是让死者升天.好让其过着生前一样的享乐生活;其二是让死者保佑其后代或本氏族兴旺发达。中原与边疆、北方与南方,尽管习俗不同,体现形式不同,但目的是一致的。据《宁明县志》载,宁明在土司统治时代,重送死、兴厚葬之风十分盛行,并有一定程式。如“宁明、明江一带,丧者八岁以下,于1-2日殡葬。寿终者或已成家者,停丧很久,一般在5个月以上。如过早殡葬,就被指责为‘幸亲之死’。宁明州的丧礼:收殓后请道士做七次道场。临将殡葬有供饭礼。供饭的次日起,连做七昼夜道场。做道场期间,奔丧亲朋都食素饭。第一章 原始社会崖画彩陶
有人说,夜莺为了学生而献出心血,令玫瑰染上血红,绽开绝美的花瓣,可是学生却在被女孩拒绝之后心灰意冷地丢弃玫瑰,这让他们感觉不值,感觉夜莺太可悲。可是,在我看来,夜莺并不是可悲的。如果站在夜莺的角度来看待整个故事,能为所爱之人付出自己能够付出的最大代价,这本身就是一种幸福。再加之夜莺本就不求任何回报,又有什么遗憾的呢?只要自己心甘情愿,哪怕对方并不知晓,也并不是件可悲的事情吧。这样伟大的觉悟,就个人而言,完全可以与安徒生笔下的海的女儿媲美。 又有人认为,故事中的女孩过于势利,可是换个角度来看待,女孩也没有过错。这个世界本就物欲横流,面包比水仙花更容易吸引人去追逐。宝石的闪亮掩盖了玫瑰的凄艳,女孩的举动虽让人能够理解,却更觉得无奈。 穷学生最终从中悟出了道理:“在现实的世界里,首要的是实用。”这种领悟我们不能说不对,但却为之感到悲哀,少年还未体会爱情的美妙滋味,就已经被情所伤,只能回到他的“哲学和玄学书”的世界中去,将自己的性灵囚禁在高高的象牙塔中,不再接触世事。这固然不会再受到伤害,但也不能再亲身去品味人世沧桑,去了解复杂多样的人性……由此而言,学生才是故事中最悲哀的角色。 在整个童话集中,我最喜欢的童话实际上是《巨人的花园》。 世人称这篇童话是王尔德所著九篇童话中最美的一篇。王尔德是英国唯美主义艺术运动的开创者,《巨人的花园》就充斥着明显的唯美情调和宗教氛围。 无论是小孩们攀上树枝使得花开满树、莺啼燕舞,抑或是巨人死在大树之下,身上覆满了白花,这些唯美的情景都有中世纪油画般的典雅精致,和天主教对死亡意义的神圣追溯。 王尔德在这个故事里,似乎仅仅传达着一种“善有善报”的因果论,但是实际上,更多的反而是在体现某种宗教情结。故事中,巨人最喜欢的小孩——手掌和脚掌上分别都有一清晰的钉子印——他是耶稣的化身,是神的孩子,令巨人颤抖下跪,发自内心地敬畏喜爱,并在他的指引下,灵魂前往这个小孩的花园——天堂。 1900年,王尔德在自己友人的帮助下,改信天主教。也许,这篇童话早早地便预示了这样的结果吧。 《快乐王子》也是让人读后忍不住落泪的美妙之作。这个故事中的王子雕像与小燕子身上都存在着一种崇高伟大、无私忘我的精神特质。王子将自己身上的宝石和金子委托给燕子,让他送给那些需要这些东西的人们——也许是穷困潦倒的戏作家,也许是卖不出火柴的小女孩,也许是那些忍饥挨饿的乞丐