The classic tale of a peddler, some monkeys and their monkey business.
Esphyr Slobodkina (the name is pronounced ess-FEER sloh-BOD-kee-nah) was born in the Siberian town of Chelyabinsk on Sept. 22, 1908.
Esphyr immigrated to the United States on a student visa at the age of 29. She enrolled at the National Academy of Design, NYC, and in the 1930s, she worked painting lamp shades and soon after murals for the WPA. Esphyr was a founding member of the American Abstract Artists, which began amid controversy in 1936.
In 1937 Slobodkina met the children's author Margaret Wise Brown. In an effort to find work as an illustrator, Slobodkina wrote and illustrated a story with collage called Mary And The Poodies to present to Brown. This began a new career for Slobodkina, who illustrated many children's stories for Ms. Brown (including Sleepy ABCs and the Big and Little series) while still continuing her work as an abstract artist.
In her autobiography, (portions available through this web-site) Ms. Slobodkina wrote, "When Margaret died, I was left without a writer, and since she always insisted that she liked the way I told my stories, I took a deep breath and began to send them to my agent." Ms. Slobodkina took her responsibility as a children's book author seriously. In her memoir she wrote: "The verbal patterns and the patterns of behavior we present to children in these lighthearted confections are likely to influence them for the rest of their lives. These aesthetic impressions, just like the moral teachings of early childhood, remain indelible."
Caps for Sale was first published in 1938. Since then it has sold more than two million copies. Today it is considered a children's book classic as generation after generation pass the story along to new readers. In sales it ranks with such classics as Good Night Moon, according to Publisher's Weekly.
Caps for Sale, won a Lewis Carroll Shelf Award in 1958 and is memorialized in a painting by Ms. Slobodkina on permanent exhibition in the West Hartford Library, CT.
Ms. Slobodkina wrote and illustrated numerous other books, including Mary and The Poodies (1937), The Wonderful Feast, (1955), The Clock (1956), The Long Island Ducklings (1961), and Pezzo the Peddler and the Circus Elephant, which was first published in 1967 and was reissued in 2002 as Circus Caps for Sale, to name a few.
At the age of 88, Esphyr's primary focus became overseeing the production of musical storybook cassettes of all twenty of her children's books.
At age 90, Esphyr designed a mini museum in Glen Head, Long Island, NY (through her Slobodkina Foundation) as a place where guests can visit and view more than 200 works of art, her handmade dolls and jewelry, as well as her complete collection of children's storybooks, including some original illustrations.
Famed artist and author Esphyr Slobodkina was a leader of the abstract movement in the United States from the 1930s until her death at age 93 in July 2002.
A Tale of a Peddler, Some Monkeys and Their Monkey Business, this absurd and very simple story has become a classic, selling hundreds of thousands of copies since its first publication in 1940. A peddler walks around selling caps from a tall, tottering pile on his head. Unable to sell a single cap one morning, he walks out into the countryside, sits down under a tree, checks that all the caps are in place, and falls asleep. When he wakes up, the caps are gone--and the tree is full of cap-wearing monkeys. His attempts to get the caps back generate the kind of repetitive rhythm that 3- and 4-year-olds will adore.
--Richard Farr
"From an old folk tale [the author] has fashioned this bright picture book, infusing it with a humor which seems to have sprung from her own hearty enjoyment of the troubles of a peddler with a abnd of monkeys."
--The New York Times
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Caps for Sale賣帽子 英文原版 [平裝] [4-8歲] 下載 epub mobi pdf txt 電子書
有人說,夜鶯為瞭學生而獻齣心血,令玫瑰染上血紅,綻開絕美的花瓣,可是學生卻在被女孩拒絕之後心灰意冷地丟棄玫瑰,這讓他們感覺不值,感覺夜鶯太可悲。可是,在我看來,夜鶯並不是可悲的。如果站在夜鶯的角度來看待整個故事,能為所愛之人付齣自己能夠付齣的最大代價,這本身就是一種幸福。再加之夜鶯本就不求任何迴報,又有什麼遺憾的呢?隻要自己心甘情願,哪怕對方並不知曉,也並不是件可悲的事情吧。這樣偉大的覺悟,就個人而言,完全可以與安徒生筆下的海的女兒媲美。 又有人認為,故事中的女孩過於勢利,可是換個角度來看待,女孩也沒有過錯。這個世界本就物欲橫流,麵包比水仙花更容易吸引人去追逐。寶石的閃亮掩蓋瞭玫瑰的淒艷,女孩的舉動雖讓人能夠理解,卻更覺得無奈。 窮學生最終從中悟齣瞭道理:“在現實的世界裏,首要的是實用。”這種領悟我們不能說不對,但卻為之感到悲哀,少年還未體會愛情的美妙滋味,就已經被情所傷,隻能迴到他的“哲學和玄學書”的世界中去,將自己的性靈囚禁在高高的象牙塔中,不再接觸世事。這固然不會再受到傷害,但也不能再親身去品味人世滄桑,去瞭解復雜多樣的人性……由此而言,學生纔是故事中最悲哀的角色。 在整個童話集中,我最喜歡的童話實際上是《巨人的花園》。 世人稱這篇童話是王爾德所著九篇童話中最美的一篇。王爾德是英國唯美主義藝術運動的開創者,《巨人的花園》就充斥著明顯的唯美情調和宗教氛圍。 無論是小孩們攀上樹枝使得花開滿樹、鶯啼燕舞,抑或是巨人死在大樹之下,身上覆滿瞭白花,這些唯美的情景都有中世紀油畫般的典雅精緻,和天主教對死亡意義的神聖追溯。 王爾德在這個故事裏,似乎僅僅傳達著一種“善有善報”的因果論,但是實際上,更多的反而是在體現某種宗教情結。故事中,巨人最喜歡的小孩——手掌和腳掌上分彆都有一清晰的釘子印——他是耶穌的化身,是神的孩子,令巨人顫抖下跪,發自內心地敬畏喜愛,並在他的指引下,靈魂前往這個小孩的花園——天堂。 1900年,王爾德在自己友人的幫助下,改信天主教。也許,這篇童話早早地便預示瞭這樣的結果吧。 《快樂王子》也是讓人讀後忍不住落淚的美妙之作。這個故事中的王子雕像與小燕子身上都存在著一種崇高偉大、無私忘我的精神特質。王子將自己身上的寶石和金子委托給燕子,讓他送給那些需要這些東西的人們——也許是窮睏潦倒的戲作傢,也許是賣不齣火柴的小女孩,也許是那些忍飢挨餓的乞丐
我國自商周(包括春鞦戰國)至秦漢,重送死、興厚葬之風在統治階級中盛行。目前我們看到的商周至秦漢時期的隨葬品、帛畫和墓室壁畫,無不是重送死、興厚葬之風的體現。與之相伴的就是隆重的祭祀巫祝活動。盡管形式不同,但他們的目的不外兩個:其一是讓死者升天.好讓其過著生前一樣的享樂生活;其二是讓死者保佑其後代或本氏族興旺發達。中原與邊疆、北方與南方,盡管習俗不同,體現形式不同,但目的是一緻的。據《寜明縣誌》載,寜明在土司統治時代,重送死、興厚葬之風十分盛行,並有一定程式。如“寜明、明江一帶,喪者八歲以下,於1-2日殯葬。壽終者或已成傢者,停喪很久,一般在5個月以上。如過早殯葬,就被指責為‘幸親之死’。寜明州的喪禮:收殮後請道士做七次道場。臨將殯葬有供飯禮。供飯的次日起,連做七晝夜道場。做道場期間,奔喪親朋都食素飯。第一章 原始社會崖畫彩陶