"When Gregor Samsa woke up one morning from unsettling dreams, he found himself changed in his bed into a monstrous vermin." With this startling, bizarre, yet surprisingly funny first sentence, Kafka begins his masterpiece, The Metamorphosis. It is the story of a young man who, transformed overnight into a giant beetlelike insect, becomes an object of disgrace to his family, an outsider in his own home, a quintessentially alienated man. A harrowing -- though absurdly comic -- meditation on human feelings of inadequecy, guilt, and isolation, The Metamorphosis has taken its place as one of the mosst widely read and influential works of twentieth-century fiction. As W.H. Auden wrote, "Kafka is important to us because his predicament is the predicament of modern man".
Franz Kafka was born in 1833 to a well-to-do middle-class Jewish family. His father, the self-made proprietor of a wholesale haberdashery business, was a domineering man whose approbation Franz continually struggled to win. The younger Kafka's feelings of inadequacy and guilt form the background of much of his work and are made explicit in his "Letter to His Father" (excerpted in this volume), which was written in 1919 but never sent. Kafka was educated in the German language schools of Prague and at the city's German University, where in 1908 he took a law degree. Literature, however, remained his sole passion. At this time he became part of a literary circle that included Franz Werfel, Martin Buber, and Kafka's close friend Max Brod. Encouraged by Brod, Kafka published the prose collection Observations in 1913. Two years later his story "The Stoker" won the Fontaine prize. In 1916 he began work on The Trial and between this time and 1923 produced three incomplete novels as well as numerous sketches and stories. In his lifetime some of his short works did appear: The Judgment (1916), The Metamorphosis (1916), The Penal Colony (1919), and The Country Doctor (1919). Before his death of tuberculosis in 1924, Kafka had charged Max Brod with the execution of his estate, ordering Brod to burn the manuscripts. With the somewhat circular justification that Kafka must have known his friend could not obey such an order, Brod decided to publish Kafka's writings. To this act of "betrayal" the world owes the preservation of some of the most unforgettable and influential literary works of our century.
“Kafka’s survey of the insectile situation of young Jews in inner Bohemia can hardly be improved upon: ‘With their posterior legs they were still glued to their father’s Jewishness and with their wavering anterior legs they found no new ground.’ There is a sense in which Kafka’s Jewish question (‘What have I in common with Jews?’) has become everybody’s question, Jewish alienation the template for all our doubts. What is Muslimness? What is femaleness? What is Polishness? These days we all find our anterior legs flailing before us. We’re all insects, all Ungeziefer, now.”
—Zadie Smith
“Kafka engaged in no technical experiments whatsoever; without in any way changing the German language, he stripped it of its involved constructions until it became clear and simple, like everyday speech purified of slang and negligence. The common experience of Kafka’s readers is one of general and vague fascination, even in stories they fail to understand, a precise recollection of strange and seemingly absurd images and descriptions—until one day the hidden meaning reveals itself to them with the sudden evidence of a truth simple and incontestable.”
—Hannah Arendt
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The Metamorphosis变形记 英文原版 [平装] 下载 epub mobi pdf txt 电子书 2025
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本书是微博上最会写故事的人张嘉佳的一部短篇小说集,超4亿读者争相阅读的故事。书中讲述了发生在我们身边的很多爱情故事,有念念不忘的美好,有爱而不得的疼痛,有生离死别的遗憾,有一再错过的宿命,也有喧嚣之后的回归和温暖。像朋友在深夜跟你在叙述,叙述他走过的千山万水。那么多篇章,有温暖的,有明亮的,有落单的,有疯狂的,有无聊的,有胡说八道的。当你辗转失眠时,当你需要安慰时,当你等待列车时,当你赖床慵懒时,当你饭后困顿时,你会在张嘉佳的故事里看到自己,你会因为这些故事,而想到某个人,某段爱情。本书最初以“睡前故事”系列的名义在网上疯狂流传,几天内达到1,500,000次转发,超4亿次阅读,引来电影投资方的巨资抢购,转瞬便签下其中5个故事的电影版权。其中名篇《你会不会说话》交给著名导演陈国富、《我希望有个如你一般的人》、《暴走萝莉》交给幸福蓝海影业,均在拍摄筹备中。 2013年7月,张嘉佳在微博上开始发“睡前故事”,系列微博数度被转发超200万次,超4亿次阅读。11月,这些故事结集成书《从你的全世界路过》,目前该书销量已冲破60万册,堪称是当年国内出版界的“黑马”。张嘉佳本人这样介绍《从你的全世界路过》:“因为我是一个任性的人,所以才能写出这样真诚的文字。这本书拆开来是一个个的故事,合起来是一个世界观。我想‘睡前故事’受到大家喜欢是因为它们是将文艺青年生活化。以前很多作者写故事,内容一接地气就会显得市井。我希望‘睡前故事’能成为文艺青年的翻身仗。情节紧凑人物鲜明的故事也让微博从一个获取信息的平台变为一个适合阅读的平台。” 5作品签售 2013年12月14日,张嘉佳赴蓉签售也足见他的高人气,据西西弗书店 工作人员谢小姐介绍,当天的签售从下午2点开始一直持续到晚上近10点,签售完已近商场打烊,粗略统计,当日共签出7000多本书。《从你的全世界路过》责编包包说,“有市场的需要就会产生这种符合大家心理的作品,这批人很多都是从网络上先红起来的,在网络上就有一定的受众,等成书后,受众就会像雪球一样越滚越多。”包包认为,张嘉佳的文字篇幅不长,符合快节奏的需求,网友集中看完后很容易找到感动的点并转发,“张嘉佳是编”快讲完了,新书命名《从你的全世界路过》话说前晚“出了点儿事”,让我和我的小伙伴们都睡不着了!什么事严重到令如此多人失眠?因为张嘉佳没讲“睡前故事”!有人数羊才能入睡,同理还有人数牛数星星之类的,最近不少网友变成数完管春、胡言、幺鸡等这些名字才能去睡觉。这些名字都是作家张嘉佳笔下的“睡前故事”里的人物,而他的单篇睡前故事夸张到被转发了六位数次,六位数啊!不过一千零一夜也有讲完的一天,张嘉佳接受本报记者独家采访时透露“睡前故事”已近尾声,还有两三篇就要结束了,小伙伴们做好准备重新开始数羊吧!说好的睡前故事呢?没故事怎么睡觉!算起来大概从两个多月前吧,南京作家张嘉佳开始在微博上发“睡前故事”,故事里有痴情的管春、痴情的骆驼、痴情的毛毛、痴情的胡言、痴情的幺鸡……其实张嘉佳的笔下还有不少关于远方关于心情等主题的睡前故事,但也许是生活里的我们太缺爱,一般引起拍大腿式共鸣和井喷式转发的都是爱情故事,其中胡言和管春等几篇转发量都达到了六位数。张嘉佳