Magic Tree House Collection: Books 1-8 Audio CD 神奇樹屋有聲讀物1-8 英文原版 [平裝] epub pdf  mobi txt 電子書 下載

Magic Tree House Collection: Books 1-8 Audio CD 神奇樹屋有聲讀物1-8 英文原版 [平裝] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025

Magic Tree House Collection: Books 1-8 Audio CD 神奇樹屋有聲讀物1-8 英文原版 [平裝] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025

Mary Pope Osborne(瑪麗·波·奧斯本) 著



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Magic Tree House Collection: Books 1-8 Audio CD 神奇樹屋有聲讀物1-8 英文原版 [平裝] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025

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Magic Tree House fans on shoppers' holiday gift lists may alsoenjoy the new CD recording Magic Tree House Gift Edition: Books1-8, read by the author. Listeners join Jack and Annie as theydiscover the magic tree house filled with books that sends them onadventures traveling to the time of the dinosaurs, Ancient Egypt,outer space and more.
Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information, Inc.

In this production of the first eight books in the wildly popularMagic Tree House series, author Mary Pope Osborne proves herself tobe a narrator who can stand up with the pros. Her voices for Jackand Annie are subtly distinct and pitch-perfect. Annie's voice, inparticular, is convincing as a 6-year-old. She delivers Annie'scharacteristic "Oh, wow!" with such feeling that listeners knowsomething exciting is coming. Osborne also has an excellent senseof pace. She slows down for details and speeds up for actionsequences to keep the books moving along. Fans will delight inrevisiting these old favorites in audio format, and this productionis sure to lure some new fans to the series.


Dinosaurs Before Dark
Jack and his younger sister, Annie, stumble upon a tree house filled with books. Before Jack and Annie can figure out the mystery of the tree house, it whisks them back to the prehistoric past. Now they have to figure out how to get home. Can they do it before dark, or will they be become a dinosaur’s dinner?

The Knight at Dawn
Peacocks for dinner and boys in skirts. That’s what Jack and Annie find when the Magic Tree House transports them back to the Middle Ages for another wild adventure. They find themselves in the middle of an enormous castle and can hear the beginnings of a feast under way in the Great Hall. But Jack and Annie aren’t exactly welcome guests!

Mummies in the Morning
Jack and Annie don’t need another mummy. But that’s what they get when the Magic Tree House whisks them back to ancient Egypt after reading a book on the same subject. There they find themselves in a pyramid face to face with a long dead queen named Hutepi. Will Jack and Annie be able to help her, or will they end up as mummies themselves?

Pirates Past Noon
It’s a veritable treasure trove of trouble when the Magic Tree House carries Jack and Annie back to the days of deserted islands, secret maps, and dangerous pirates! Will they discover the hidden buried treasure, or will they face the possibility of walking the plank?

Night of the Ninjas
Have you ever met a real live ninja? Jack and Annie do when the Magic Tree House whisks them back to ancient Japan in search of enchantress Morgan le Fay. When they arrive, they find themselves in the cave of a ninja master. Will they learn the secrets of the ninja? Or will the evil samurai warriors get them first?

Afternoon on the Amazon
Vampire bats and killer ants? That's what Jack and Annie are about to run into when the Magic Tree House whisks them back in time to a South American Rain Forest in search of the elusive Morgan le Fay. It's not long before they get hopelessly lost on the Amazon River. Will they be able to find their way back to the tree house before they are trampled by stampeding killer ants?

Sunset of the Sabertooth
The Ice Age is very cool . . . for two kids in bathing suits! Jack and Annie nearly freeze when the Magic Tree House whisks them back into the time of cave people and woolly mammoths. But nothing can stop them from having another wild adventure–not even a sabertooth tiger!

Midnight on the Moon
Three . . . two . . . one . . . BLAST OFF! The Magic Tree House whisks Jack and Annie off to the moon–and the future. Their mission? To find the last “M” thing that will free Morgan from the spell. Can they do it before the air in their oxygen tank runs out? Will they mysterious moon man help them? And why is Peanut the mouse acting so strange?


MARY POPE OSBORNE is the author of the New York Times number one bestselling Magic Tree House series. She and her husband, writer Will Osborne (author of Magic Tree House: The Musical), live in northwestern Connecticut with their three dogs. Ms. Osborne is also the coauthor of the companion Magic Tree House Fact Trackers series with Will, and with her sister, Natalie Pope Boyce.

  瑪麗·波·奧斯本(Mary Pope Osborne)是美國兒童文學作傢,迄今已寫作20餘年,作品上百本,並獲得許多奬項,而且擔任過兩屆美國作傢協會的主席。曾獲得蘭登書屋終生成就奬和美國教育平裝書協會勒丁頓紀念奬,最有名的作品是“神奇樹屋係列”(Magic Tree House series)。



"Magic Tree House fans on shoppers' holiday gift lists may also enjoy the new CD recording Magic Tree House Gift Edition: Books 1-8, read by the author. Listeners join Jack and Annie as they discover the magic tree house filled with books that sends them on adventures traveling to the time of the dinosaurs, Ancient Egypt, outer space and more."
--Publishers Weekly

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Magic Tree House Collection: Books 1-8 Audio CD 神奇樹屋有聲讀物1-8 英文原版 [平裝] 下載 epub mobi pdf txt 電子書

Magic Tree House Collection: Books 1-8 Audio CD 神奇樹屋有聲讀物1-8 英文原版 [平裝] pdf 下載 mobi 下載 pub 下載 txt 電子書 下載 2025

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Magic Tree House Collection: Books 1-8 Audio CD 神奇樹屋有聲讀物1-8 英文原版 [平裝] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載
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發過來就是幾張CD, 我還以為有書的,大傢不用上當瞭,音頻到處都有,不用再買這個瞭



Magic Tree House Collection: Books 1-8 Audio CD 神奇樹屋有聲讀物1-8 英文原版 [平裝] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025

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