rom the bestselling author and star of National Geographic Channel's Dog Whisperer, the only resource you’ll need for raising a happy, healthy dog.
For the millions of people every year who consider bringing a puppy into their lives–as well as those who have already brought a dog home–Cesar Millan, the preeminent dog behavior expert, says, "Yes, you can raise the perfect dog!" It all starts with the proper foundation in the early years. Here, Cesar tells you everything you need to know to create the best environment for a well-balanced dog in order to avoid behavior issues in the future, and shows you how to correct the most common behavior issues for young dogs.
Based on Cesar’s own detailed experiences raising individual puppies from some of the most popular breeds, How to Raise the Perfect Dog is like having Cesar right beside you, as your own personal expert, coaching you and your dog from the first day of your life together.
Packed with new information aimed specifically at the particular needs of puppies and adolescents, and written in Cesar's friendly, accessible style, How to Raise the Perfect Dog answers all the most commonly asked questions and guides you towards a loving, satisfying life-long relationship with your best friend.
Professsional dog behaviorist Cesar Millan ("The Dog Whisperer") claims to rehabilitate dogs and train people. Certainly, this extraordinary man has rescued hundreds of troubled canines from destruction and abandonment and taught owners the calm, assertive leadership skills needed to handle difficult, even aggressive dogs.
Millan developed his unique talents on his grandfather's farm in Mexico, where he first observed the "power of the pack" that has become the linchpin of his training techniques. (Today he maintains perfect control over a pack of up to 50 dogs, including some of the most powerful, protective, and aggressive breeds around.) At his Dog Psychology Center in Los Angeles, he receives as many as 100 calls a day from pet owners desperate to solve such extreme canine behavior problems as shyness, insecurity, jealousy, and "red zone" aggression.
The Emmy Award-nominated television program Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan debuted on the National Geographic Channel in 2004. Millan gained even more attention when he and his training techniques were featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show. In 2005, he received a special commendation from the National Humane Society Genesis Award Committee for his work in rehabilitating shelter animals. He is the author of several books on dog training -- most notably The New York Times bestseller Cesar's Way (2006) -- and has produced a line of CDs, DVDs, and training tools.
“Millan’s wizardlike facility with dogs–the calm he brings to them, the confident way he handles them–is mind-blowing.”
—Newsweek“[Millan] arrives amid canine chaos and leaves behind peace.”
—Malcolm Gladwell, The New Yorker
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How to Raise the Perfect Dog 英文原版 [平裝] 下載 epub mobi pdf txt 電子書
喜歡,看瞭一些瞭今天我在網上買的幾本書送到瞭。取書的時候,忽然想起一傢小書店,就在我們大院對麵的街上,以前我常去,書店的名字毫無記憶,但店裏的女老闆我很熟,每次需要什麼書都先給她打電話說好,晚上散步再去取。我們像朋友一樣聊天,她還時常替讀者找我簽名。可是,自從學會從網上購書後,我再也沒去過她那裏瞭,今天忽然想起她,晚上散步到她那裏,她要我教她在網上買書,這就是幫她在京東上買瞭這本書。好瞭,廢話不說。書是正版的,之前有過擔心滴。內容還行吧,盡管我沒覺得有多充實。衝著是名人寫的,書的質量還行就不挑剔瞭。賣傢發貨挺快的,第二天就收到瞭。書還是不錯的,精裝外殼,發貨速度真心的快,評價晚瞭,書不錯,應該再早點看的。推薦看,隻是粗淺認識瞭一下,已經感覺到自己邏輯思維更加清晰。好書,受益匪淺,如果不好好研究一下此書,絕對是人生一大遺憾。好瞭,我現在來說說這本書的觀感吧,網絡文學融入主流文學之難,在於文學批評傢的缺席,在於衡量標準的混亂,很長一段時間,文學批評傢對網絡文學集體失語,直到最近一兩年來,諸多活躍於文學批評領域的評論傢,纔開始著手建立網絡文學的評價體係,很難得的是,他們迅速掌握瞭網絡文學的魅力內核,並對網絡文學給予瞭高度評價、寄予瞭很深的厚望。隨著網絡文學理論體係的建立,以及網絡文學在創作水準上的不斷提高,網絡文學成為主流文學中的主流已是清晰可見的事情,下一屆的“五個一工程奬”,我們期待看到更多網絡文學作品的入選。據瞭解,京東為顧客提供操作規範的逆嚮物流以及上門取件、代收貨款等專業服務。已經開通全國360個大中城市的配送業務,近1000傢配送站,並開通瞭自提點,社區閤作、校園閤作、便利店閤作等形式,可以滿足諸多商傢以及消費者個性化的配送需求。為瞭全麵滿足客戶的配送需求,京東商城打造瞭萬人的專業服務團隊,擁有四通八達的運輸網絡、遍布全國的網點覆蓋,以及日趨完善的信息係統平颱。所以京東的物流我是比較放心的。好瞭,現在給大傢介紹兩本好書:《婚姻是女人一輩子的事》簡介:最實用剩女齣嫁實戰手冊、婚女幸福寶典;婚姻不是最終歸宿,幸福的婚姻纔是真正的目的;內地首席勵誌作傢陸琪 首部情感勵誌力作;研究男女情感問題數年,陸琪首本情感婚姻勵誌作品。作者作為懷揣女權主義的男人,毫無保留地剖析男人的弱點,告訴女人應該如何分辨男人的愛情,如何掌控男人,如何獲得婚姻的幸福。事實上,男人和女人是兩種完全不同的動物,用女人的思考方式,永遠也瞭解不透男人。所以陸琪以男性背叛者的角度,深刻地挖掘男人最深層的情感態度和婚姻方式,讓女人能夠有的放矢、知己知彼,不再成為情感掌控的弱者。二、《正能量(實踐版)》——將“正能量”真正實踐應用的第一本書!心理自助全球第一品牌書!銷量突破600萬冊!“世界級的演講傢和激勵大師”韋恩·戴爾,為我們帶來瞭這本世界級的心理學巨作!他在韋恩州立大學獲得過教育谘詢博士學位,曾任紐約聖約翰大學教授,是自我實現領域的國際知名作傢和演講傢。他齣版過28本暢銷書,製作瞭許多廣播節目和電視錄像,而且在數韆個電視和廣播節目中做過嘉賓訪談。本書躋身《紐約時報》暢銷書榜數十周之久,在全球取得瞭極高的贊譽,曾激勵數百萬人走上追逐幸福之途。《正能量(實踐版)》——內容最實用、案例最詳實,10周改善你的人生!這本書是作者聯閤數十位科學傢、心理學傢,耗費十餘年心力的研究結晶。通過一係列行之有效的方法,以幫助所有身處人生低榖、長期焦慮、沮喪、消沉、自我懷疑的人,過上幸福喜樂的生活。每一章都像一次心理谘詢,詳細論述瞭各種自我挫敗行為,分析我們之所以不愉快、消極應對生活的原因,把人們日常生活中所暴露的性格缺陷(如自暴自棄、崇拜、依賴)和不良情緒(如悔恨、憂慮、抱怨、憤怒)逐條分析,揭開你最想知道的心理學真相,每章結尾都提供瞭簡易的方法,使得你即刻改變惡行,擁抱新生。