"查令十字街"(Charing Cross Road)是伦敦无与伦比的旧书店一条街,虽然的确贯穿数个"十字路口",但却无关乎"十字路"。之所以被称为"查令十字",是因为在十三世纪末,英国爱德华一世在位期间,为悼念其爱妻埃莉诺王后,而在其死后出殡沿途架设的十二座石造十字架得名。
An extraordinary, personal look at modern war by a young correspondent who saw its horrors firsthand, My War Gone By, I Miss It So is already being compared to the classics of war literature. Born into a distinguished family steeped in military tradition, from his youth Anthony Loyd longed to experience the fury of war from the front lines. Driven by suicidal despair and drug dependence, the former soldier left his native England at the age of twenty-six to cover the bloodiest conflict that Europe had seen since the Second World War-the war in Bosnia. Nothing can prepare you for the account of war that Loyd gives. His harrowing stories from the battlefields show humanity at its worst and best, witnessed through the grim tragedies played out daily in the city, streets, and mountain villages of Bosnia and Chechnya. Profoundly shocking, violent, poetic, and ultimately redemptive, My War Gone By, I Miss It So is an uncompromising look at the terrifying brutality of war. It is a breathtaking, soul-shattering book, an intense and moving piece of reportage that you won't put down and will never be able to forget.
《查令十字街84号》是由知名作家海伦汉芙於1970年写的作品,二战后,穷困的海莲受不了纽约昂贵庸俗的古旧书店,便按照《星期六文学评论》上的地址, 给位于伦敦查令十字街84号的马克斯与科恩书店(后来被海伦派去伦敦侦察的好友形容成一家"狄更斯时代的书店")写了一封信,求购一些旧版图书,这一天是 1949年10月5日。
很快,回信和她要的书就来了,那些书令海伦的书架相形见绌。双方的信任和欣喜很快达成,除了海伦有一点点麻烦,她是个 连付帐和找零都搞不清楚的女人,更不用说将英镑换算成美元了。马克斯与科恩书店的经理弗兰克·德尔除了满足她购书的要求外,还给她准备了英镑和美元两种发 票。温暖的相知借助、娓娓道来的书信,很块就俘获了远隔重洋的海伦和弗兰克。
五十年代初期的英国百废待兴,物资实行配给制。海伦就从美国给书 店的店员们寄来火腿鸡蛋和香肠,让他们吃到很久没有见过的"完整而大块"的肉。而弗兰克并不是不知感恩的人,他开始在英国各地奔波,出入豪宅,为存货不多 的书店添置新品,踏破铁鞋,为她寻觅难得一见的珍本。日子一天天的过去,书信成为他们平静流淌的生活中无时不在的旁白。
Helene Hanff wrote letters all her life as well as being the author of many books for children and articles for the NEW YORKER and HARPER'S. She died in 1997. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
84, Charing Cross Road is a charming record of bibliophilia, cultural difference, and imaginative sympathy. For 20 years, an outspoken New York writer and a rather more restrained London bookseller carried on an increasingly touching correspondence. In her first letter to Marks & Co., Helene Hanff encloses a wish list, but warns, "The phrase 'antiquarian booksellers' scares me somewhat, as I equate 'antique' with expensive." Twenty days later, on October 25, 1949, a correspondent identified only as FPD let Hanff know that works by Hazlitt and Robert Louis Stevenson would be coming under separate cover. When they arrive, Hanff is ecstatic--but unsure she'll ever conquer "bilingual arithmetic." By early December 1949, Hanff is suddenly worried that the six-pound ham she's sent off to augment British rations will arrive in a kosher office. But only when FPD turns out to have an actual name, Frank Doel, does the real fun begin. Two years later, Hanff is outraged that Marks & Co. has dared to send an abridged Pepys diary. "i enclose two limp singles, i will make do with this thing till you find me a real Pepys. THEN i will rip up this ersatz book, page by page, AND WRAP THINGS IN IT." Nonetheless, her postscript asks whether they want fresh or powdered eggs for Christmas. Soon they're sharing news of Frank's family and Hanff's career. No doubt their letters would have continued, but in 1969, the firm's secretary informed her that Frank Doel had died. In the collection's penultimate entry, Helene Hanff urges a tourist friend, "If you happen to pass by 84, Charing Cross Road, kiss it for me. I owe it so much."
84 Charing Cross Road 查令十字街84号 英文原版 [平装] [查令十字街84号] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
84 Charing Cross Road 查令十字街84号 英文原版 [平装] [查令十字街84号] 下载 epub mobi pdf txt 电子书 2025
84 Charing Cross Road 查令十字街84号 英文原版 [平装] [查令十字街84号] mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 下载 2025
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84 Charing Cross Road 查令十字街84号 英文原版 [平装] [查令十字街84号] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025