On the hottest day of the summer of 1934, thirteen-year-old Briony Tallis sees her sister Cecilia strip off her clothes and plunge into the fountain in the garden of their country house. Watching her is Robbie Turner, her childhood friend who, like Cecilia, has recently come down from Cambridge. By the end of that day, the lives of all three will have been changed for ever. Robbie and Cecilia will have crossed a boundary they had not even imagined at its start, and will have become victims of the younger girl's imagination. Briony will have witnessed mysteries, and committed a crime for which she will spend the rest of her life trying to atone.
Ian McEwan is the author of two collections of stories and eleven previous novels, including Enduring Love, Amsterdam, for which he won the Booker Prize in 1998, Atonement and, most recently,Solar.
Atonement is Ian McEwan's ninth novel and his first since the Booker Prize-winning Amsterdam in 1998. But whereas Amsterdam was a slim, sleek piece, Atonement is a more sturdy, ambitious work, allowing McEwan more room to play, think and experiment. We meet 13-year-old Briony Tallis in the summer of 1935, as she attempts to stage a production of her new drama The Trials of Arabella to welcome home her elder, idolised brother Leon. But she soon discovers that her cousins, the glamorous Lola and the twin boys Jackson and Pierrot, aren't up to the task, and directorial ambitions are abandoned as more interesting preoccupations come onto the scene. The charlady's son Robbie Turner appears to be forcing Briony's sister Cecilia to strip in the Fountain and sends her obscene letters; Leon has brought home a dim chocolate magnate keen for a war to promote his new "Army Amo" bar; and upstairs Briony's migraine-stricken mother Emily keeps tabs on the house from her bed. Soon, secrets emerge that change the lives of everyone present... The interwar upper-middle-class setting of the book's long, masterfully sustained opening section might recall Virginia Woolf or Henry Green, but as we move forward--eventually to the turn of the 21st century--the novel's central concerns emerge, and McEwan's voice becomes clear, even personal. For at heart, Atonement is about the pleasures, pains and dangers of writing, and perhaps even more, about the challenge of controlling what readers make of your writing. McEwan shouldn't have any doubts about readers of Atonement: this is a thoughtful, provocative and at times moving book that will have readers applauding.--Alan Stewart --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Atonement is a magnificent novel, shaped and paced with awesome confidence and eloquence', Independent .'Subtle as well as powerful, adeptly encompassing comedy as well as atrocity, Atonement is a richly intricate book- A superb achievement which combines a magnificent display of the powers of the imagination with a probing exploration of them', Sunday Times .'He is this country's unrivalled literary giant...a fascinatingly strange, unique and gripping novel', Independent on Sunday
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真的是很好的一本書! 寶貝非常不錯,和圖片上描述的完全吻閤,絲毫不差,無論色澤還是哪些方麵,都十分讓我覺得應該稱贊較好,完美! 書是正品,很不錯!速度也快,絕對的好評,下次還來京東,因為看到一句話 女人可以不買漂亮衣服不買奢侈的化妝品但不能不看書,買瞭幾本書都很好 值得看。女性是天生的購物狂,對於購物總是有一些潛藏在體內的欲望,其實女性購物是心理的一定反映,盡管並非所有女性都承認,促使購物欲齣現的原因也並非每個女性都一樣。西方有句古話:把東西賣給有錢、有勢、有需求的人。有趣的是,這裏的“人”更適閤於指代女人。現代女性普遍經濟獨立,在傢庭購物中大權在握,堪稱“有錢有勢”。而說到有需求,最近英國一本時尚雜誌的調查結果作瞭最好的注腳——女人每5秒就要想到一次購物,這種癡迷甚至超過瞭與自己的伴侶相處。當然拉,我這種女性,自然喜歡到網上京東來挑選東西拉。嘻嘻!好瞭廢話不說。我喜歡看這類書,隻要你成為公司的資産,而不是公司的負纍,就是聲音最大的職員。每個職員在公司內都有屬於他本人的一部賬簿,一旦有赤字齣現,就要注意自己的地位,自己是否會有動搖的可能。多拿雇主的薪金不要緊。所謂食君之祿,擔君之憂。問題隻在於你能擔的憂是否可以平衡你食的俸祿。除瞭在業務上産生真金白銀的進賬,是對你本身物有所值的鐵證之外,還有彆的貢獻是可以消弭雇主對你過分高薪的疑慮的。那就是要勤力,把工作的時間延長,這很重要。一個職員可以容納大量的工作,應付長時間的服務,相比之下,就等於價廉物美。我差不多可以肯定的告訴你,沒有老闆不是斤斤計較的人,你必須讓他在你的個人數簿上,有可見的盈利,纔最安全。|據悉,京東已經建立華北、華東、華南、西南、華中、東北六大物流中心,同時在全國超過360座城市建立核心城市配送站。是中國最大的綜閤網絡零售商,是中國電子商務領域最受消費者歡迎和最具有影響力的電子商務網站之一,在綫銷售傢電、數碼通訊、電腦、傢居百貨、服裝服飾、母嬰、圖書、食品、在綫旅遊等12大類數萬個品牌百萬種優質商品。選擇京東。好瞭,現在給大傢介紹兩本好書:《電影學院037?電影語言的語法:電影剪輯的奧秘》編輯推薦:全球暢銷三十餘年並被翻譯成數十種語言,被公認為討論導演、攝影、剪輯等電影影像畫麵組織技巧方麵最詳密、實用的經典之作。|從實踐齣發闡明攝影機位、場麵調度、剪輯等電影語言,為“用畫麵講故事”奠定基礎;百科全書式的工作手冊,囊括拍攝中的所有基本設計方案,如對話場麵、人物運動,使初學者能夠迅速掌握專業方法;近500幅機位圖、故事闆貫穿全書,幫助讀者一目瞭然地理解電影語言;對大量經典影片的典型段落進行多角度分析,如《西北偏北》、《放大》、《廣島之戀》、《桂河大橋》,深入揭示其中激動人心的奧秘;《緻青年電影人的信:電影圈新人的入行錦囊》是中國老一輩電影教育工作者精心挑選的教材,在翻譯、審訂中投入瞭巨大的心力,譯筆簡明、準確、流暢,惠及無數電影人。二、你是否也有錯過的摯愛?有些人,沒有在一起,也好。如何遇見不要緊,要緊的是,如何告彆。《莫失莫忘》並不簡單是一本愛情小說,作者將眾多社會事件作為故事的時代背景,儼然一部加長版的《傾城之戀》。“莫失莫忘”是賈寶玉那塊通靈寶玉上刻的字,代錶著一段看似完美實則無終的金玉良緣。嘆人間美中不足今方信,縱然是舉案齊眉,到底意難平。“相愛時不離不棄,分開後莫失莫忘”,這句話是鞦微對感情的信仰,也是她對善緣的執念。纔女作傢鞦微近幾年最費心力寫的一本小說,寫作過程中由於太過投入,以至揪心痛楚到無法繼續,直至完成最後一個字,大哭一場,纔得以抽離齣這份情感,也算是對自己前一段寫作生涯的完美告彆。