Creating Megatrends:The Belt and Road epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Creating Megatrends:The Belt and Road epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
书名:Creating Megatrends:The Belt and Road
作者:Doris,Naisbitt,John,Naisbitt,Laurence ..
China's Belt and Road Initiative is a project of unprecedented scale.
Neverthelcss, know[edge about the potitico[, ocoriomir nnd rcjltural goals and opportunities are Lagging behind.
Creating Megatrends presents the narrative of the chances and risks iChina's Belt and Road Initiative. Ithe past, Large shifts ieconomic. technological and social developments have resulted from trends and ideas beginning bottom up icities and Loca[ munities. finally forming a Megatrend. No one was icharge. China's Belt and Road Initiative goes the opposite way.
China's Initiative offers the strategic framework of reinventing globalization, orchestrated, but Leaving space to maneuver for all p.irticipants. The underlying principal is sharing: China's owexponce, its economic Succoss story of developing through investments iroad.rait and port works,and smart ec o[ogical citics. It is working with nations, involving advanced technologies, management experience. It is stabililing Volatile reqions and COuntrics by helping thcm to find their owapproach to progress and development.
Belt and Road Initiative is creating the infrastructure and connectivity needed to Link munities and create and Leverage oeconomic opportunities for state and private investment, entrepreneurs and workmen. At the same time, involving smart infrastructure, cleaenergy and ecological cities, the Initiative calls for protectioof environment and heritage as part of a cultural exchange.
These high set goals cannot be reach without creating a new and solid foundatioaside of the o[d BrettoWoods System. Belt and Road Initiative is developing a new model of global governance, a new financiaL architecture, new financial institutions and multilateral development banks.
More tha60 percent of the world's populatioimore thaa hundred nations are involved. Crpating Megatrends highlights the opportunities, challenges and risks th:s grand and experimontal project is facing.
Introductioto a high potential project l
Chapter One IntroductioInto China's Belt and Road Initiative l
Thinking local acting global
Increase the quality of exports
Proceeding oever higher levels
Chapter Two B&R; ithe global context
The political aspect of B&R;
The econonuc reach of B&R;
At the crossroadl
China's changing image
Keeping the momentum of growth
Infrastructure works to assure market accessibility
Strategically shifting growth
China's B&R; risk considerations
Security through economic progress and hope
Chapter Three The Creatioof a Megatrend
Regional and intemational cooperatioinstead of confrontation
The Belt and Road: Visions and Question
Questio1: What does the Belt and Road stand for
Questio2: What are the historical roots of the Belt and Road
Questio3: What are the 2lst century routes of B&Rl;
The Belt and Road Initiative: Six Economic Corridors
Spanning Asia, Europe and Africa l
The six key routes:
The six strategic international economic co-operatiocorridors:
The six international economic co-operatiocorridors
1. The new Eurasia Land Bridge
2. The China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor
3. China-Central Asia- West Asia Economic Corridor
4. China-Indochina Peninsula Economic Corridor
5. China-PakistaEconomic Corridor
6. Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor
China's role as a marine superpower
Chapter Four Questio5: What are the continents involved
Chapter Five Questio6: Which are the countries joining l
Chapter Six Questio7: How will the Belt and Road be funded
Chapter Eight Questio9: What are B&R; sector strategies
Chapter Nine Questio10: What are China's six domestic B&R; strategies
Chapter TeQuestio11: Will the yuabee a reserve currency
Chapter EleveB&R;'s Environmental Policy
Chapter Twelve GreeFinance ia GreeSilk Road
Chapter ThirteeRe-inventing Globalization
Silk Road Timeline
Doris Naisbitt, aobserver of global social, economic and political trends.Director of the Naisbitt China Institute. co-author of Global Game Change : Howthe Globat Southeraett Witt Reshape Our World IJanuary zoisL China'sMegatrends: Eight Pillars of a New Society, The China Model and InnovatioiChina.Iadditioto her research ofuture global developments Doris Naisbitt isdedicated to foster personal growth. Xinhua. the official press agency of Chinacalled her the 'global philosopher for China's youth'. Her personaL experiencethat one castart a successful career Later iLife has inspired audiences and encouraged people to reinvent their owLives.
How to make the most of your talents was the red Line of Ooris Naisbitt's biweekly columiChina Youth Daily, China's second Largest newspaper. Her columns were collectively published ithe book: How to Get Where You Want to Go. To bridge cultural differences betweeChina and the US and to find and build omogrounds is the story Line her book Mai-LiMy China.
Doris Naisbitt is guest professor at Beijing ForeigStudies University, she holds protessorships at prestfgious Nankai University and JiliUniversity, and at YunnaUniversity and Skolkovo OpeUniversity Moscow as well as a honorary Doctor of South Korea's Pukyong National University.
JohNaisbitt, author of the # 1 New York Times bestseller Megatrends, has beeithe Limelight of the publishing worLd ever since the book was published 1982. It remained othe New York Times bestsetler for almost two years, mostLy as number one. Megatrends was one of publishing's greatest success stories, selling more tha1t milliocopies i57 countries. The Watt Street Journal called JohNaisbitt's work 'triumphantly usefuL...taking bearings iall directions and giving us the courage to do the same.'
t-kgatrends was followed by internationaL bestsellers: Re-inventing the Corporatioi1 9as, Megatrands 2000 i1990. Megatrends for Wome1 991 . Global Paradox 1 992, Megatrends Asia 1995. High Tech High Touch, 1 999 and MindSet! i2006.
JohNaisbitt holds 21 honorary doctor degrees and protessorships from American, Chinese and RussiaUniversities and is honorary Doctor of South Korea's Pukyong National University.
Ihis early career JohNaisbitt was aexecutive at Kadak and IBM. At age 34 JohNaisbitt was appointed assistant secretary of educatioto President JohKennedy. After the president's assassinatiohe was appointed special assistant to President Lyndo_lohnson. Urged by the social and racial turbulences iAmerica's cities JohNaisbitt begato analyse social economic and political developments ithe US. which ted to publishing Megatrends i1982.
Doris and JohNaisbitt
After working together as publisher and author from 1995 to 2000, JohNaisbitt and Doris Naisbitt. his former GermaLanguage publisher, married i2000 and begatheir collaboratioas co-authors. They speak to audiences iAsia, LatiAmerica, Africa, Europe and the US, and have appeared omany televisioprograms, writtefor first-tier publications, and addressed numerous government and policymaking institutions.
Laurence J. Brahm, is ainternational crisis mediatiolawyer and developmental economist. He is founder of the HimalayaConsensus, a regionaL multi-stakeholder multi-lateral process dedicated to the preventioof conftict over water resources due to climate disruption.
Betwee2013-2015. as Senior Advisor to China's Ministry of Environmental Protectiohe was Lead drafter of 'EcologicaL Civilization-. China's 'greeprint' for renewable energy and water conservation. During this period he also served as advisor to Bhutan's National Environmental Commission. I2015 Iceland's President Olafur Ragnar Grimssoinvited him to serve othe HimaLaya - Third
Pole Circle, a panel forming poLicy responses to glacial melt caused by cLimate change. I2012 as NGO spokespersoto the United Nations Earth Summit 2012
IRio+20J, he was seLected by ScenaRio as one of the '100 OpinioLeaders Advising R1o+20'. I2010 he received the UNDP Award for Bio-Diversity and
CuLturaL ProtectioiChina presented by Jane Goodall. I2008 China Central Televisioselected him as the only foreigner among teindividuals recognized tor contributing to China's three decades of econamic reforms and opening.
As explorer and documentary film director, betwee2002-2009 he Led a ser
Creating Megatrends:The Belt and Road epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Creating Megatrends:The Belt and Road 下载 epub mobi pdf txt 电子书 2025Creating Megatrends:The Belt and Road mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 下载 2025
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Creating Megatrends:The Belt and Road epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025