適讀人群 :準備參加雅思考試的考生以及想提高英語水平的讀者 《新東方雅思閱讀》匯集瞭新東方雅思培訓經驗的精華,新東方及國際知名雅思專傢強強聯手,傾力打造符閤中國雅思考生學習特點的培訓教材。由資深國際語言專傢RodEllis親自作序,並擔任總顧問,對教材編寫予以指導;新東方教育科技集團雅思研究院院長周成剛親自審訂。
Unit 1 Education 2
Unit 2 Food
Unit 3 Health
Unit 4 Media
Unit 5 Practice 1
Unit 6 Advertising
Unit 7 Learning to Speak
Unit 8 The Environment
Unit 9 Sponsorship
Unit 10 Practice 2
Unit 11 Transport
Unit 12 Travel
Unit 13 Technology
Unit 14 Money
Unit 15 Practice 3
Unit 16 Commodities
Unit 17 Social Issues
Unit 18 Drugs and Sport
Unit 19 Communication
Unit 20 Practice 4
Answer key
Overview (概論)
This book covers the following points:
Reading Topics and Styles
Topics which are often seen in the IELTS reading test. For example:
technology, the environment, psychology, human biology, science, history, sport, medicine, the media, advertising
Common styles of IELTS reading passages
Narrative, description and argument styles. Articles are written in newspaper, journal and/or magazine style and are mostly at a level for an educated, general audience.
Exercises to help you to recognise and learn useful vocabulary for the reading texts. Strategies for dealing with unknown vocabulary in the reading texts.
Strategies and Practice for Answering the IELTS Reading Question Types
All of the IELTS reading question types are covered in this book. The book provides:
Practice exercises for each question type
Helpful hints for approaching each question type
Practice Activities for Reading Quickly to Understand the Main Idea
This is a KEY skill for success in the IELTS reading test. Each unit provides activities to help you to understand the main ideas BEFORE you begin the IELTS style reading questions.
Practice Units
Units 5, 10, 15 and 20 of this book are practice units. In these units you will practise reading and answering questions.
There are two reading passages in each Practice Unit, and each passage has about 25 questions. In the real IELTS test, there are three reading passages and each one has about 15 questions. The total number of questions in a real IELTS test is approximately 40.
Extension activities
These activities are designed to provide further vocabulary practice, or to help you to understand the organisation of the passage more clearly.
We hope you will enjoy using this book, and that you will learn useful language and skills to help you to pass the IELTS reading test.
Dear Student,
Welcome to this IELTS preparation course and the Reading Book in particular.
IELTS, the International English Language Testing System, is one of the world’s most popular English language tests for entry into university or higher education where English is the language of communication. In other words, it is your academic passport!
The most difficult challenge you will face in the Academic Reading Test is the enormous amount of unknown vocabulary. In this book you will learn a lot of frequently used academic words but, more importantly, you will learn strategies for managing unknown vocabulary. Each unit has extensive activities to help you develop your English vocabulary because a wide vocabulary base is one of the keys to success in the reading exam.
The exercises in this book have been created to give you practice in all the essential reading skills as well as the strategies you will need to answer the different kinds of questions in the test.
Topics in this book have been chosen because they are interesting, appropriate and typical. You will also study the common writing styles (narrative, description, argument) which are presented in reading passage materials in the IELTS exam.
Congratulations on choosing to study IELTS with New Oriental.
Ready? Let’s go!
Rod Ellis
Task Base教學法創始人
Dear Student,
Thank you for choosing to study for the IELTS with New Oriental.
This book is the long anticipated result of a close cooperation between New Oriental and international IELTS experts to develop our own IELTS training materials. We believe it offers a different approach, with the following features:
First of all, the language used is likely what you will encounter in a real classroom or work setting while living abroad. The setting of each dialogue is also consistent with how you might encounter English as used by native speakers in their own country.
Also, under the guidance of renowned professor Rod Ellis, our partner international research team has delivered a proven methodology for ensuring the intended acquisition of needed skills for IELTS test takers in speaking, listening, reading and writing.
And most importantly, this book incorporates ten years of IELTS training experience by the very best teachers at New Oriental, and therefore has been customized to suit the needs of Chinese students.
I sincerely hope that together with these materials New Oriental teachers can make your IELTS classroom fruitful and rewarding. Enjoy your learning time with New Oriental!
新東方雅思閱讀 epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
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