The riotously funny Lilly, last seen in Chester's Way (Greenwillow), thinks her new baby brother, Julius, is disgusting--if he was a number, he would be zero. But when Cousin Garland dares to criticize Julius, Lilly bullies her into loudly admiring Julius as the baby of the world.Lilly knows her baby brother is nothing but dreadful--until she claims him for her own. "Henkes displays a deep understanding of sibling rivalry and a child's fragile self-esteem... Lilly is a superb and timely heroine.
Kevin Henkes lives in Madison, Wisconsin. His novels include Protecting Marie and Words of Stone. Among his picture books are Owen, a 1994 Caldecott Honor Book; Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse; and Julius, the Baby of the World.
In His Own Words...
"I remember drawing at a very early age. I loved it. And my parents and teachers told me I was good at it -- that made me love it all the more."
"I also loved books, and the ones I was lucky enough to own were reread, looked at over and over, and regarded with great respect. To me great respect' meant that I took them everywhere, and the ones I still own prove it. They're brimming with all the telltale signs of true love: dog-eared pages, fingerprints on my favorite illustrations, my name and address inscribed on both front and back covers in inch-high crayon lettering, and the faint smell of stale peanut butter on the bindings."
"I wondered about authors and illustrators back then -- What did they look like? Where did they live? Did they have families? How old were they? -- but I never imagined that one day I would be one myself."
"I became an author-illustrator when I was nineteen years old. I flew from my home in Racine, Wisconsin, to New York City with my portfolio, hoping to find a publisher. And magically enough Susan Hirschman at Greenwillow Books made my dream come true. My first picture book, All Alone, was published in 1987. Since then I've written and illustrated many picture books and written several novels. I like the variety of trying new ways to fill the pages between two covers. Experimenting with words and paint and ink keeps my job interesting."
"I used to live with my parents and brothers and sister and work at a card table in my bedroom. Now I live with my wife, my son, and my daughter in our own house and work at a drawing table in my own studio. I never thought I'd be lucky enough to be a real author and illustrator. I wouldn't trade it for anything."
"A reassuring, funny book for all young children who suffer from new-sibling syndrome."
——School Library Journal
Julius the Baby of the World[朱莉斯,世界的小宝宝] [平装] [4岁及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Julius the Baby of the World[朱莉斯,世界的小宝宝] [平装] [4岁及以上] 下载 epub mobi pdf txt 电子书 2025
Julius the Baby of the World[朱莉斯,世界的小宝宝] [平装] [4岁及以上] mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 下载 2025
可以随着孩子年龄增长拿出来,反复读,总有收获的知识类书籍。值得买。第一次看到一些枯燥的知识可以用这样的绘画表达方式来传授,觉得实在很有趣。也是在亲子网上看到有爸爸妈妈推荐,所以决定买来读一读。值得拥有,是一本好书。 读书是一件非常好的事情,特别是对儿童来说,培养一个爱好书,喜欢阅读的习惯对他的人生都是很有意义的。所以从小家长就要引领孩子,给他们读书,将他们带进这个阅读的世界。每天抽出一点时间做亲子阅读,给孩子带来了温暖的感受,让父母温柔的声音带给孩子爱和知识,是多么伟大的一件事情啊。当孩子长大以后,这些都会是他美好的回忆,他也会继续给他的孩子去读书,家里的藏书和情感就这样传承下去,是多么美,多么好的,多么温馨的。 如果是学习英语,因为英语不是我们的母语,所以如何选择一本好书,好的英语启蒙教材就显得非常重要。这本书就是一本很合适的书籍。 这本书开本大,图画鲜艳,很适合儿童去阅读,丰富了视觉感官。带领孩子们进入了一个奇妙的书的国度。原版儿童书籍还有一个非常大的特色就是,真正的做到了寓教于乐,而不是单纯的灌输知识和教条的讲道理。 京东的满减活动时,是购入原版书籍的好时机。比如300-100的活动,200-70的活动等等,活动经常会有,但是好书不一定常有,看准时机就要入手了。这里推荐出售的原版儿童书籍内容丰富,适合启蒙,同时也让孩子们了解国外的风土人情和国外孩子的生活点滴。 有很多的原版童书书籍是配有音频CD的,这样的书籍更好,遇到合适内容的就买了。用有声书来培养儿童的英语语感,英语口语能力都是很不错的。有声书的价格大概在60元左右,扣除一些折扣,真正买下也就是三四十的价格。但是购买了这些书,给孩子去读,去听,带来的隐形价值却远远大于三四十元。这笔账相信大家都会算。 朗读手册里有很多优秀的书籍推荐,很多书在这里都能找到,所以在这里买书也是一件非常快乐的事情。 我买的比较多的是儿童的书籍,原版的中文的,我们小时候没有那么多丰富的图书资源,现在的孩子实在很幸福可以读到那么多的好书。 当然最重要的一点就是买了书一定要回家读,不然光买不看,真真正正是一种浪费了啊。还有就是太超龄的书,不建议购买,屯书可以,但是要根据自己孩子的实际情况,适当的去屯,不要跟风热门书籍。充分利用起来手中的书,这样,你才能体会到读书的真正乐趣。
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Julius the Baby of the World[朱莉斯,世界的小宝宝] [平装] [4岁及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025