Nate the Great, San Francisco Detective[了不起的小侦探内特:旧金山的侦探] [平装] [6岁及以上] epub pdf  mobi txt 电子书 下载

Nate the Great, San Francisco Detective[了不起的小侦探内特:旧金山的侦探] [平装] [6岁及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025

Nate the Great, San Francisco Detective[了不起的小侦探内特:旧金山的侦探] [平装] [6岁及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025

Marjorie Weinman Sharmat(马乔里·温曼·萨马特),Mitchell Sharmat(米切尔·萨马特) 著,Martha Weston(玛莎·韦斯顿) 绘



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出版社: Random House Children's Books
丛书名: Nate the Great

Nate the Great, San Francisco Detective[了不起的小侦探内特:旧金山的侦探] [平装] [6岁及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025

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Nate, the great detective, and his dog, Sludge, are off to San Francisco They're going to visit Nate's cousin Olivia Sharp. She's a detective, too, and a very busy one. Olivia isn't around to solve her case number 22. Her client, Duncan, has lost his joke book. He tells Nate that if the book isn't found--and soon--the world will come to an end. Nate takes the case. He and Sludge cruise up and down and around San Francisco in the limo, tracking down clues. Sticky, icky clues, big and small clues, all-around-the-town clues that take them to a pancake house, over the Golden Gate Bridge, and finally to a place that seems wrong but could be right. Can Nate the Great keep the world from coming to an end? Can he solve his first out-of-town case?


Born in Portland, Maine, in 1928, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat dreamed of becoming a writer. Little did she know that she would be the author of more than 70 books for children of all ages. Another of her childhood dreams, that of becoming a detective, has also been realized in her most popular Nate the Great series, begun in 1972.

Many of Sharmat's books have been Literary Guild selections and chosen as Books of the Year by the Library of Congress. Several have been made into films for television, including Nate the Great Goes Undercover, winner of the Los Angeles International Children's Film Festival Award. Nate the Great Saves the King of Sweden has been named one of the New York Public Library's 100 Titles for Reading and Sharing.

Nate the Great, San Francisco Detective[了不起的小侦探内特:旧金山的侦探] [平装] [6岁及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025

Nate the Great, San Francisco Detective[了不起的小侦探内特:旧金山的侦探] [平装] [6岁及以上] 下载 epub mobi pdf txt 电子书 2025

Nate the Great, San Francisco Detective[了不起的小侦探内特:旧金山的侦探] [平装] [6岁及以上] pdf 下载 mobi 下载 pub 下载 txt 电子书 下载 2025

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Nate the Great, San Francisco Detective[了不起的小侦探内特:旧金山的侦探] [平装] [6岁及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载
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Nate the great 这个系列早就想入,不过小朋友还小, 就一直等着, 这趟趁着搞活动, 进了17本, 感觉很不错, 首先印刷很精美, 字也很大, 适合小朋友自己阅读; 其次, 内容也很丰富, 每个故事的结构基本相同, 然后类似其他的一系列的阅读书, 知识面也很广, 能够吸引到小读者。




帮同事买的,很满意的一本书, 京东的活动很给力,发货速度快,下次还会购买。


在早期教育中,让孩子们很好地学习阅读是很重要的,因为书籍是知识的海洋,阅读是孩子们独立掌握知识的最重要的途径。儿童对阅读的态度如何,将决定着他未来的学习成就。  国外研究资料表明:5岁左右的孩子已经会阅读了,早开始阅读比晚开始阅读对发展孩子的阅读能力有利,并无证据说明早期阅读对视力有害。  每一位母亲都可以培养自己的孩子早读。这不仅能增进孩子的知识,开发孩子的智力,还可以解放自己——不至于每天都被孩子缠着讲故事。 那么,如何培养幼儿早期阅读的兴趣和能力呢?   1.需要一个良好的学习氛围。如果幼儿出生在一个有文化的家庭,这样的家庭藏书丰富,大人们经常看书,幼儿受到影响,自然而然就捧起了书本。这样,幼儿就先学会了重视阅读。也许他还只有1岁多,但他会拿起婴儿画报看得有滋有味。在他2岁到3岁之间,要坚持讲故事给孩子听。再大一点,要经常读书给孩子听。显然读书和讲故事是有区别的。不管孩子是否听得懂,都不要丧失信心。正是从大人们读书给他们听开始,幼儿发展了他们在概念上对阅读的理解,这将决定他们学习阅读的能力。  2.书面语始终是获取知识的重要来源之一。学习阅读就是通过一系列方式方法去弄清书面语的意义。对刚刚捧起书本阅读的幼儿来说,这意味着他开始思考言语和文字的关系。在探索其一致性时,他们先是明了图画与文字是有区别的,开始明白黑色的“符号”是写下来的话,开始领会到口语与书面语之间有所不同。  可以说,幼儿从降生后第一次听到说话以及后来注意到书面语,是开始阅读的第一步。如果家长们从幼儿学习说话开始,就有意识地多使用书面语言,对幼儿及早地跨过阅读关是有利的。当然,这也对家长的文化素养提出了一定的要求。 3.教孩子识字的唯一目的是教他阅读。识字要与阅读同步,绝不要孤立地教幼儿认字几百个、上千个,这对于开发幼儿智力毫无益处,反而会弄巧成拙。如果迫使他无休止地学那些单个的枯燥无味的字会使他兴趣索然。而往往有一部分家长走入这个误区。   4.为孩子精心选择好的读物是重要的。要从他阅读一开始,就使所读的东西能引发他自发阅读的愿望。学习阅读必须从阅读中去学习,应当尊重儿童愿望和考虑他们的智力发展的现实需要。如果读物内容儿童很难接受或与他们的生活实际相距甚远,孩子会因为失去信心或兴趣而放弃,如果读物的内容越来越简单,读来越发容易,效果也不会好。因此,我们应该由易及难、由浅及深地选择那些寓知识于趣味之中的简易读物、初级读物、连环画、童话、故事、诗歌、传记、字典、参考书、小说、非小说书刊等等。有了一定的阅读能力,可以把孩子带到图书馆去让他自己选择书籍。


Nate, the great detective, depends on his dog, Sludge, to help him solve all of his cases. But Sludge can’t help him this time — Sludge is lost! Lost inside a big department store on a rainy day. Nate frantically searches for his best friend and trusted helper. Salespeople have spotted a wet, slippery, sloppy dog running about. Is Sludge hiding from them? Nate looks high and low, and in places he’d rather not look at all. But every clue leads to a dead end . . . until Nate realizes that Sludge can help him with this case!Nate, the great detective, depends on his dog, Sludge, to help him solve all of his cases. But Sludge can’t help him this time — Sludge is lost! Lost inside a big department store on a rainy day. Nate frantically searches for his best friend and trusted helper. Salespeople have spotted a wet, slippery, sloppy dog running about. Is Sludge hiding from them? Nate looks high and low, and in places he’d rather not look at all. But every clue leads to a dead end . . . until Nate realizes that Sludge can help him with this case!Nate, the great detective, depends on his dog, Sludge, to help him solve all of his cases. But Sludge can’t help him this time — Sludge is lost! Lost inside a big department store on a rainy day. Nate frantically searches for his best friend and trusted helper. Salespeople have spotted a wet, slippery, sloppy dog running about. Is Sludge hiding from them? Nate looks high and low, and in places he’d rather not look at all. But every clue leads to a dead end . . . until Nate realizes that Sludge can help him with this case!Nate, the great detective, depends on his dog, Sludge, to help him solve all of his cases. But Sludge can’t help him this time — Sludge is lost! Lost inside a big department store on a rainy day. Nate frantically searches for his best friend and trusted helper. Salespeople have spotted a wet, slippery, sloppy dog running about. Is Sludge hiding from them? Nate looks high and low, and in places he’d rather not look at all. But every clue leads to a dead end . . . until Nate realizes that Sludge can help him with this case!Nate, the great detective, depends on his dog, Sludge, to help him solve all of his cases. But Sludge can’t help him this time — Sludge is lost! Lost inside a big department store on a rainy day. Nate frantically searches for his best friend and trusted helper. Salespeople have spotted a wet, slippery, sloppy dog running about. Is Sludge hiding from them? Nate looks high and low, and in places he’d rather not look at all. But every clue leads to a dead end . . . until Nate realizes that Sludge can help him with this case!Nate, the great detective, depends on his dog, Sludge, to help him solve all of his cases. But Sludge can’t help him this time — Sludge is lost! Lost inside a big department store on a rainy day. Nate frantically searches for his best friend and trusted helper. Salespeople have spotted a wet, slippery, sloppy dog running about. Is Sludge hiding from them? Nate looks high and low, and in places he’d rather not look at all. But every clue leads to a dead end . . . until Nate realizes that Sludge can help him with this case!





Nate the Great, San Francisco Detective[了不起的小侦探内特:旧金山的侦探] [平装] [6岁及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025

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Nate the Great, San Francisco Detective[了不起的小侦探内特:旧金山的侦探] [平装] [6岁及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025





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