数字通信(第五版 英文精简版) epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
数字通信(第五版 英文精简版) epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
书名:数字通信(第五版 英文精简版)
作者:(美)普罗科斯,(美)萨利希,张力军 等改编
Chapter 1Introduction
1.1 Elements of a Digital CommunicationSystem
1.2 Communication Channels and TheirCharacteristics
1.3 Mathematical Models for CommunicationChannels
1.4 A Historical Perspective in the Development of
Chapter 2 Deterministic and Random SignalAnalysis
2.1 Representation of Bandpass Signals andSystems
2.1–1 Representation of Bandpass Signals/ 2.1–2 Response of aBandpass System to a Bandpass Signal
2.2 Signal Space Representation ofWaveforms
2.2–1 Vector Space Concepts / 2.2–2 Signal Space Concepts / 2.2–3Orthogonal Expansions of Signals /2.2–4 Gram-SchmidtProcedure
2.3 Some Useful RandomVariables
2.4 RandomProcesses
2.4–1 Wide-Sense Stationary Random Processes /2.4–2Cyclostationary Random Processes
2.5 Series Expansion of RandomProcesses
2.5–1 Sampling Theorem for Band-Limited RandomProcesses /2.5–2 TheKarhunen-Lo`eve Expansion
2.6 Bandpass Stationary StochasticProcesses
Chapter 3 Digital ModulationSchemes
3.1 Representation of Digitally ModulatedSignals
3.2 Memoryless ModulationMethods
3.2–1 Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) / 3.2–2 Phase Modulation /3.2–3 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation /3.2–4 MultidimensionalSignaling
3.3 Signaling Schemes withMemory
3.3–1 Continuous-Phase Frequency-Shift Keying(CPFSK) /
3.3–2 Continuous-Phase Modulation (CPM)
3.4 Power Spectrum of Digitally ModulatedSignals
3.4–1 Power Spectral Density of a Digitally ModulatedSignalwith
Memory / 3.4–2 Power Spectral Density of LinearlyModulated
Signals / 3.4–3 Power Spectral Density ofDigitally Modulated
Signals with Finite Memory / 3.4–4Power Spectral Density of
Modulation Schemes with a MarkovStructure / 3.4–5 Power
Spectral Densities of CPFSK and CPM Signals
Chapter 4 Optimum Receivers for AWGNChannels
4.1 Waveform and Vector ChannelModels
4.1–1 Optimal Detection for a General Vector Channel
4.2 Waveform and Vector AWGNChannels
4.2–1 Optimal Detection for the Vector AWGN Channel /4.2–2Implementation of the Optimal Receiver for AWGN Channels / 4.2–3 AUnion Bound on the Probability of Error of Maximum LikelihoodDetection
4.3 Optimal Detection and Error Probability for Band-Limited
4.3–1 Optimal Detection and Error Probability for ASK or
PAM Signaling / 4.3–2 Optimal Detection and ErrorProbability
for PSK Signaling / 4.3–3 Optimal Detection and ErrorProbability
for QAM Signaling / 4.3–4 Demodulation and Detection
4.4 Optimal Detection and Error Probability forPower-Limited
4.4–1 Optimal Detection and Error Probability for Orthogonal
Signaling / 4.4–2 Optimal Detection and Error Probabilityfor
Biorthogonal Signaling / 4.4–3 Optimal Detection and Error
Probability for Simplex Signaling
4.5 Optimal Detection in Presence of Uncertainty:Noncoherent
4.5–1 Noncoherent Detection of Carrier Modulated Signals /4.5–2Optimal Noncoherent Detection of FSK Modulated Signals / 4.5–3Error Probability of Orthogonal Signaling with NoncoherentDetection / 4.5–4 Probability of Error for Envelope Detection ofCorrelated Binary Signals /4.5–5 Differential PSK (DPSK)
4.6 A Comparison of Digital SignalingMethods
4.6–1 Bandwidth and Dimensionality
4.7 Lattices and Constellations Based onLattices
4.7–1 An Introduction to Lattices / 4.7–2 Signal Constellationsfrom Lattices
4.8 Detection of Signaling Schemes withMemory
4.8–1 The Maximum Likelihood Sequence Detector
4.9 Optimum Receiver for CPMSignals
4.9–1 Optimum Demodulation and Detection of CPM /4.9–2 Performanceof CPM Signals / 4.9–3 Suboptimum Demodulation and Detection of CPMSignals
Chapter 5 Carrier and SymbolSynchronization
5.1 Signal ParameterEstimation
5.1–1 The Likelihood Function / 5.1–2 Carrier Recovery and
Symbol Synchronization in Signal Demodulation
5.2 Carrier PhaseEstimation
5.2–1 Maximum-Likelihood Carrier Phase Estimation /5.2–2 ThePhase-Locked Loop / 5.2–3 Effect of AdditiveNoise on the PhaseEstimate / 5.2–4 Decision-Directed Loops / 5.2–5Non-Decision-Directed Loops
5.3 Symbol TimingEstimation
5.3–1 Maximum-Likelihood Timing Estimation /5.3–2Non-Decision-Directed Timing Estimation
5.4 Joint Estimation of Carrier Phase and SymbolTiming
5.5 Performance Characteristics of MLEstimators
Chapter 6 Digital Communication Through Band-LimitedChannels
6.1 Characterization of Band-LimitedChannels
6.2 Signal Design for Band-LimitedChannels
6.2–1 Design of Band-Limited Signals for No Intersymbol
Interference—The Nyquist Criterion / 6.2–2 Design of Band-LimitedSignals with Controlled ISI—Partial-Response Signals / 6.2–3 DataDetection for Controlled ISI /6.2–4 Signal Design for Channels withDistortion
6.3 Optimum Receiver for Channels with ISI andAWGN
6.3–1 Optimum Maximum-Likelihood Receiver /6.3–2 A Discrete-TimeModel for a Channel with ISI /6.3–3 Maximum-Likelihood SequenceEstimation (MLSE)
for the Discrete-Time White Noise Filter Model
6.4 LinearEqualization
6.4–1 Peak Distortion Criterion /6.4–2 Mean-Square-Error (MSE)Criterion /
6.4–3 Performance Characteristics of the MSE Equalizer /6.4–4Fractionally Spaced Equalizers /6.4–5 Baseband and Passband LinearEqualizers
6.5 Decision-FeedbackEqualization
6.5–1 Coefficient Optimization /6.5–2 Performance Characteristicsof DFE
6.6 Reduced Complexity MLDetectors
Chapter 7 AdaptiveEqualization
7.1 Adaptive LinearEqualizer
7.1–1 The Zero-Forcing Algorithm /7.1–2 The LMS Algorithm /7.1–3Convergence Properties of the LMS Algorithm /7.1–4 Excess MSE dueto Noisy Gradient Estimates /7.1–5 Accelerating the InitialConvergence Rate
in the LMS Algorithm / 7.1–6 Adaptive Fractionally SpacedEqualizer—The Tap Leakage Algorithm /7.1–7 An Adaptive ChannelEstimator for ML
Sequence Detection
7.2 Adaptive Decision-FeedbackEqualizer
7.3 Recursive Least-Squares Algorithms for AdaptiveEqualization
7.3–1 Recursive Least-Squares (Kalman) Algorithm /7.3–2 LinearPrediction and the Lattice Filter
Chapter 8 Multichannel and MulticarrierSystems
8.1 Multichannel Digital Communications in AWGNChannels
8.1–1 Binary Signals / 8.1–2 M-ary Orthogonal Signals
8.2 MulticarrierCommunications
8.2–1 Single-Carrier Versus Multicarrier Modulation /8.2–2Capacity of a Nonideal Linear Filter Channel /8.2–3 OrthogonalFrequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) /8.2–4 Modulation andDemodulation in an OFDM System /
8.2–5 An FFT Algorithm Implementation of an OFDM System /8.2–6Spectral Characteristics of Multicarrier Signals /8.2–7 Bit andPower Allocation in Multicarrier Modulation /8.2–8 Peak-to-AverageRatio in Multicarrier Modulation /8.2–9 Channel CodingConsiderations in Multicarrier Modulation
Chapter 9 Spread Spectrum Signals for DigitalCommunications
9.1 Model of Spread Spectrum Digital CommunicationSystem
9.2 Direct Sequence Spread SpectrumSignals
9.2–1 Error Rate Performance of the Decoder /9.2–2 SomeApplications of DS Spread Spectrum Signals /9.2–3 Effect of PulsedInterference on DS Spread Spectrum Systems / 9.2–4 Excision ofNarrowband Interference in DS Spread Spectrum Systems / 9.2–5Generation of PN Sequences
9.3 Frequency-Hopped Spread SpectrumSignals
9.3–1 Performance of FH Spread Spectrum Signals in an
AWGN Channel / 9.3–2 Performance of FH Spread Spectrum
Signals in Partial-Band Interference / 9.3–3 A CDMA System
Based on FH Spread Spectrum Signals
9.4 Other Types of Spread SpectrumSignals
Chapter 10 Fading Channels : Characterization and
10.1 Characterization of Fading MultipathChannels
10.1–1 Channel Correlation Functions and Power Spectra /
10.1–2 Statistical Models for Fading Channels
10.2 The Effect of Signal Characteristics on the Choice of aChannelModel
10.3 Frequency-Nonselective, Slowly FadingChannel
10.4 Diversity Techniques for Fading MultipathChannels
10.4–1 Binary Signals / 10.4–2 Multiphase Signals /10.4–3
数字通信(第五版 英文精简版) epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
数字通信(第五版 英文精简版) 下载 epub mobi pdf txt 电子书 2025数字通信(第五版 英文精简版) mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 下载 2025
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数字通信(第五版 英文精简版) epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025