Persuasive Technology epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Persuasive Technology epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
B. J. 福格
实验心理学家、斯坦福说服性技术实验室(Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab)创始人,因其卓越的学术研究贡献被《财富》杂志评为“你应该知道的十位新秀大师”之一。
福格博士每年要为计算机科学系和斯坦福大学的学习、设计和技术项目教授说服性技术方面的研究生课程。另外,福格博士还曾在多家世界500强企业任职,并为其提供健康、生产力和财务福祉方面的培训。他曾经领导过惠普实验室、间隔研究公司(Interval Research)和太阳微系统公司的战略创新工作。受其说服性技术影响而设计的大量产品(包括由福格博士的学生联合创建的“照片墙(Instagram)”应用程序)受到了数百万使用者的喜爱。
Can computers change what you think and do? Can they motivate you to stop smoking, persuade you to buy insurance, or convince you to join the Army?
"Yes, they can," says Dr. B.J. Fogg, director of the Persuasive Technology Lab at Stanford University. Fogg has coined the phrase "Captology"(an acronym for computers as persuasive technologies) to capture the domain of research, design, and applications of persuasive computers.In this thought-provoking book, based on nine years of research in captology, Dr. Fogg reveals how Web sites, software applications, and mobile devices can be used to change people's attitudes and behavior. Technology designers, marketers, researchers, consumersanyone who wants to leverage or simply understand the persuasive power of interactive technologywill appreciate the compelling insights and illuminating examples found inside.
Persuasive technology can be controversialand it should be. Who will wield this power of digital influence? And to what end? Now is the time to survey the issues and explore the principles of persuasive technology, and B.J. Fogg has written this book to be your guide.
* Filled with key term definitions in persuasive computing
*Provides frameworks for understanding this domain
*Describes real examples of persuasive technologies
Persuasive Technology epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Persuasive Technology 下载 epub mobi pdf txt 电子书 2025Persuasive Technology mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 下载 2025
Persuasive Technology epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载##这是一本可以覆盖所有人群的书,象卡耐基的话术一样,有沟通需要的人都应该看看。就如书中所说的“如果所有人——不管是专业人士还是普通公民——都能理解计算机可以如何被用来说服我们掌控那些将会影响我们健康和福祉的决定,我们就可以利用这种力量实现它所能带来的好处”。...
评分 评分 评分computers in persuasive roles , as persuasive tools /media(simulation) , as social actors
评分 评分 评分##There's always a book making you wonder why you've missed it for so long.For a programmer,programming is just a tool,code itself is cold,it's the shining idea and consistent passion make it warm.Thus,always open to knowledge from other backgrounds like psychology,behavioral economics,education.etc,is really a necessity instead rather than a plus.
评分computers in persuasive roles , as persuasive tools /media(simulation) , as social actors
评分Persuasive Technology epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025