Caravaggio epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Caravaggio epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Sebastian Schutze was a longtime research fellow at the Bibliotheca Hertziana (Max Planck Institute for Art History) in Rome and currently holds the Bader Chair in Southern Baroque Art at Queen's University, Kingston. He has published widely on Italian art and culture in the early modern era and is a member of the scientific board of the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici in Naples and of the Institut europeen d'histoire de la Republique des Lettres in Paris.
Caravaggio, or more accurately Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (Milan 1571 - Porto Ercole 1610), was a legend even in his own lifetime. Celebrated by some for his naturalism and his revolutionary pictorial inventions, he was considered by others to have destroyed painting. Few other artists have attracted such controversial and contradictory interpretations right up to modern times and to the latest art historical research. The book offers a comprehensive new examination of the whole of Caravaggio's oeuvre with a catalogue raisonee of his works. Five introductory chapters analyse his artistic career from his training in Lombard Milan and his triumphal rise in papal Rome up to his dramatic final years in Naples, Malta and Sicily. The spotlight thereby falls upon the radical nature and innovative force of his art and its influence in all of Europe. Our understanding of Caravaggio's work has been substantially broadened in recent decades by major exhibitions, restoration campaigns, new attributions and archival discoveries. The new catalogue raisonee offers a detailed overview of Caravaggio's entire oeuvre on the basis of the latest research. All the paintings are documented in large-scale reproductions and spectacular detail illustrations that set new standards in their scope and quality.
Caravaggio epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
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Caravaggio epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載##印的很不錯
評分 評分##沒想到藝術導論課上驚鴻一瞥的卡拉瓦喬的生平竟然也甚傳奇,周轉於羅馬那不勒斯馬耳他西西裏打架鬥毆陷害人基佬坐牢死異鄉過得跌宕起伏,不過幸好各種主教貴族賞識甘心給這廝做金主,開啓後世巴洛剋39歲短命天纔,好在一輩子灑脫盡興美少年也是一撥一撥沒少過_(:з」∠)_
評分 評分##原本對宗教題材的畫作不是很有興趣,結果被卡拉瓦喬意外圈粉。戲劇化的場麵調度,刪繁就簡的內容,舞颱效果一般的明暗對照法(chiaroscuro),用當前的審美眼光來看也毫不過時。對聖經故事場景的自然主義的呈現,也使得人物的呈現更有“人味”,而這也是當時的宗教人士對其不滿的原因,這個牽涉宗教意識形態的“編碼/解碼”之爭,讓人聯想到革命英雄塑造上的“高大全”形象和“普通人”形象之爭。最後,身為一個倫勃朗粉,不得不說,卡拉瓦喬和倫勃朗的相同和不同之處,也是值得細細品味的。
評分 評分##看完之後馬上實現真跡一鍋端
評分##Taschen的一貫水準,厚厚一大本印刷非常講究,細節和色彩高保真,而且amazon居然隻賣十塊錢。書中講解穿插瞭卡拉瓦喬的自身努力和曆史進程:雖然作品傳世,但如歌詞所言,"For some reason I can't explain, I know Saint Peter won't call my name."
Caravaggio epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025