雅思核心词汇21天速听速记:写作篇—新航道英语学习丛书 epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
雅思核心词汇21天速听速记:写作篇—新航道英语学习丛书 epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
1. 汉英记忆。遵循中国学生常见写作思维,书中基本全部采用先列中文表达,而后提供相应的英文表达这一方式,帮助提高考生提到中文就能想起相应英文表达的能力。
2. 分门别类。根据雅思写作常见、常考话题分门别类,让孤立单词不再孤立,充分提高记忆单词的效率。
3. 英文释义,例句丰富。英文词典释义及丰富的例句,帮助考生了解每个词条相应英文单词的真正含义,充分搞懂该单词该如何使用。
4. 合理替换。精心总结雅思写作高分替换词,保证词汇表达的多样性。
1 DAY 1 常用褒义词
10 DAY 2 常用贬义词
18 DAY 3 常用修饰词
31 DAY 4 常用替换词(名词)
38 DAY 5 常用替换词(动词)
44 DAY 6 常用替换词(其他词性)
54 DAY 7 熟词僻意& 形象化动词
64 DAY 8 经济类词汇
75 DAY 9 科技类词汇
84 DAY 10 教育类词汇
97 DAY 11 环境类词汇
107 DAY 12 媒体类词汇
114 DAY 13 犯罪类词汇
123 DAY 14 文化类词汇
132 DAY 15 工作类词汇
142 DAY 16 政府类词汇
151 DAY 17 全球化类词汇
159 DAY 18 数据类常用词汇(一)
166 DAY 19 数据类常用词汇(二)
173 DAY 20 流程图常用词汇
181 DAY 21 地图常用词汇
186 附 录
DAY 1 常用褒义词
在雅思写作中,无论题目类型是什么,我们必然会用到一些常用词汇。这些词汇夹杂在我们平时记诵的单词书里,就像顽石之中的美玉。Day 1 将首先为大家讲解写作中常用的褒义词,同时为迎合雅思写作第三项评分标准词汇多样性(Lexical Resource),书中大部分的单词笔者都将给出相应的替换表达,让考生学会用不同的词汇来表达相同的含义。当然,这些词汇适用于各种类型的大作文。
支持 v. support n. support
Def: to help to show that (a theory, claim, etc.) is true
1 People who support the first opinion attribute their idea to two factors. 那些支持第一个观点的人有两个原因证明其观点。
2 This evidence supports my argument that she is guilty. (Oxford) 这一证据支持了我认为她有罪的推定。
3 Money for postgraduate research is limited. Therefore some people think financial support from governments should be only provided for scientific research of useful subjects rather than research for less useful subjects. (090704) 研究生的科研资金很匮乏。因此,一些人认为政府应当仅对有用的科研项目提供财政支持,而不援助无用项目。
增加 v. increase/intensify n. increase/growth/intensification
Def: to become or to make sth greater in number, quantity, size, etc.
1 Some people think the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars and motorcycles. (150212) 一些人认为最好的改善道路安全的方法是提高汽车及摩托车的最低法定驾驶年龄。
2 Today there is a great increase in anti-social behavior and lack of respect to others. (100130) 现如今,与社会不合群的行为以及不尊重别人的现象越来越多。
3 Education exerts positive influences on the economic growth. 教育对于经济发展有积极的影响。
名词性的“增加”之后应该加介词in,表示“……的增长”。如“the increase in population”表示“人口的增长。”
改善 v. improve/better n. improvement
Def: (to cause sth) to become better
1 The fertility of the soil has been greatly improved by the use of pesticides. (Oxford) 土壤施用杀虫剂后肥力大增。
2 The government hopes to better the conditions of the workers. (Oxford) 政府希望改善工人的状况。
3 Today, people can work and live in anywhere they want, because of the improvement of communication technology and transport. (090117) 现如今,由于通讯科技和交通的改善,人们可以随心所欲居住在任何地方。
扩张 v. expand/enlarge/widen n. expansion/enlargement
Def: (to cause sth) to become larger
1 Today, international travel often leads to prejudice rather than widening people’s horizons. (080821) 现如今,出国旅游常导致人们的偏见而不是拓宽人们的视野。
2 The computer industry has expanded greatly over the last decade.(Longman) 计算机行业在过去的十年中急剧扩张。
3 There is insufficient space for enlargement of the buildings. (Collins) 用于扩张建筑的空间不够了。
提高 v. develop/improve n. development/improvement
Def: (to cause sb/sth) to grow gradually; to become or to make more mature, advanced or organised
1 Some people think that increasing the number of sports facilities is the best way to improve public health. (090228) 一些人认为增加体育设施数量是提高公众健康的最好方法。
2 Many schools encourage students to evaluate and criticise their teachers in order to improve the quality of education. (150516) 许多学校鼓励学生去评价和批评老师的目的是提高教学质量。
3 A tiny improvement in children’s academic skills will be appreciated by teachers. 孩子学业技能的一点点提高都会获得老师的赞赏。
发展 v. develop/advance n. development/advancement/progress
Def: to help the progress of sth; to promote (a person, plan, etc.)
1 The place has developed from a fishing port into a thriving tourist centre. (Oxford) 这地方由原来的渔港发展成一个繁荣的旅游胜地。
2 This research has done much to advance our understanding of language learning. (Oxford) 这项研究大大提高了我们对语言学习的认识。
3 Children’s development lies in the encouragement given by parents. 孩子的发展基于家长给予的鼓励。
获得 v. get/acquire/obtain n. acquirement
Def: to receive sth
1 Some people think university education should prepare students for employment while others think it should help students acquire theoretical knowledge. (091024) 一些人认为大学教育应该让学生更容易就业,而另外一些人认为应该让学生获得理论知识。
2 The public can use the Internet at home to obtain information. (120112)公众可以在家利用互联网获得信息。
3 People in large cities are more likely to obtain better job opportunities. 在大城市生活的人们更可能获得好的工作机会。
“Learn knowledge”这个表达在英文中是不存在的,必须用“获得知识”才可以,即“ acquire knowledge”。
实施 v. perform/implement/execute n. performance/implementation
Def: to put sth into effect; to carry out
1 Governments will implement certain rules and regulations to deter the cheaters. 政府会实施某些法律法规来震慑欺骗者。
2 The job involves drawing up and executing a plan of nursing care. (Longman) 这项工作包含制定及实施护理工作计划。
3 The implementation of the plan will ease the intense relationship between the two countries. 这项计划的实施可以缓解两个国家之间紧张的局势。
实现 v. achieve/fulfill/attain n. achievement/fulfillment/attainment
Def: to gain or reach sth, usually by effort, skill, courage, etc.
1 Many people fail to achieve a balance between work and the other parts of life. (120308) 许多人无法实现工作以及生活的平衡。
2 Others believe that the purpose of education is to achieve personal ambitions. (140412) 其他人认为教育的目的是实现个人的抱负。
3 More women are attaining positions of power in public life. (Longman) 更多的女性正在公众事务中获得权位。
Exercise of Day 1
1. People who_______(支持) the first opinion attribute their idea to two factors.
2. Today there is a great_______(增加) in anti-social behavior and lack of respect to others.
3. The fertility of the soil has been greatly_______(改善) by the use of pesticides.
4. The computer industry has_______(扩张) greatly over the last decade.
5. A tiny_______(提高) in children’s academic skills will be appreciated by teachers.
6. The_______(实施) of the plan will ease the intense relationship between the two countries.
7. Your first evaluation will be six months after you_______(开始) employment.
8. Governments can take certain measures to_______(减轻) poverty.
9. People should not be_______(允许) to take part in dangerous sports.
10. The credit card_______(消除) the need for cash or cheques.
一提到雅思写作,许多考生就会立刻紧锁眉头,一个“难”字在脑海中逐渐形成。有些题目难于想到切入点,有些难于想到展开方式,而有些看似简单,写完之后又难以取得理想的分数。一些考生写作收获了“万年5.5”的“美称”,一些考生阅读可以冲击9 分却在写作上很难突破6 分。种种现象非常值得我们深思。
1. 汉英记忆。一般来说,我们在记忆单词时都是先看到英文,然后再去记忆对应的中文意思。这样固然可以很大程度地提高对单词的认知水平,但是要注意这样的过程与我们写作的思维是相悖的。写作时我们通常在头脑中想到对应的中文表达,然后迅速地把它翻译成英文。所以,本书把这样的思维过程在编著的时候体现了出来。也就是说,读者先会看到一个中文意思,然后看到一些对应的英文表达。
2. 分门别类。雅思写作有固定的话题,所以有些词汇的“出镜率”相对较高,反之亦然。编者总结了各个题目类型中常用的一些词汇,以类别区分总结在书目之中,方便读者记忆。在此过程中,即使是孤立的单词也能让人感受到内在的一些逻辑,如此,背单词的过程就更为容易、高效。
3. 英文释义。英语和汉语是有差异的,这种差异在翻译的过程中有时会产生对单词理解的偏差。因此,本书大部分单词后都会出现该词的英文解释,使读者能直观了解书中所列英文单词的真正含义。
4. 合理替换。雅思写作中第三项评分标准为词汇多
雅思核心词汇21天速听速记:写作篇—新航道英语学习丛书 epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
雅思核心词汇21天速听速记:写作篇—新航道英语学习丛书 下载 epub mobi pdf txt 电子书 2025雅思核心词汇21天速听速记:写作篇—新航道英语学习丛书 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 下载 2025
雅思核心词汇21天速听速记:写作篇—新航道英语学习丛书 epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载书本收到,质量好,价格公道,快递送货很快,包装完整,有防伪码的都验证了,是可以注册的。
雅思核心词汇21天速听速记:写作篇—新航道英语学习丛书 epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025