Preface to the Second Edition(第2版前言)
Preface to the first Edition(第1版前言)
Chapter 1Introduction绪论1
1.1General Information机械总论2
1.2Teaching Content and Object of the Course机械原理课程的研究对象与内容6
1.3Purpose of This Course学习机械原理课程的目的8
Chapter 2Structural Analysis of Planar Mechanisms平面机构的结构分析11
2.1Kinematic Chain and Mechanisms运动链与机构12
2.2Schematic Diagram of Mechanisms机构运动简图16
2.3Degree of Freedom of Planar Mechanisms机构自由度的计算22
2.4Mechanism Analysis and Innovation机构分析与创新30
Chapter 3Kinematic Analysis of Planar Mechanisms平面机构的运动分析41
3.1Introduction 平面机构运动分析概述42
3.2Velocity Analysis with Instantaneous Center用速度瞬心法对机构进行速度分析44
3.3Kinematic Analysis by Graphical Method用相对运动图解法对机构进行运动分析48
3.4Kinematic Analysis by Algebraic Method用解析法对机构进行运动分析60
Chapter 4Force Analysis of Planar Mechanisms平面机构的力分析67
4.2Force Analysis Including Inertia Forces in Mechanisms计入惯性力的机构力分析68
4.3Force Analysis Including Friction in Mechanisms计入摩擦的机构力分析76
4.4Friction and Design of Self�睱ocking Mechanisms摩擦与自锁机构的设计88
Chapter 5Synthesis of Planar Linkages平面连杆机构及其设计95
5.1Characteristics and Types of Planar Linkages平面连杆机构的特点与基本型式96
5.2Fundamental Features of Four�瞓ar Linkages平面连杆机构的基本性质104
5.3Synthesis of Four�睟ar Linkages平面连杆机构的设计112
Chapter 6Design of Cam Mechanisms凸轮机构及其设计137
6.2Basic Types of Follower Motion and Design从动件的运动规律及其设计144
6.3Cam Profile Synthesis凸轮轮廓曲线的设计156
6.4Sizes of Cam Mechanisms凸轮机构基本尺寸的设计164
6.5Computer�睞ided Design of Cam Mechanisms计算机辅助凸轮设计170
目录Theory of Machines and Mechanisms (Bilingual Edition)Chapter 7Design of Gear Mechanisms齿轮机构及其设计177
7.1Classification of Gear Mechanisms齿轮机构的分类178
7.2Fundamental Law of Gearing齿廓啮合基本定律180
7.3Involute Properties and Involute Tooth Profiles渐开线齿廓及其啮合特点182
7.4Nomenclatures of Standard Spur Gear and Gear Sizes
7.5Meshing Drive of Standard Spur Gears渐开线直齿圆柱齿轮机构的啮合传动192
7.6Forming and Undercutting of Gear Teeth渐开线圆柱齿轮的加工及其根切现象202
7.7Nonstandard Spur Gears变位齿轮概述208
7.8Parallel Helical Gears平行轴斜齿圆柱齿轮机构212
7.9Worm and Worm Gears蜗杆传动机构220
7.10Bevel Gears锥齿轮机构226
Chapter 8Design of Gear Trains轮系及其设计233
8.1Classification of Gear Trains轮系及其分类234
8.2Ratio of Ordinary Gear Trains定轴轮系传动比的计算236
8.3Ratio of Epicyclic Gear Trains周转轮系传动比的计算242
8.4Ratio of Combined Gear Trains混合轮系传动比的计算246
8.5Some Considerations for Design of Planetary Gear Train周转轮系设计中的若干问题250
8.6Introduction of Miscellaneous Planetary Trains其他类型的周转轮系简介258
Chapter 9Introduction of Screws, Hook�餾 Couplings and Intermittent Mechanisms
9.1Screw Mechanisms螺旋机构266
9.2Universal Joints万向联轴器268
9.3Ratchet Mechanisms棘轮机构270
9.4Geneva Mechanisms槽轮机构274
9.5Indexing Cam Mechanisms凸轮式间歇运动机构278
9.6Intermittent Gear Mechanisms不完全齿轮机构280
Chapter 10Spatial Mechanisms and Robotic Mechanisms
10.1Introduction of Spatial Mechanisms空间连杆机构概述286
10.2Introduction of Robotic Mechanisms机器人机构概述292
Chapter 11Design of Mechanism Systems机构系统设计299
11.1Introduction of Mechanism Systems机构系统设计概述300
11.2Harmonization Design of Mechanism Motions机构系统的运动协调设计302
11.3Combined Methods of Mechanism Systems机构系统的组合方法304
Chapter 12Fluctuation and Regulation in Speed of Machines
12.1Operating Analysis of Machinery机械运转过程分析314
12.2Equivalent Kinetic Model of Mechanism Systems机械系统的等效动力学模型318
12.3Kinetic Equations of Mechanism Systems机械系统的运动方程及其求解326
12.4Periodic Speed Fluctuation and Regulation in a Machine周期性速度波动及飞轮设计330
12.5Aperiodic Speed Fluctuation and Regulation in a Machine非周期性速度波动及其调节338
Chapter 13Balance of Machinery机械的平衡设计343
13.1Introduction 机械平衡概述344
13.2Balance Design of Rigid Rotors刚性转子的平衡设计346
13.3Balance Test of Rigid Rotors刚性转子的平衡试验356
13.4Balance of Planar Mechanisms平面机构的平衡简介360
Appendix 附录一362
Appendix 附录二372
References 参考文献379
This book has been written for mechanical engineering students who are beginning to study the theory of machines and mechanisms or professional English.Since the book was published in 2012, some universities take it as Chinese textbook of theory of machines and mechanisms for undergraduates, some universities take it as English textbook of theory of machines and mechanisms for undergraduates, some universities take it as bilingual education textbook of theory of machines and mechanisms, some universities take it as foreign students textbook of theory of machines and mechanisms,and some universities take it as international class students textbook of theory of machines and mechanisms. Such students will have acquired a set of mechanical engineering knowledge and the ability to use English language to express themselves in spoken and written forms.This edition has been influenced by changes in engineering education, suggestions by colleagues and users, and the author’s checkup.The major revisionary works for publishing this new edition are as follows.Effort has been made to remove all sorts of errors and misprints as far as possible.We adopt a simple mathematical manner for easy comprehension by students in Chapter 5, but there are not any examples to describe the new methods. So many examples have been added in Chapter 5.Geneva wheel with 6 slots will be more helpful to understand the action ratio, so we use a Geneva wheel with 6 slots instead of Geneva wheel with 4 slots.Some of examples have been added in Chapter 13 too.Two�瞕imensional codes are added in this edition to describe the mechanisms animated figures.I acknowledge the efforts of professor He Cencheng of Beijing University of Technology for revisionary and compiled works for this edition.Zhao Jiaheng of Beijing Institute of Technology compiled some examples.Finally, I make an affectionate acknowledge to my PhD doctors team for their support.I am grateful to all readers who pointed out errors and mistakes of the previous edition and gave valuable suggestions.Zhang Chunlin本教材是为机械工程专业的学生学习机械原理课程或专业英语编写的。
张春林Along with the rapid development of science and technology, the higher education will speed up internationalization. So it is necessary to compile a compatible textbook which not only has Chinese feature, but also makes for globalization. This is a new object that the teaching reform of China s higher education is faced with. On the one hand, the direct adoption of the foreign classical textbooks does not suit the actual state of our teaching in Chinese universities; on the other hand, the Chinese language textbooks cannot be brought in line with the international practice. Therefore, we will compile a bilingual textbook on “theory of machines and mechanisms” with the support of China Machine Press.This book is based on the basic teaching r
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机械原理(英汉双语 第2版) 下载 epub mobi pdf txt 电子书 2025