The 1973 Newbery Medalist tells the story of a 13-year-old Eskimo girl, protected by a wolf pack while lost on the tundra, who begins to appreciate her heritage.
My father is always talking about how a dog can be very educational for a boy. This is one reason I got a cat. Dave Mitchell and his father yell at each other a lot, and whenever the fighting starts, Dave's mother gets an asthma attack. That's when Dave storms out of the house. Then Dave meets Tom, a strange boy who helps him rescue Cat. It isn't long before Cat introduces Dave to Mary, a wonderful girl from Coney Island. Slowly Dave comes to see the complexities in people's lives and to understand himself and his family a little better.
Born in Washington, D.C. and raised in a family of naturalists, Jean George has centered her life around writing and nature. She attended Pennsylvania State University, graduating with degrees in English and science. In the 1940s she was a member of the White House press corps and a reporter for the Washington Post. Ms. George, who has written over 90 books - among them My Side of the Mountain (Dutton), a 1960 Newbery Honor Book, and its sequels On the Far Side of the Mountain and Frightful's Mountain (both Dutton) - also hikes, canoes, and makes sourdough pancakes. In 1991, Ms. George became the first winner of the School Library Media Section of the New York Library Association's Knickerbocker Award for Juvenile Literature, which was presented to her for the "consistent superior quality" of her literary works.
Her inspiration for the Newbery Medal-winning Julie of the Wolves evolved from two specific events during a summer she spent studying wolves and tundra at the Arctic Research Laboratory of Barrow, Alaska: "One was a small girl walking the vast ad lonesome tundra outside of Barrow; the other was a magnificent alpha male wolf, leader of a pack in Denali National Park ... They haunted me for a year or more, as did the words of one of the scientists at the lab: 'If there ever was any doubt in my mind that a man could live with the wolves, it is gone now. The wolves are truly gentlemen, highly social and affectionate.'"
The mother of three children, Jean George is a grandmother who has joyfully red to her grandchildren since they were born. Over the years Jean George has kept 173 pets, not including dogs and cats, in her home in Chappaqua, New York. "Most of these wild animals depart in autumn, when the sun changes their behavior and they feel the urge to migrate or go off alone. While they are with us, however, they become characters in my books, articles, and stories."
Julie of the Wolves 狼女茱莉 英文原版 [平装] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Julie of the Wolves 狼女茱莉 英文原版 [平装] 下载 epub mobi pdf txt 电子书 2025
今天收到书了,一鼓作气和宝贝女儿看完这本书,[ZZ]写的的书看了好多本,都写得超棒,作者文笔很好,非常喜欢[ZZ]的书了。除了他的书,我和我家宝贝还喜欢看郑渊洁、杨红樱、,莫言。他们的书我和宝贝觉得都写得很好。[SM],很不错,价格也便宜,比实体书店买便宜好多还省得跑来跑去的。 这本书的内容很适合大家研究赏读,[BJTJ],认真看了一下,写得很棒,[NRJJ],内容也老少皆宜涉及广泛。[QY],这本书值得好好欣赏,[SZ]。 快递很给力。还送货上门。服务NO 1。 [SM],超值。买书就选择京东商城。价格还比别家便宜,经常有优惠活动,快递给力而且都是正版书。[BJTJ],买了这本书。我喜欢和宝贝一起看书,看各种各样的书,看的很杂,儿童文学,当代小说,世界名著等等,亲子阅读,最后就是家长要根据孩子的兴趣,加以启发和引导。有的孩子数学不是很好,家长可以和孩子多看一些脑筋急转弯,智力游戏,左右脑开发之类的书籍;如果语文不太好,就多看一些儿童故事,童话之类书籍。记住,一定要找适合孩子的书籍,否则会适得其反的,现在的书良莠混杂,家长们一定要加以辨别。当然,如果孩子非常喜欢这本书,那就买下来,家长们少抽几盒烟,少用点化妆品,多给孩子买几本好书,买的书多了,可以考虑给孩子买一个儿童书橱,这样,孩子的阅读兴趣会更浓的。亲子阅读,首先引起和提高孩子的兴趣是关键。记得有一个故事,大概是说犹太人在孩子出生后就把书上抹上蜂蜜,指引孩子过去,从而在很小就在他们心中种下一个印象,书里有好东西。这和我们古人所说得“书中自有颜如玉,书中自有黄金屋”有点异曲同工吧。所以在儿子上幼儿园时候,我带他去的最多的地方不是商场,游乐场,而是新华书店。在新华书店里,面对这么多儿童读物,孩子的阅读和学习兴趣自然而然的就提升了。亲子阅读,其次就是家长的参与。现在的孩子有很强的模仿性,尤其是朝夕相处的家长们。俗话说:“近朱者赤,近墨者黑”。在家里,如果家长们当着孩子的面整天看电视,打游戏,打牌,那在孩子幼小的心里会留下什么好印象呢?反之,如果我们在家里细心的读报看书,是否孩子也潜移默化呢?古人孟母为了孩子三迁,现今我们为了孩子是否也该身体力行呢?亲子阅读,再者就是家长们的坚持。众所周之,孩子的注意力和专心力有限,做一件事情不能长久。这时,细心的家长们就应该给予适当的鼓励和启发,让孩子感觉到读书的乐趣与好处。久而久之,阅读这个好习惯,就会很自然的让孩子保持下去。亲子阅读,最后就是家长要根据孩子的兴趣,加以启发和引导。有的孩子数学不是很好,家长可以和孩子多看一些脑筋急转弯,智力游戏,左右脑开发之类的书籍;如果语文不太好,就多看一些儿童故事,童话之类书籍。记住,一定要找适合孩子的书籍,否则会适得其反的,现在的书良莠混杂,家长们一定要加以辨别。
从中获得宝贵的启示并能懂得人生的真谛及生活的意义。 生快事,莫如读书。