I Saw You in the Bathtub (I Can Read, Level 1)我看見你在浴缸裏 [平裝] [4-8歲] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
I Saw You in the Bathtub (I Can Read, Level 1)我看見你在浴缸裏 [平裝] [4-8歲] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
After a stint in the navy, Schwartz became interested in writing. He got his bachelors degrees from Colby College and a masters degree in journalism from Northwestern University. He reported for The Binghamton Press from 1951 to 1955. During his professional writing career his work had been published by a variety of firms, including Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Bantam Books, and Harper Collins.
A series of his books on folklore for children were illustrated by Glen Rounds and each featured a type of folklore: the first, A Twister of Twists, a Tangler of Tongues, was published in 1972. Others in this series included Tomfoolery, which featured wordplay; Witcracks which was about smart-aleck riddles and jokes; and Cross Your Fingers, Spit in Your Hat, about superstitions.
He is best known for the "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark" series, which featured gruesome, nightmarish illustrations by Stephen Gammell. The series was America's most frequently challenged book (or book series) for library inclusion of 1990-2000 (Source: American Library Association).
Some of his other books, such as When I Grew Up Long Ago, were aimed at an older audience, and presented glimpses of life in the United States during the late 18th century and the early 19th century.
At the time of his death in Princeton, New Jersey, where he lived, Schwartz was survived by his wife and four children.
I Saw You in the Bathtub (I Can Read, Level 1)我看見你在浴缸裏 [平裝] [4-8歲] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
I Saw You in the Bathtub (I Can Read, Level 1)我看見你在浴缸裏 [平裝] [4-8歲] 下載 epub mobi pdf txt 電子書I Saw You in the Bathtub (I Can Read, Level 1)我看見你在浴缸裏 [平裝] [4-8歲] mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 下載 2025
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I Saw You in the Bathtub (I Can Read, Level 1)我看見你在浴缸裏 [平裝] [4-8歲] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025