Sputnik Sweetheart epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Sputnik Sweetheart epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
村上春樹(1949- ),日本小說傢。曾在早稻田大學文學部戲劇科就讀。1979年,他的第一部小說《聽風之歌》問世後,即被搬上瞭銀幕。隨後,他的優秀作品《1973年的彈子球》、《尋羊冒險記》、《挪威的森林》等相繼發錶。他的創作不受傳統拘束,構思新奇,行文瀟灑自在,而又不流於庸俗淺薄。尤其是在刻畫人的孤獨無奈方麵更有特色,他沒有把這種情緒寫成負的東西,而是通過內心的心智性操作使之升華為一種優雅的格調,一種樂在其中的境界,以此來為讀者,尤其是生活在城市裏的人們提供瞭一種生活模式或生命的體驗。
Twenty two year old, Sumire is in love for the first time with a woman seventeen years her senior. But, whereas Miu is a glamorous and successful older woman with a taste for classical music and fine wine, Sumire is an aspiring writer who dresses in an oversized second hand coat and heavy boots like a character in a Jack Kerouac novel. Surprised that she might, after all, be a lesbian, Sumire spends hours on the phone talking to her best friend, K about the big questions in life: what is sexual desire and should she ever tell Miu how she feels about her? K, a primary school teacher, is used to answering questions, but what he most wants to say to Sumire is "I love you." He consoles himself by having an affair with the mother of one of his pupils. But, when a desperate Miu calls him out of the blue from a sunny Greek island and asks for his help, he soon discovers that all is not as it seems and something very strange has happened to Sumire.
Sputnik Sweetheart epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Sputnik Sweetheart 下載 epub mobi pdf txt 電子書Sputnik Sweetheart mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 下載 2025
Sputnik Sweetheart epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載##第一次看村上作品的英文版,行文非常簡練,閱讀體驗極好(主要指很少碰到生詞。。。)至於內容,很多東西還都是村上常寫的那些,這一側/那一側,人的分裂之類的。不同的是,這本寫到瞭蕾絲。。。還有希臘。。。看完好像去希臘~
評分 評分 評分 評分##“二十二歲那年春天堇有生以來第一次墮入戀情。那是一場以排山倒海之勢掠過無邊草原的龍捲風般迅猛的戀情。它片甲不留地摧毀路上一切障礙,又將其接二連三捲上高空……那完全是一種紀念碑式的愛。而愛戀的對象比她年長十七歲,已婚,且同是女性。” 斯普特尼剋,蘇聯人造衛星的...
評分 評分 評分 評分Sputnik Sweetheart epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025