Anthony A.Atkinson,A professor in the School of Accountancy at the Uruversity of Waterloo,Anthony A.Atkinson received a bachelor of commerce and M.B.A.degrees from Que~n-sUruversity in Kingston,Ontario,and M.S.and Ph.D.degrees in industrial administra-hon from Camegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh.He is a fellow of the Society ofManagement Accountants of Canada and has written or coauthored two texts,vari-ous monographs,and more than 35 articles on performance measurement and cost-ing.In 1989,the Canadian Academic Accounting Assoaahon awarded Atkinson theHaim Falk Prize for Distinguished Contribution to Accounting Thought for his mono-graph that studied transfer pricing practice in six Canadian companies.He has servedon the editorial boards of two professional and five academic joumals and is a pasteditor of the Journal of Management Accounting Research.Atkinson also served as amember of the Canadian government's Cost Standards Advisory Committee,forwluch he developed the costing principles it now requires of government contractors.
Robert S.Kaplan,Robert S.Kaplan is Baker Foundation Professor at the Harvard Business School,where he has taught for 27 years.Previously,he served on the faculty and as Dean ofthe Tepper Business Schooyl at Carnegie-Mellon University.Kaplan received a B.S.and M.S.in electrical engineering from M.I.T.,and a Ph.D.in operations researchfrom Cornell University.
Kaplan has done extensive writing,teaclung,and consulting on linking cost andperformance management systems to strategy implementation.He has helped todevelop both activity-based cYosting and the Balanced Scorecard.His 14 books havebeen translated into 28 languages.Kaplan's most recent books are The ExecutionPremium with David Norton and Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing with StevenArtderson.He has also authored or coauthored 21 Harvard Business Review articlesand more than 100 others in academic and professionaljournals.
Kaplan was inducted into the Accounting Hall of Fame in 2006 and received theLifetimYe'Contribution Award from the Management Accounting Section of theAmerican Accounting Association in January 2006.In 2008,his coauthored book,Relevance Lost: The R/se and Fall of Management Accounting,received the AAA SeminalContribution to Accounting Literature Award.His articles and books have also beenrecognized with several Wildman Medal and AAA Notable Contributions toAccounting Literature Awards.
Kaplan received the Outstanding Accounting Educator Award in 1988 from theAmerican Accounting Association(AAA),the 1994 CIMA Award from the CharteredInstitute of Management Accountants(UK)for "Outstanding Contributions to theAccountancy Profession,”and the 2001 Distinguished Service Award from theInstitute of Management Accountants(IMA)for contributions to the practice andacademic community.
Ella Mae Matsumura,Ella Mae Matsumura is an associate professor in the Department of Accounting and
Information Systems in the School of Business at the University of Wisconsin-Madison,and is affiliated with the university's Center for Quick Response Manufacturing.She received an A.B.in mathemahcs from the University of Califomia,Berkeley,and M.Sc.and Ph.D.degrees from the University of British Columbia.Matsumura has won two teaching excellence awards at the Uruversity of Wisconsin-Madison and was elected as a lifetime fellow of the university's Teaching Academy,formed to promote effective teaclung.She is a member of tXe uruversity team awarded an IBM Total Quality Management Partnership grant to develop curriculum for total qual:ity managementeducation.
Professor Matsumura was a co-winner of the 2010 Notable Contributions to Management Accounting Literature Award.She has served in numerous leadership positions in the American Accounting Assoaation(AAA).She was coeditor of Accounting Horizons and has chaired and served on numerous AAA committees.She has been secretary-treasurer and president of the AAA's Management Accounting Sechon.Her pastYand current research articles focus on deasion making,perfor-mance evaluation,compensation,supply chain relationships,and sustainability.She coauthored a monograph on customer profitability analysis in credit unions.
第1章 管理會計信息如何支持決策
第2章 平衡計分卡與戰略地圖
第3章 在決策中運用成本
第4章 産品成本的纍積和分配
第5章 作業成本係統
第6章 測量和管理客戶關係
第7章 測量和管理流程績效
第8章 測量和管理生命周期成本
第9章 管理會計與控製係統中的行為和組織問題
第10章 利用預算進行規劃和協調
第11章 財務控製
清華會計學係列英文版教材:管理會計(第6版) [Management Accounting (Sixth Edition)] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
清華會計學係列英文版教材:管理會計(第6版) [Management Accounting (Sixth Edition)] 下載 epub mobi pdf txt 電子書
清華會計學係列英文版教材:管理會計(第6版) [Management Accounting (Sixth Edition)] mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 下載 2025
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清華會計學係列英文版教材:管理會計(第6版) [Management Accounting (Sixth Edition)] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025