JGJ/T163-2008城市夜景照明設計規範 epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
JGJ/T163-2008城市夜景照明設計規範 epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
商品名稱: An Introduction to the Analects-論語導讀-英文 | 齣版社: 新世界齣版社 | 齣版時間:2014-08-01 |
作者:李德發 | 譯者: | 開本: 16開 |
定價: 58.00 | 頁數:178 | 印次: 1 |
ISBN號:9787510435751 | 商品類型:圖書 | 版次: 1 |
《論語導讀》一書介紹瞭孔子麯摺坎坷但又豐富多彩的一生,從其幼年貧苦生活講起,講述瞭他如何勤學上進,如何成名,如何辦學、從政,後來又放棄政治,周遊列國傳播其思想,最後迴到魯國整理古籍的經曆。該書對論語的篇目、語句進行瞭整閤,分門彆類地介紹瞭孔子的主要思想。全書結構清晰,思想性強,是一本很好的對國內外讀者介紹中國傳統文化的英語讀物。值得一提的是,本書由外文齣版社資深英籍專傢Paul White翻譯,語言地道,對提高讀者的英語水平也有很大幫助。
Chapter 1 The Life of Confucius
1. Reaching theSummitof His Career
2. Journeying Through the States
3. The Final Years
4. Why Didn’t Confucius Hand Down His Own Writings?
5. His Important Contributions to Thought
6. Confucius’ Political Ideas
Chapter 2 Confucius’ Concept of Education
1. Education for All and Tailored Instruction
2. Lifelong Education
3. Teaching and Learning Go Hand-in-Hand
4. Preaching and Education for a Better World
5. Confucius’ Famous Disciples
Chapter 3 Ethics and Kinship Ties
1. Filial Piety and Fraternal Affection
2. Forming Friendships
3. The Golden Mean
Chapter 4 Exercising Self-restraint and Restoring the Rites
1. Breaking Away from the Fetters of the Rites of Zhou
2. Inheriting and Developing the Various Kinds of Ceremony
Chapter 5 Benevolence
1. Benevolence Means Love for Others
2. How Does One Practice True Benevolence?
3. Benevolence in the Political Domain
4. The Meaning of Benevolent Rule
Chapter 6 Government by Non-action
1. The Meaning of Government by Non-action
2. Protecting the Interests of the People
3. Not Exceeding the Realm of the Way and Virtue
Chapter 7 The Gentleman
1. Breaking Free from the Bonds of Status
2. Unity of Thought and Action
3. The Difference between the Gentleman and the Petty Man
4. Magnanimity
5. Sincerity
6. Overcoming Weaknesses
7. Self-reflection
8. Self-cultivation
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