Hey! Get Off Our Train 嗨,下火车吧 英文原版 [平装] [5岁及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Hey! Get Off Our Train 嗨,下火车吧 英文原版 [平装] [5岁及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Only Burningham could make an ecological fable so much fun. A boy goes to bed and dreams that he and his stuffed dog, now a railroad engineer, are speeding through the countryside playing games and picking up endangered animals. Spacious drawings contrasted with textured landscape paintings create a striking effect. The artist juggles antic humor with a serious message--and never misses a beat. -- The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books. An IRA Children's Choice, A Parent's Choice Award for illustration.
Hey! Get Off Our Train 嗨,下火车吧 英文原版 [平装] [5岁及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Hey! Get Off Our Train 嗨,下火车吧 英文原版 [平装] [5岁及以上] 下载 epub mobi pdf txt 电子书 2025Hey! Get Off Our Train 嗨,下火车吧 英文原版 [平装] [5岁及以上] mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 下载 2025
Hey! Get Off Our Train 嗨,下火车吧 英文原版 [平装] [5岁及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载John Burningham works in the basement of his house in London on an old boardroom table, which came from The Monkey Club, a school for debutantes in Kensington, and is littered with pens, pencils, paints, papers and rough drawings. When he's not working on a book, he loves collecting -- furniture, statues, staircases, and old curtains. He travels around England and France looking for unusual things to put in his house or to sell to someone else. John marks the day with things to look forward to -- a large mug of good strong coffee to start the day, lunch, when his wife, children's book writer and illustrator Helen Oxenbury and John can discuss their work or just have a general chat; and at around six o'clock, a drink of delicious red wine, preferably French (wine is another one of his interests). He has always been interested in the third dimension, and many of his books have to be constructed layer by layer because he enjoys painting on different materials -- paper, cardboard, wood -- so that a variety of textures comes through on the printed page.
评分在英国历史上,很多人的命运比玛丽还要悲惨许多,“九日女王”简·格雷就是其中之一,而她悲惨的命运完全是由她的母亲一手造成的。她的母亲弗朗西丝· 格雷(Frances Grey)是亨利八世的侄女,在都铎王朝的政治阴谋里,她把自己的女儿当做一颗棋子恣意利用。就算在那样一个贵族的子女根本不知父母之爱为何物的年代,简的母亲也算得上是冷酷无情的典范了。她变着法儿地利用女儿为自己谋取最大的好处——简的父亲也是如此,不过不像她母亲那样明日张胆罢了。作为一个女孩,简生在了一个不幸的时代,在权力市场上女性是没什么价值可言的商品。她的母亲弗朗西丝最爱干的事情,就是以责骂她愚蠢的方式提醒她所犯的错误。 在那样的年代里,要是哪个孩子让父母脸上无光或是没服从父母的安排,便会被人看做是大逆不道,要受到责骂和诅咒。恬静好学的简·格雷就在这样的环境里一天天长大。有一次,她为了让自己的心情舒畅一些,向家庭教师透露了自己可怕的现状:“我得告诉您,把真相告诉您,您听了没准儿会大吃一惊……不论我说话还是沉默,坐着还是站着,高兴还是悲伤,做女工还是玩耍,跳舞还是做其他事情,我都必须权衡利弊、患得患失,就好像这件事和上帝创造世界一样重要。如果我不这样做,就会受到严厉的辱骂,是的,也可以说是残酷的威胁。有时他们掐我、拧我、打我,还用其他乱七八糟的方法折磨我(为了他们的荣誉,我不能说出这些方法),我觉得自己好像生活在地狱里……” 和日后父母因贪婪与野心而带给她的致命结局相比,她所受到的“掐拧和责打” 真的只能算小打小闹了。亨利八世的继承人——幼主爱德华六世的身体状况越来越糟,而此时,诺森伯兰郡公爵约翰·达德利{ 约翰·达德利是伊丽莎白一世的情人罗伯特·达德利的父亲(详见本书第1 部第3 章)} 则对王位的归属作着打算。在爱德华六世尚未成年的时候,约翰·达德利就在某种程度上充当着摄政王的角色,在他的领导下,英格兰进入了极端新教主义时期。然而,如果爱德华的王位由他的姐姐——笃信天主教的玛丽·都铎继承的话,约翰·达德利和他的宏图大略就只好付诸东流了。 约翰·达德利铤而走险地同格雷家族进行密谋,想让自己的儿子吉尔福德同简结婚。然后他说服了病人膏肓的爱德华六世把他的两个姐姐玛丽和伊丽莎白排除出继承人的行列,让他信奉新教的表亲简取而代之。经过如此一番安排,约翰·达德利相信,只要爱德华六世一咽气,他的儿媳就能当上女王,那个时候他就可以巧妙地控制住儿媳,从而独掌大权。简·格雷在有生以来的15年里一直不喜欢出风头,她觉得吉尔福德·达德利是个目中无人的恶棍,因此她对即将要嫁给他的事实感到十分害怕。这次,简破天荒地在父母面前公然拒绝这次联姻,但她的母亲最终还是把她打服了。 1553年,爱德华六世去世,约翰·达德利马上宣布简为新女王,并强迫议会与他合作。才十几岁的小姑娘简·格雷被这个宣布吓坏了,她连爱德华六世生病都不知道,更不知道自己被人利用去接替他。她十分厌恶统治国家的想法,尤其是这样做等于惹恼了她的表姑玛丽和伊丽莎白。刚听到这个消息的时候,她昏了过去,是她母亲的几个耳光把她抽醒的。当人们把王冠给她送去的时候,她拒绝试戴,说自己没有这个权利。在身心俱疲的情况下,她不敢见任何人,包括曾经对她野蛮管制的父母,尽管他们现在在她面前俯首称臣。
评分John Burningham works in the basement of his house in London on an old boardroom table, which came from The Monkey Club, a school for debutantes in Kensington, and is littered with pens, pencils, paints, papers and rough drawings. When he's not working on a book, he loves collecting -- furniture, statues, staircases, and old curtains. He travels around England and France looking for unusual things to put in his house or to sell to someone else. John marks the day with things to look forward to -- a large mug of good strong coffee to start the day, lunch, when his wife, children's book writer and illustrator Helen Oxenbury and John can discuss their work or just have a general chat; and at around six o'clock, a drink of delicious red wine, preferably French (wine is another one of his interests). He has always been interested in the third dimension, and many of his books have to be constructed layer by layer because he enjoys painting on different materials -- paper, cardboard, wood -- so that a variety of textures comes through on the printed page.
Hey! Get Off Our Train 嗨,下火车吧 英文原版 [平装] [5岁及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025