The Great Houdini[偉大的霍迪尼] [平裝] [7-9歲] epub pdf  mobi txt 電子書 下載

The Great Houdini[偉大的霍迪尼] [平裝] [7-9歲] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025

The Great Houdini[偉大的霍迪尼] [平裝] [7-9歲] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025

Monica Kulling(莫妮卡·柯林) 著



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齣版社: Random House
叢書名: Step Into Reading: A Step 4 Book (Paperback)

The Great Houdini[偉大的霍迪尼] [平裝] [7-9歲] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025

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Harry Houdini was a great escape artist, but perhaps his greatest trick was becoming the famous magician that we have come to know. As a child, Houdini worked hard—and even quit school—to help support his family. But his dream always was to become a great magician and performer. He practiced day and night, thinking up new tricks and more and more dangerous stunts. His intense ambition paid off, and soon Harry Houdini became known worldwide! This kid-appealing Step 3 traces Houdini's life from his poor beginnings to his eventual success as the most famous mystical magician and escape artist of all time.


Monica Kulling was born in Vancouver, British Columbia. When she was seven, she moved with her family to her father's boyhood home in Switzerland. Here Monica continued with grade one, the big difference being she didn't understand a word anyone was saying!

The big adventure lasted only a year. Monica and her family moved back to British Columbia to live in the small town of Chilliwack in the heart of the Fraser Valley. Monica's parents operated a delicatessen, where Monica and her four siblings worked, each in their turn.

Monica was now in grade two and speaking English all the time, which suited her better. She wasn't the kind of girl who always had her nose in a book or kept a diary of all the great girl things she was doing, and she never won a spelling bee!

Monica was an outdoor girl. She loved recess and playing marbles or dodge ball, red rover or baseball. After school, Monica climbed trees, played baseball even in the rain, and rode her bike all over town. On weekends, she took her younger sister and brother to the movies.

Monica loved comic books. They gave her a chance to practice her reading! Nancy and Sluggo and the Superheroes were special favourites.

Monica lived the life of a free-range kid. She had plenty of time to go where she wanted, to sit under a tree and daydream, and to have adventures.

Monica still didn't read much, even in high school. She did love the illustrated classic comic books and had the entire collection of almost 200. These comics gave her an intimate knowledge of the great works of literature in the English language.

If Monica didn't especially like to read or write, how did she get started as a writer? She loved music, especially the music of the sixties and the lyrics of poets like Paul Simon and Joni Mitchell. When she was sixteen, Monica heard the words of Paul Simon in his song "The Boxer" and those of Joni Mitchell in her song "Both Sides Now," and she was blown away.

Monica was glued to the radio and records, going over the poetry of the lyrics in her mind. She had long ago put away comic books and taken up the guitar. She soon became hooked on the passion and poetry of the wonderful song writers of the day--Leonard Cohen, Neil Young, Buffy Sainte-Marie, Laura Nyro, and many more. Monica was also studying poetry in school and was soon reading the great poets, because she wanted to, not because she had to.

Monica started to write her own poems and, after high school, studied creative writing at the University of Victoria. In her final year, she took a course in children's literature. She loved it so much, she began to write for children. In 1992, she published her first book, a picture book about an orange cat, called I Hate You, Marmalade!

Monica Kulling lives in Toronto, Ontario.



"Harry Houdini was the stage name of Ehrich Weiss, a Hungarian Jewish immigrant who became world famous for his showmanship as an escape artist. It wasn't easy. Harry practiced thousands of hours and read thousands of books about magic and illusion. His tricks--such as the disappearing elephant, and escaping from handcuffs, ropes, and straight jackets--amazed audiences in Europe and America. His success was due to hard work, perseverance, and skill, which serve as a good example today. This early reader will also appeal to older kids who are having difficulty developing their reading skills."
--Children's Literature

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一本好書就象一盞明燈照亮我們前進的道路,給我們諸多啓示。《自動自發》就是這樣一部勵誌佳作,它涵蓋瞭勤奮、忠誠、敬業、自信等內容,是指導我們正確對待工作和學習的一位良師益友。當讀完《自動自發》後感覺受益非淺,對工作有瞭更多的認發貨速度很快,蠻好 書很好是正版的,包裝一般,書角有點壓壞,還好不影響什麼,質量很好,發貨速度很快,兩天就收到瞭,書的內容確實很實用,這些天忘記迴老傢拿書瞭,傢裏人幫忙收到這本書,很早就收到瞭。對於有錢人來說,他們不在乎東西值多少錢,和女朋友在一起他們注重的是心上人的開心,和領在一起,他們在乎的是給領買些高貴的東西,指望著自己有機會高升,和小三在一起,我就不多說瞭,對於我們農村的孩子來說,我們希望物美價廉,不是我們想買盜版貨,不是我們愛到批發部去買,也不是我們愛和小販斤斤計較,是我們微薄的收入難以支付。總的來說購物本身是一個開心的過程,從中我們利用自己的勞動購買自己需要的東西。京東商城的東西太便宜瞭,所以我來買瞭。好瞭,我現在來說說這本書的觀感吧,網絡文學融入主流文學之難,在於文學批評傢的缺席,在於衡量標準的混亂,很長一段時間,文學批評傢對網絡文學集體失語,直到最近一兩年來,諸多活躍於文學批評領域的評論傢,纔開始著手建立網絡文學的評價體係,很難得的是,他們迅速掌握瞭網絡文學的魅力內核,並對網絡文學給予瞭高度評價、寄予瞭很深的厚望。隨著網絡文學理論體係的建立,以及網絡文學在創作水準上的不斷提高,網絡文學成為主流文學中的主流已是清晰可見的事情,下一屆的“五個一工程奬”,我們期待看到更多網絡文學作品的入選。

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