The Souls of China epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
The Souls of China epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Ian Johnson is a regular contributor to The New York Review of Books and The New York Times; his work has also appeared in The New Yorker and National Geographic. During more than twenty years of working in China he has won the Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting and the Shorenstein lifetime achievement award for covering Asia. An advising editor for the Journal of Asian Studies, he also teaches university courses on religion and society at the Beijing Center for Chinese Studies. He is the author of two other books that also focus on the intersection of politics and religion: Wild Grass: Three Stories of Change in China, and A Mosque in Munich: Nazis, the CIA, and the Rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in the West. He lives in Beijing.
China is in the midst of one of the world’s great spiritual awakenings: some 300 million Chinese currently practice a faith, while tens of millions more follow personal gurus, populist masters and New Age sages. This astonishing revival began in 1982 when the Communist Party pledged to allow what it thought would be a small-scale practice of religion under government supervision. But the faithful have expanded far beyond the Party’s expectations: Today, China’s cities and villages are filled with new temples, churches, and mosques as well as cults, sects and politicians trying to harness religion for their own ends. Fueling this resurgence is a popular desire to rediscover a moral compass in a society driven by naked capitalism.
For six years, Pulitzer Prize–winning writer Ian Johnson lived for extended periods with three religious communities: the underground Early Rain Protestant congregation in Chengdu, the Ni family’s Buddhist pilgrimage association in Beijing, and yinyang Daoist priests in rural Shanxi. Johnson distills these experiences into a cycle of festivals, births, deaths, detentions, and struggle that reveals the hearts and minds of the Chinese people—a great awakening of faith that is shaping the soul of the world’s newest superpower.
The Souls of China epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
The Souls of China 下載 epub mobi pdf txt 電子書The Souls of China mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 下載 2025
The Souls of China epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載##如果可以,我希望每個人都能讀到這本關於宗教與信仰,卻又遠不止於此的書。此條目曾被刪除,我也不方便寫下太多。不知是否受生理期激素影響,杜牧《清明》的英譯版竟叫我熱淚盈眶,我為中文的美妙,更為其意境所摺服,我為終於領悟到文字之美而哭泣(說來矯情卻是事實)。若有機會,我很想去書中反復提及的成都看看,我想切身體會這座城市的自由。此書為微觀視角,即從個人角度所齣發,雖屬不得已而為之,但好在我願意聆聽每個人的故事及個中的喜怒哀樂。我想我是愛這個國傢的:我深愛著的是生活在這片土地上,每一個活生生的人。
評分##深度報導上乘之作,字裏行間敏銳與同情兼具。國傢忽而齣手忽而利用,宗教作為無法根除的人性天然渴望和推動公民社會的思想與組織資源,在陰晴不定的時局下展現齣堪比Great Awakening的復興。多處細節令人嘆惋,尤其心知過兩年就寫不齣這樣的文字瞭。遺憾在於著眼點和一手材料:穆斯林、天主教徒缺席,對製度化宗教近乎全然規避,從頭到尾一群散兵遊勇——或許是不得已的微觀史。
評分 評分 評分##對20-21世紀中國religion/state曆史有一個很有意思、細緻入微的記錄,雖然有其bias以及忽略的細節。喜歡它的文筆和架構。
評分##深度報導上乘之作,字裏行間敏銳與同情兼具。國傢忽而齣手忽而利用,宗教作為無法根除的人性天然渴望和推動公民社會的思想與組織資源,在陰晴不定的時局下展現齣堪比Great Awakening的復興。多處細節令人嘆惋,尤其心知過兩年就寫不齣這樣的文字瞭。遺憾在於著眼點和一手材料:穆斯林、天主教徒缺席,對製度化宗教近乎全然規避,從頭到尾一群散兵遊勇——或許是不得已的微觀史。
評分The Souls of China epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025