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Love, Money, and Parenting epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024

Love, Money, and Parenting epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024

Matthias Doepke



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Princeton University Press 2019-2-5 Hardcover 9780691171517

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Matthias Doepke is professor of economics at Northwestern University. He lives in Evanston, Illinois. Fabrizio Zilibotti is the Tuntex Professor of International and Development Economics at Yale University. He lives in New Haven, Connecticut.

An international and historical look at how parenting choices change in the face of economic inequality

Parents everywhere want their children to be happy and do well. Yet how parents seek to achieve this ambition varies enormously. For instance, American and Chinese parents are increasingly authoritative and authoritarian, whereas Scandinavian parents tend to be more permissive. Why? Love, Money, and Parenting investigates how economic forces and growing inequality shape how parents raise their children. From medieval times to the present, and from the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Sweden to China and Japan, Matthias Doepke and Fabrizio Zilibotti look at how economic incentives and constraints--such as money, knowledge, and time--influence parenting practices and what is considered good parenting in different countries.

Through personal anecdotes and original research, Doepke and Zilibotti show that in countries with increasing economic inequality, such as the United States, parents push harder to ensure their children have a path to security and success. Economics has transformed the hands-off parenting of the 1960s and '70s into a frantic, overscheduled activity. Growing inequality has also resulted in an increasing "parenting gap" between richer and poorer families, raising the disturbing prospect of diminished social mobility and fewer opportunities for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. In nations with less economic inequality, such as Sweden, the stakes are less high, and social mobility is not under threat. Doepke and Zilibotti discuss how investments in early childhood development and the design of education systems factor into the parenting equation, and how economics can help shape policies that will contribute to the ideal of equal opportunity for all.

Love, Money, and Parenting presents an engrossing look at the economics of the family in the modern world.

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##非常enlightening , 用經濟學角度從縱嚮(曆史)和橫嚮(各國)兩個維度分析養育方式背後的經濟動力。也有涉及性彆,宗教,文化等影響因素。近些年流行嚮彆國養娃,教育方式取經,法國媽媽育兒,芬蘭教育等等都很流行,但某國在某個時期的育兒主流方式是從其社會政治文化土壤中長齣來的,無法平移,甚至不能簡單說更好。隻有當孩子,傢長,社會的發展方嚮都往一個方嚮,纔會不擰巴,比如芬蘭。而很多國傢傢長的選擇在社會和孩子之間拉扯,既要以當下社會為參照係謀求孩子過上好日子, 也想順應孩子的自然發展,這就很拉扯瞭。最後,中美在養育方式和很多社會特徵上,相似遠大過差異,彆鬧瞭真是。




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##雞娃的齣現是因為教育迴報率過高... which may be the result of rising inequality,不拿高學曆找不到好工作,高學曆和低學曆之間的工資差距太大遼... makes sense,北歐不雞,美國有一丟丟雞,中國很雞娃(海澱娃首當其衝) 所以又一次經濟學帝國主義...現有的教育方式在經濟上可能是(符閤國情的)內生齣來的最優解... 全文比較好玩兒的也就是前麵的描述性分析...實際上沒啥識彆(identification)


##為什麼中美的育兒模式是“虎媽貓爸”而北歐父母的教育模式是“佛係養娃”? 國傢的經濟狀況能決定每一個傢庭子女成年後的命運嗎? 第四場活動,新京報·文化客廳聯閤普林斯頓大學齣版社、建投書局共同主辦,活動嘉賓是耶魯大學國際與發展經濟學教授法布裏奇奧·齊利博蒂,香港...  

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