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世界名著典藏系列:道德情操论(英文全本) epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025

[英] 亚当·斯密 著



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出版社: 世界图书出版公司
丛书名: 世界名著典藏系列

世界名著典藏系列:道德情操论(英文全本) epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025

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  在中国现代化的进程中,西方哲学社会科学始终是最重要的思想资源。然而,一个令人遗憾的事实是,自19 世纪末20 世纪初“西学东渐”起,国人对于西学的了解,基本上是凭借零星的翻译和介绍,认真地去读原著的人少之又少。这些中译本,囿于译者的眼光和水平,往往与原著出入颇大。因此,国人谈论西学的情景,很像是瞎子摸象,虽然各执一词,却皆不得要领。




1 Part I
1.1 Of the Sense of Propriety
1.1.1 Of Sympathy
1.1.2 Of the Pleasure of mutual Sympathy
1.1.3 Of the Manner in which we judge of the Propriety or Im-
propriety of the Affections of other Men, by their concord
or dissonance with out own
1.1.4 The same Subject continued
1.1.5 Of the amiable and respectable Virtues
1.2 Of the Degrees of the different Passions which are consistent with Propriety
1.2.1 Of the Passions which take their origin from the Body
1.2.2 Of those Passions which take their origin from a partic-ular turn or habit of the Imagination
1.2.3 Of the Unsocial Passions
1.2.4 Of the Social Passions
1.2.5 Of the Selfish Passions
1.3 Of the Effects of Prosperity and Adversity upon the Judgment
of Mankind with regard to the Propriety of Action; and why it
is more easy to obtain their Approbation in the one state than
in the other
1.3.1 That though our sympathy with Sorrow is generally a
more lively sensation than our sympathy with Joy, it
commonly falls much more short of the violence of what
is naturally felt by the person principally concerned
1.3.2 Of the origin of Ambition, and of the distinction of Ranks
1.3.3 Of the corruption of our Moral Sentiments, which is oc-
casioned by this disposition to admire the rich and the
great, and to despise or neglect persons of poor and mean
2 Part II
2.1 Of the Sense of Merit and Demerit
2.1.1 That whatever appears to be the proper object of grat-
itude, appears to deserve reward; and that, in the same
manner, whatever appears to be the proper object of resentment appears to deserve punishment
2.1.2 Of the proper Objects of Gratitude and Resentment
2.1.3 That where there is no approbation of the conduct of the
person who confers the benefit, there is little sympathy,
with the gratitude of him who receives it; and that, on the
contrary, where there is no disapprobation of the motives
of the person who does the mischief, there is no sort of
sympathy with the resentment of him who suffers it
2.1.4 Recapitulation of the foregoing Chapters
2.1.5 The Analysis of the Sense of Merit and Demerit
2.2 Of Justice and Beneficence
2.2.1 Comparison of those two Virtues
2.2.2. Of the sense of Justice, of Remorse, and of the conscious-
ness of Merit
2.2.3 Of the utility of this constitution of Nature
2.3 Of the Influence of Fortune upon the Sentiments of Mankind,
with regard to the Merit or Demerit of Actions
2.3.1 Of the Causes of this Influence of Fortune
2.3.2 Of the Extent of this Influence of Fortune
2.3.3 Of the final cause of this Irregularity of Sentiments
3 Part III
3.1 Of the Principle of Self-approbation and of Self-disapprobation
3.2 Of the love of Praise, and of that of Praise-worthiness; and of the dread of Blame,
and of that of Blame-worthiness
3.3 Of the Influences and Authority of Conscience
3.4 Of the Nature of Self-deceit, and of the Origin and Use of general Rules
3.5 Of the Influence and Authority of the general Rules of Morality,
and that they are justly regarded as the Laws of the Deity
3.6 In what cases the Sense of Duty ought to be the sole Principle
of our Conduct; and in what cases it ought to concur with other
4 Part IV
4.1 Of the Beauty which the Appearance of Utility bestows upon
all the Productions of Art, and of the extensive Influence of this
Species of Beauty
4.2 Of the Beauty which the Appearance of Utility bestows upon
the Characters and Actions of Men; and how far the Perception
of this Beauty may be regarded as one of the original Principles
of Approbation
5 Part V
5.1 Of the Influence of Custom and Fashion upon our notions of
Beauty and Deformity
5.2 Of the Influence of Custom and Fashion upon Moral Sentiments
6 Part VI
6.1 Of the Character of the Individual, so far as it affects his own
Happiness; or of Prudence
6.2 Of the Character of the Individual, so far as it can affect the
Happiness of other People
6.2.1 Of the Order in which Individuals are recommended by
Nature to our care and attention
6.2.2 Of the Order in which Societies are by nature recommended to our Beneficence
6.2.3 Of Universal Benevolence
6.3 Of Self-command
7 Part VII
7.1 Of the Questions which ought to be examined in a Theory of
Moral Sentiments
7.2 Of the different Accounts which have been given of the Nature of Virtue
7.2.1 Of those Systems which make Virtue consist in Propriety
7.2.2 Of those Systems which make Virtue consist in Prudence
7.2.3 Of those Systems which make Virtue consist in Benevolence
7.2.4 Of Licentious Systems
7.3 Of the Different Systems which have been Formed Concerning
the Principle of Approbation
7.3.1 Of those Systems which deduce the Principle of Approbation from Self-love
7.3.2 Of those Systems which make Reason the Principle of Approbation
7.3.3 Of those Systems which make Sentiment the Principle of Approbation
7.4 Of the Manner in which different Authors have treated of the
practical Rules of Morality


  Mankind, at the same time, have a very strong sense of the injuries that are done to another. The villain, in a tragedy or romance, is as much the object of our indignation, as the hero is that of our sympathy and affection.We detest Iago as much as we esteem Othello; and delight as much in the punishment of the one, as we are grieved at the distress of the other. But though mankind have so strong a fellow-feeling with the injuries that are done to their brethren, they do not always resent them the more that the sufferer appears to resent them. Upon most occasions, the greater his patience, his mildness, his humanity, provided it does not appear that he wants spirit, or that fear was the motive of his forbearance, the higher their resentment against the person who injured him. The amiableness of the character exasperates their sense of the atrocity of the injury.  These passions, however, are regarded as necessary parts of the character of human nature. A person becomes contemptible who tamely sits still, and submits to insults, without attempting either to repel or to revenge them. We cannot enter into his indifference and insensibility. we call his behaviour mean-spiritedness, and are as really provoked by it as by the insolence of his adversary.Even the mob are enraged to see any man submit patiently to affronts and ill usage. They desire to see this insolence resented, and resented by the person who suffers from it. They cry to him with fury, to defend, or to revenge himself.If his indignation rouses at last, they heartily applaud, and sympathize with it. It enlivens their own indignation against his enemy, whom they rejoice to see him attack in his turn, and are as really gratified by his revenge, provided it is not immoderate, as if the injury had been done to themselves.  But though the utility of those passions to the individual, by rendering it dangerous to insult or injure him, be acknow16dged; and though their utility to the public, as the guardians ofjustice, and of the equality of its adrrunistration, be not less considerable, as shall be shewn hereafter; yet there is still something disagreeable in the passions themselves, which makes the appearance of them in other men the natural object of our aversion. The expression of anger to- wards any body present, if it exteeds a bare intimation that we are sensible of his ill usage, is regarded not only as an insult to that particular person, but as a rudeness to the whole company. Respect for them ought to have restrained us from giving way to so boisterous and offensive an emotion. It is the remote effccts of these passions which are agre

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