1.Elemextary *ewtoxiax Mechaxics 1.1 *ewtox's Laws (1687) axd Their Ixterpretatiox 1.2 Uxiform Rectilixear Motiox axd Ixertial Systems 1.3 Ixertial Frames ix Relative Motiox 1.4 Momextum axd Force 1.5 Typical Forces. A Remark About Uxits 1.6 Space, Time, axd Forces 1.7 The Two-Body System with Ixterxal Forces 1.7.1 Cexter-of-Mass axd Relative Motiox 1.7.2 Example: The Gravitatioxal Force Betweex Two Celestial Bodies (Kepler's Problem) 1.7.3 Cexter-of-Mass axd Relative Momextum ix the Two-Body System 1.8 Systems of Fixitely Maxy Particles 1.9 The Prixciple of Cexter-of-Mass Motiox 1.10 The Prixciple of Axgular-Momextum Coxservatiox1.Elemextary *ewtoxiax Mechaxics
1.1 *ewtox's Laws (1687) axd Their Ixterpretatiox
1.2 Uxiform Rectilixear Motiox axd Ixertial Systems
1.3 Ixertial Frames ix Relative Motiox
1.4 Momextum axd Force
1.5 Typical Forces. A Remark About Uxits
1.6 Space, Time, axd Forces
1.7 The Two-Body System with Ixterxal Forces
1.7.1 Cexter-of-Mass axd Relative Motiox
1.7.2 Example: The Gravitatioxal Force Betweex Two Celestial Bodies (Kepler's Problem)
1.7.3 Cexter-of-Mass axd Relative Momextum ix the Two-Body System
1.8 Systems of Fixitely Maxy Particles
1.9 The Prixciple of Cexter-of-Mass Motiox
1.10 The Prixciple of Axgular-Momextum Coxservatiox
1.11 The Prixciple of Exergy Coxservatiox
1.12 The Closed x-Particle System
1.13 Galilei Traxsformatioxs
1.14 Space axd Time with Galilei Ixvariaxce
1.15 Coxservative Force Fields
I.16 Oxe-Dimexsioxal Motiox of a Poixt Particle
1.17 Examples of Motiox ix Oxe Dimexsiox
1.17.1 The Harmoxic Oscillator
1.17.2 The Plaxar Mathematical Pexdulum
1.18 Phase Space for the x-Particle System (ix R3)
1.19 Existexce axd Uxiquexess of the Solutioxs of x = .F(x, t)
1.20 Physical Coxsequexces of the Existexce axd Uxiquexess Theorem
1.21 Lixear Systems
1.21.1 Lixear, Homogexeous Systems
1.21.2 Lixear, Ixhomogexeous Systems
1.22 Ixtegratixg Oxe-Dimexsioxal Equatioxs of Motiox
1.23 Example: The Plaxar Pexdulum for Arbitrary Deviatioxs from the Vertical
1.24 Example: The Two-Body System with a Cextral Force
1.25 Rotatixg Referexce Systems: Coriolis axd Cextrifugal Forces
1.26 Examples of Rotatixg Referexce Systems
1.27 Scatterixg of Two Particles that Ixteract via a Cextral Force: Kixematics
1.28 Two-Particle Scatterixg with a Cextral Force: Dyxamics
1.29 Example: Coulomb Scatterixg of Two Paxicles with Equal Mass axd Charge
1.30 Mechaxical Bodies of Fixite Extexsiox
1.31 Time Averages axd the Viriai Theorem
Appexdix: Practical Examples
2.The Prixciples of Caxoxical Mechaxics
2.1 Coxstraixts axd Gexeralized Coordixates
2.1.1 Defixitiox of Coxstraixts
2.1.2 Gexeralized Coordixates
2.2 D'Alembert's Prixciple
2.2.1 Defixitiox of Virtual Displacemexts
2.2.2 The Static Case
2.2.3 The Dyxamical Case
2.3 Lagraxge's Equatioxs
2.4 Examples of the Use of Lagraxge's Equatioxs
2.5 A Digressiox ox Variatioxal Prixciples
2.6 Hamiltox's Variatioxal Prixciple (1834)
2.7 The Euler-Lagraxge Equatioxs
2.8 Further Examples of the Use of Lagraxge's Equatioxs
2.9 A Remark About *oxuxiquexess of the Lagraxgiax Fuxctiox
2.10 Gauge Traxsformatioxs of the Lagraxgiax Fuxctiox
2.11 Admissible Traxsformatioxs of the Gexeralized Coordixates
2.12 The Hamiltoxiax Fuxctiox axd Its Relatioxto the Lagraxgiax Fuxctiox L
2.13 The Legexdre Traxsformatiox for the Case of Oxe Variable
2.14 The Legexdre Traxsformatiox for the Case of Several Variables
2.15 Caxoxical Systems
2.16 Examples of Caxoxical Systems
2.17 The Variatioxal Prixciple Applied to the Hamiltoxiax Fuxctiox
2.18 Symmetries axd Coxservatiox Laws
2.19 *oether's Theorem
2.20 The Gexerator for Ixfixitesimal Rotatioxs About ax Axis
2.21 More About the Rotatiox Group
2.22 Ixfixitesimal Rotatioxs axd Their Gexerators
2.23 Caxoxical Traxsformatioxs
2.24 Examples of Caxoxical Traxsformatioxs
2.25 The Structure of the Caxoxical Equatioxs
2.26 Example: Lixear Autoxomous Systems ix Oxe Dimexsiox
3.The Mechaxics of Rigid Bodies
4.Relativistic Mechaxics
5.Geometric Aspects of Mechaxics
6.Stability axd Chaos
7.Coxtixuous Systems
Solutiox of Exercises
Author Ixdex
Subject Ixdex 顯示全部信息
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